R.W. Sidley, Inc. was established in 1933 as a mining and manufacturing company. Since then we have continued to build our company through the development of high quality products derived from our original core products of silica sand and bank gravel. As a full service supplier R.W. Sidley, Inc. provides a broad range of construction solutions for today's building industry. We manufacture and supply bulk aggregates, industrial minerals, ready-mix concrete, masonry block products, structural and architectural precast components, and building supplies. All of these products and more are transported with our own, modern trucking fleet. This unmatched, vertical integration of our operation allows us to supply you with consistent, high quality products that are delivered on time. At R.W. Sidley, Inc., we are determined to add value and are positioned to react to the ever changing dynamics of the marketplace. With multiple ready-mix concrete, precast and block manufacturing facilities, we have the ability to service the most demanding commercial projects as well as your residential driveway or landscaping needs. As transportation professionals, we recognize that the key to cost effective distribution is strategically locating your products. J.P. Jenks Trucking and Warehousing, a wholly owned subsidiary of R.W. Sidley, operates a large, contemporary warehouse and bulk product bagging facility for short or long term storage and/or distribution. Our modern, sleepered fleet of tractors can transport your products on almost any type of trailer, over the road/for hire truck load and LTL service throughout the United States and Canada. R. W. Sidley has been a distributor of Mack trucks since 1948 and has also added Volvo and Mitsubishi trucks to our line of heavy and medium duty trucks. As one of the premier dealers in the Midwest, we offer new and previously owned trucks, trailers and vehicle apparatuses geared for the construction industry. We believe that continuous improvement is the key to growth. To accomplish this we are continuously investing in state of the art batching, manufacturing and recycling equipment. Our internal testing laboratory is staffed by certified technicians that maintain affiliations with leading industry organizations. Together this ensures that we can supply you with the products, services and information that will make your projects successful.R.W. Sidley has been around for a long time. It was founded back in 1933. This established company loves to hire graduates from University of Toledo, with 26.7% of its employees having attended University of Toledo. R.W. Sidley is a great place to work and is featured as number 14 on Zippia's list of Best Companies to Work for in Painesville, OH.The average employee at R.W. Sidley makes $50,596 per year, which is competitive for its industry and location. Some of its highest paying competitors, Oldcastle Precast, Texas Industries, and Delaware Valley Concrete Co., pay $59,917, $53,640, and $51,839, respectively.R.W. Sidley is a medium construction company with 500 employees and an annual revenue of $132.0M that is headquartered in Ohio.
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The key people at R.W. Sidley is Robert C. Sidley.
Key People
Robert C. Sidley
R.W. Sidley Rankings
R.W. Sidley is ranked #14 on the Best Companies to Work For in Painesville, OH list. Zippia's Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies. Rankings are based on government and proprietary data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity.
The average an R.W. Sidley salary in the United States is $50,596 per year.
R.W. Sidley employees in the top 10 percent can make over $88,000 per year,
while R.W. Sidley employees at the bottom 10 percent earn less than $28,000 per year.
Average R.W. Sidley Salary
$24.32 hourly
Updated March 14, 2024
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R.W. Sidley diversity
Diversity Score
We calculated R.W. Sidley’s diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of R.W. Sidley’s workforce.
R.W. Sidley diversity summary. Zippia estimates R.W. Sidley's demographics and statistics using a database of 30 million profiles. Zippia verifies estimates with BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. We calculated R.W. Sidley's diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of R.W. Sidley's workforce.
R.W. Sidley has 500 employees.
13% of R.W. Sidley employees are women, while 87% are men.
The most common ethnicity at R.W. Sidley is White (77%).
10% of R.W. Sidley employees are Black or African American.
6% of R.W. Sidley employees are Hispanic or Latino.
The average employee at R.W. Sidley makes $50,596 per year.
Employees at R.W. Sidley stay with the company for 7.8 years on average.
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R.W. Sidley Financial Performance
Performance Score
Highest paying R.W. Sidley competitors
Compare R.W. Sidley salaries to competitors, including Oldcastle Precast, Texas Industries, and Delaware Valley Concrete Co. Employees at Oldcastle Precast earn the highest average yearly salary of $59,917. The salaries at Texas Industries average $53,640 per year, and the salaries at Delaware Valley Concrete Co. come in at $51,839 per year.
Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of R.W. Sidley, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about R.W. Sidley. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at R.W. Sidley. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by R.W. Sidley. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of R.W. Sidley and its employees or that of Zippia.
R.W. Sidley may also be known as or be related to R. W. Sidley Incorporated, R.W. Sidley, R.W. Sidley, Inc. and R.w. Sidley, Inc.