North Canton City Schools company history timeline


The area that would become North Canton was first settled by primarily German settlers in 1805 two years after the State of Ohio joined the Union.


By 1830 a small community had grow around the cross roads of what is today Main and Maple Streets.


An effort led by the town’s blacksmith, John Hower, resulted in the recording of the first Village Plat on February 19, 1831.


In 1901, the town began to be more closely linked to other communities in the area, especially as a result of the construction of the interurban railroad line between Canton and Akron.


The village grew over the latter half of the 19th century and with a population of 865 became officially incorporated on November 21, 1905.


The first village Council was organized in 1906.


As a result, the citizens of New Berlin voted to change the community's name to North Canton in January 1918.

In 1918, in response to anti-German sentiment in caused by World War 1 the village changed its name to North Canton.


In 1919, Hoover chose to change his business to manufacturing vacuum cleaners.


In 1930, the vacuum cleaner manufacturer employed 1,432 people, and the town's population was at 2,648.


Because of Hoover's contributions to North Canton, the residents chose to name the local high school after him in 1957.


130 years after the original village plat, in 1960, as the result of a large annexation, the Village was officially large enough to become a City.

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North Canton City Schools may also be known as or be related to Canton City School Board and North Canton City Schools.