Miami-Dade Public Library System company history timeline


On November 7, 1972, 14 new libraries were constructed when $34.7 million was authorized for land acquisition and the construction, renovation, equipment and furnishings of public libraries.


The Friends of the Library was incorporated in 1974 as a non-profit, volunteer organization to create support for the county library system.


Homestead's public library joined the county system on January 1, 1975.


The Hispanic Branch, Rama Hispanica, opened August 2, 1976 in Little Havana.


Wanner's retirement in 1978, Mrs.


In 1982, the Main Library opened in Downtown Miami at the newly constructed Cultural Plaza along with the History Miami Museum and Art Museum.


Finally in 1985, at the newly constructed Cultural Plaza in downtown Miami, a new Main Library opened.


The Miami Beach Public Library and its two branches became part of the Miami-Dade Public Library System in October 1986.


Services and programs expanded, and again the Library doubled in size with the construction and furnishing of a $1.3 million addition completed in 1991.


In 1992, the world’s first library on an elevated transit system opened at the Metrorail’s Civic Center station.


In 1994 the City appropriated funds for retrospective conversion, the first phase of the Library's automation project.


A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) was secured in 1995 to purchase equipment which translates written materials into either speech or Braille.


More CDBG money became available in 1997 allowing the Library to furnish and equip a Lifelong Learning Center wherein patrons may pursue such personal goals as a General Equivalency Diploma (GED), English as a Second Language etc.


Since 2001, eight newly‑constructed libraries have opened.


Zavish retired February 1st, 2002.

Ilene Zaleski was appointed Library Director in February, 2002.

Ilene Z. Vegazo.Late in 2002, the City of North Miami signed an agreement with Preserve Partners, Ltd. to develop the Munisport Landfill Site.


In 2003, branches opened in Naranja, Tamiami and Lakes of the Meadow.


North Miami Public Library received its first State Aid appropriation in January 2004.

In 2004, libraries opened in Concord and Palm Springs North.

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Miami-Dade Public Library System may also be known as or be related to Miami Dade Library System, Miami Dade Public Library System, Miami-Dade Public Library, Miami-Dade Public Library System and Miami-dade Public Library System.