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The Chicano/a Research Collection was first established in 1970 by Christine Marin to preserve and protect Latine history in Arizona and the American Southwest, said Nancy Godoy, an associate archivist of the collection and lead of the Community-Driven Archives Initiative.


Marin retired in 2010, and it has been Godoy’s mission since to continue Marin’s legacy throughout her time at ASU.


When Godoy started in 2012, a statewide survey went out to understand how marginalized communities have been represented in archives.


Godoy also leads the Community Driven Archives, which originated in 2017.


According to previous reporting from The State Press, 2020-21 CA contracts were not released until late July — months later than in previous years — and staff were only given a few days to sign.

Green, a lead CA at the time who requested anonymity due to fear of retaliation from the University that could affect their current employment, said staff morale progressively worsened as the fall 2020 semester wore on.

Ng said she had several private Zoom meetings with multiple Housing and University administrators throughout fall 2020.

In fall 2020, Stevenson worried about the health of immunocompromised co-workers and residents and said they felt the University had set an ultimatum of choosing between their education and their health.

At the beginning of the fall 2020 semester, the University made the decision as part of its COVID-19 protocol to limit the number of entry points at all residence halls.

Over the 2020-21 year, The State Press recorded at least 14 trespassing incidents, which includes ASU police reports and CA retellings, involving outsiders following residents and entering the complex's empty rooms.

Sletten did not directly respond to questions that residence halls were understaffed or that a hiring freeze was in place during fall 2020.


27, 2021, Marken was the CA on duty when she got a call from a resident near midnight.

Green said some other CAs began communicating with UCW Arizona in spring 2021.


Reach the diversity officer for the Spring 2022 semester at or follow @AnushaNat1 on Twitter.

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