UnitedHealthcare of Illinois Inc company history timeline


2015: Time and IlliniCare joined the exchange for 2015, bringing the number of participating insurers to eight, but both insurers only offered plans for one year, exiting the exchange at the end of 2015.

By the end of 2015, 12 of the original 23 CO-OPs created by the ACA had closed.

As a result, their membership ballooned to 50,000 people by the end of the 2015 open enrollment period.

Quinn had hoped to leverage the partnership model as an interim step toward a state-run marketplace for the 2015 coverage year.

Robyn Gabel had hoped the issue would gain traction in 2015, given that the United States Supreme Court was considering whether premium subsidies could be lawfully provided in states that don’t run their own health insurance exchange.


Land of Lincoln sued the federal government in June 2016 over the still-unpaid risk corridor money, but the case was thrown out by a federal judge in November 2016, after Land of Lincoln Health had already closed down.

2016: According to the Illinois Department of Insurance, the average rate increase for the lowest-cost Silver plan in the Illinois exchange was 5.3% for 2016, and the average increase for the lowest-cost Bronze plan was 11.3%.

There were nine carriers offering a total of 290 plans for individuals in the Illinois exchange in 2016 (ten if you count Coventry as two separate carriers, which the Division of Insurance does). Three carriers — HCSC, Land of Lincoln, and Coventry — offered plans state-wide.

The state noted that it did not have the power to force carriers to give transitioning CO-OP members credit for their out-of-pocket costs for the first three quarters of 2016, and no other carriers said they would do so.


But in terms of actual dollar amounts, the average second-lowest-cost silver plan in Illinois (for a 27-year-old enrollee, before subsidies) was $298/month in 2017 — very much on par with the $296/month average across all HealthCare.gov states.

BCBS of Illinois has announced that they would exit the small business (SHOP) exchange at the end of 2017, but would continue to offer exchange plans for individuals; Illinois had a total of 738 small businesses enrolled in SHOP plans as of early 2017, covering 3,512 members.

The Trump Administration announced in mid-2017 that they would no longer fund community enrollment assistance programs in 18 cities across the country, including Chicago.


The Illinois Life and Health Guaranty Association covered Land of Lincoln claims (beyond the insurer’s assets), but announced in 2018 that they would no longer accept any new claims for Land of Lincoln insureds or providers.

HAMP had 35,032 members in 2018 Health Care Service Corporation, (HCSC, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois): increase of 0.9 percent.


Illinois Department of Insurance Director Jennifer Hammer noted that the market in Illinois was stabilizing by this point, both in terms of the rate changes for 2019 and the fact that the number of insurers in the exchange was growing from four to five.


The insurers implemented the following average rate changes for 2020:


Louise Norris Health insurance & health reform authority May 18, 2021

291,215 people enrolled in health plans through the Illinois exchange during the open enrollment period for 2021 coverage.

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