Find The Best Taxation Jobs For You

Where do you want to work?

Taxation majors have a hard time finding a job right out of college. Graduates with a taxation degree are entering a strange job market and it can be hard to find your first job in taxation. To make finding a job easier, Zippia scanned through 2,812 taxation major resumes to identify the jobs taxation majors most prefer.

Highest-Paying Jobs With a Taxation Degree

  1. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions. They assess the performance of stocks, bonds, and other types of investments.
  2. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    New York, NY;  Atlanta, GA;  Houston, TX;  
    Job Description:
    Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
  3. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Houston, TX;  Atlanta, GA;  New York, NY;  
    Job Description:
    Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
  4. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
  5. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
  6. Starting Salary
    Job openings
  7. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
  8. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    New York, NY;  Sacramento, CA;  Albuquerque, NM;  
    Job Description:
    Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.
  9. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Baton Rouge, LA;  Buffalo, NY;  Odessa, TX;  
    Job Description:
    Tax examiners and collectors, and revenue agents ensure that federal, state, and local governments get their tax money from businesses and citizens. They review tax returns, conduct audits, identify taxes owed, and collect overdue tax payments.
  10. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    A Tax Preparer is responsible for income tax preparation for individuals and companies. They review financial records, such as income statements and documentation of expenditures to determine the forms needed to prepare tax returns.

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What can you do with a taxation degree?

Zippia created a taxation career map to help recent graduates find career paths. It's based on real resumes from job seekers with bachelor's degrees in taxation. The map shows the most common jobs taxation majors take throughout the first four jobs of their careers.

Taxation Major Jobs

Average taxation major salary

Taxation major salaries vary significantly by industry. Graduates with a taxation bachelor's degree who work in the health care industry have an average salary of $112,118, while those graduates who work in the government industry have an average salary of $61,580. If pay is important to you, then you should look for taxation jobs in the health care industry.

Average taxation major salary by industry

RankIndustryAverage Taxation Salary Taxation Salary Range
1Health Care

Entry-level taxation major jobs

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Taxation internships

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