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Rate McDonald's' leadership communication with employees.
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Global Chief Information Officer & Executive VP
Do you work at McDonald's?
Does leadership effectively guide McDonald's toward its goals?
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Board Member
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Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
You get to make people happy and depending on where you are and the people, you can make friends
It can be very stressful, some people are rude!
The food
Pretty good
I wouldn't want to improve anything besides bring the price down!
I practised with my parents
Being around great people who you will have fun with and would want to come back everyday to.
They really dislike overtime
Bravo bucks
She will always want to work with you regarding any of your issues.
I didn’t really I just showed up.
Theirs not really anything they need to improve on.
I’ve only ever been at McDonald’s and I’ve been compensated a good bit.
They do a good job.
The people without a doubt.
The free meal for our lunch break
A good environment with my fellow Co workers
Bad management
Being respectful to one and other
Learning about the establishment and dress nicely.
They respect your schedule
Not much. Some of my coworkers are terrific, and some customers are good people. Management at most McDonalds allows and contributes to a toxic environment. Bullying and abuse is done BY managers. Reporting to higher ups changes nothing. A lot of lip service, but no results
Abuse and bullying, including from managers. In our group, higher ups don't even want to be told that somebody is a good worker or manager. They say How would you know what makes a good employee or manager? Yeah duh. Maybe because I'm alive
None. We don't get any except free meals since pandemic. All that stuff about benefits is for general managers and above. Even first level managers have few benefits
Nothing. Fans of bullies and toxicity’s can thrive at McD’s. People who want to be mentally and emotionally healthy should avoid this company at all costs
Without extreme dedication from the very top and a strong will to overhaul everything related to the company, nothing can save McD’s
Filled out an application, mentally went over experiences at various McD’s, and checked out some of their media sites
Below average, but since the hospitality sector has lousy pay, that means pay is not enough for survival
Doesn’t really exist. Corporate tosses around a bunch of pictures and some literature about “Rah, rah! We think every human is great!” In reality, they are abusive to most employees and very abusive to non-typical people
Leaving at the end of my shift. While at work, the best parts are the good co-workers (there are some) and those customers who treat us like people
you can learn a lot fast.
upper Management can be a set back depending on which one you work for..
The nation wide employee discount. smilemaker.com is where you can buy Mcdonalds stuff an they offer 2.500 toward college of your choice.
they thought I had poetical and told me I'd make a good store manager one day,
have friendlier people in upper management..
I applied online and when I went for my interview they didn't have my info so I had to refill out an app when I got there an the lady that first interviewed me was awesome and friendly but they later let her go after she worked there 12 yrs it was sad to see her go..
its a fast setting but not like working with or in an office by no means.
The one I worked at needs to highly improve on that on the real..
difference in people an moods . the customers well most of the were very entertaining as well as the crew.
I thought the pros at working for McDonald's were the hourly pay was much higher than most minimum wage jobs and I worked good hours.
The camaraderie was not very good between crew members and I was often spoke about behind my back and mistreated. They showed me I was not welcome in the Hispanic group..My last day was being fired without authorization from the store manager when she asked me to come back and work I refused they made my job hard to keep. It was daily.
Lunch was on McDonald's. I really enjoyed being one of two members on that kept me focused and busy time would go back fast running back drive and doing front counter.
Energetic uplifting and firm she was not happy to see me go but I couldn't handle much more harassment and mistreatment almost all of them treated me like an outcast.
I would make it very clear that there should not be any biased behavior in an work environment nor should anyone bring the home or drama or demeanor thereof to work. Not exceptions...
I winged it,it was my first interview
This was my first job from then to now 50% it has gone up in market. It was 7:50 an hour 2005.
Money and freedom we with ability keep my children busy
nothing sad hopelesss
nothing no ice cream its sad that there is no one working for money and get paid mere tips
bad t shirt and jeans
more money because we do noot get paid enough and the managers are rude
going home after working and dealing with my boss and rude customers
No the best
Great people clean environment and you can get help whenever you honestly need and it’s in all a good place to work
Honestly you get paid almost nothing at all and not have any hours for a week or two
The meal after work and the break meal
Nothing really
By using the salary even by a little
I interviewed by just talking to them and asking questions
It’s way bellow average of $15 only being 11.25 Horrible
I don’t really know
Having a great team to be positive with
, talking to lots of customers and getting connections with them, learning how to get things done fast and under pressure
not a good working enviorment, managers were rude to staff and customers, under paid
free food
I thought McDonald's had many pros such as location, starting salary, schedule flexibility, sick leave. McDonald's does spend a lot on the uniforms for the team members. No
In my opinion the cons of working at McDonald's and I think this may pertain specifically. 99% of the staff are Hispanic. Over half of the Hispanic crew members do not know or understand English.
My favorite benefits os
Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of McDonald's, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about McDonald's. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at McDonald's. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by McDonald's. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of McDonald's and its employees or that of Zippia.
McDonald's may also be known as or be related to McDonald's, McDonald's Corporation, McDonald’s, McDonald’s USA LLC, Mcdonald's Corporation, mcdonald's crew member and Mcdonald Restaurant.