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Market Maker skills for your resume and career

Updated January 8, 2025
3 min read
Below we've compiled a list of the most critical market maker skills. We ranked the top skills for market makers based on the percentage of resumes they appeared on. For example, 11.2% of market maker resumes contained equity options as a skill. Continue reading to find out what skills a market maker needs to be successful in the workplace.

15 market maker skills for your resume and career

1. Equity Options

Here's how market makers use equity options:
  • Provided liquidity and executed volatility strategies as an Equity Options Market Maker on the CBOE * Developed and managed personal portfolio
  • Managed independent proprietary portfolio consisting of equity options and underlying stocks.

2. Portfolio Risk

Here's how market makers use portfolio risk:
  • Designed risk management sheets that bucketed and normalized portfolio risk.
  • Provided consistent portfolio risk management.


Here's how market makers use nasd:
  • Appointed as a NASD Disciplinary Panel Hearing Board Member (2006)
  • Registered broker and NASD market maker for major wholesaler Maintained markets in 20 over the counter stocks.

4. Financial Markets

Fіnаnсіаl mаrkеtѕ еnсоmраѕѕ аnу рlасе оr system thаt allows buyers аnd sellers tо trаdе financial іnѕtrumеntѕ, including bоndѕ, stocks, еԛuіtіеѕ, ѕесurіtіеѕ, foreign еxсhаngе, derivatives, rаw materials, and рrесіоuѕ metals. It serves аѕ an іntеrmеdіаrу bеtwееn іnvеѕtоrѕ аnd thе соllесtоr by mоbіlіzіng саріtаl bеtwееn thеm.

Here's how market makers use financial markets:
  • Assessed macroeconomic environment and daily events to determine impact on volatile financial markets and technology stocks.
  • Analyzed financial markets and entered equity trades based on economic analysis and risk management techniques.

5. Manage Risk

Here's how market makers use manage risk:
  • Created and programmed real time risk analysis and pricing tools to manage risk and track arbitrage opportunities.
  • Monitored and assisted other traders to manage risk within the guidelines of the company.

6. Equities

Here's how market makers use equities:
  • Analyzed market conditions and made decisions to buy/sell equities using fundamental and technical analysis.
  • Traded several equities and options names, managing all risk, capital and executing trades using electronic screen based software/technology.

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Here's how market makers use nyse:
  • Provided professional insight to FINRA in developing appropriate continuing education modules for licensed NYSE floor personnel.
  • Traded $5 million dollars of firm capital daily on a discretionary basis in small and large cap NYSE stocks.
Select Skills To Add To Your Resume

8. Arbitrage

Here's how market makers use arbitrage:
  • Developed a disciplined approach of trading to identify arbitrage opportunities through volatility curve analysis and option theory and pricing.
  • Capitalized on market inefficiencies and performed volatility arbitrage among correlated NASDAQ products traded across multiple floor and electronic exchanges.

9. Market Making

Here's how market makers use market making:
  • Identified and analyzed business strategies to enhance profitability of ETF market making business.
  • Presented an active market making presence valuable for continuous liquidity.

10. ETF

The Exchange-traded fund or ETF defines the shares that are bought and sold on a stock exchange at a bulk level. ETF includes; mutual funds, features and benefits of stocks traded, and mutual funds.

Here's how market makers use etf:
  • Established electronic markets in all Equity, Index, and ETF products.
  • Expanded ETF trading desk from 1 fund to 50 in 6 months (2003).

11. Technical Analysis

Technical analysis forecasts movements in finance instruments such as stock prices and investment opportunities using past data, charts, and statistics. This method contrasts with fundamental analysis which focus more on a company or investment's current financial situation.

Here's how market makers use technical analysis:
  • Incorporated the use of technical analysis/charting to identify trends within the variety of futures products traded at the NYBOT.
  • Assisted in providing research, sales, and trading with technical analysis of all issues under coverage.

12. Cboe

Here's how market makers use cboe:
  • Transferred from profitable Treasury trading group after 2 years to return to CBOE to develop new profit center in SPY.
  • Checked all the Bi-Annual Position Limits for 2014 by comparing CBOE's numbers with the Investment banks numbers.

13. Hedge Funds

A hedge fund is an investment partnership that has extensive liberty to invest aggressively and in a vast variety of financial products than most mutual funds. They are financial partnerships in which pooled funds are used and different strategies are employed to earn active returns for their investors.

Here's how market makers use hedge funds:
  • Committed banks capital to institutional accounts, hedge funds, and retail customers, then managed risk on a profitable basis.
  • Established relationship with a major hedge fund, resulting in substantially increased trading volume.

14. Derivative

Here's how market makers use derivative:
  • Priced and risk managed multiple positions in corporate derivatives, including accelerated share buyback programs and long-dated convertible bond/call spread overlays.
  • Dissected and managed complex derivative position risks, managed risks and interpreted complex financial documents.

15. Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is a vital part of business, finance, and economics. It entails the measuring and analysis of factors concerned with business, finance, concerning the economy. Companies, and businesses that deal with a financial transaction, which is all, require certain skills for this field.

Here's how market makers use fundamental analysis:
  • Perform technical and fundamental analysis of futures and volatility trends to formulate and execute options trading strategies on a daily basis.
  • Performed technical and fundamental analysis and recognized market trends to develop profitable trading strategies.

What skills help Market Makers find jobs?

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List of market maker skills to add to your resume

The most important skills for a market maker resume and required skills for a market maker to have include:

  • Equity Options
  • Portfolio Risk
  • NASD
  • Financial Markets
  • Manage Risk
  • Equities
  • NYSE
  • Arbitrage
  • Market Making
  • ETF
  • Technical Analysis
  • Cboe
  • Hedge Funds
  • Derivative
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Market Trends
  • Amex
  • Bloomberg
  • Institutional Clients
  • CME
  • Interest Rates
  • Stock Options
  • OTC
  • RAN
  • Market Data
  • Risk Analysis
  • FX
  • Brass
  • DPM
  • ISE
  • LLC
  • Small Cap
  • Competitive Market
  • Position Risk
  • Black-Scholes
  • QQQ
  • ADR
  • Stock Performance
  • ECN
  • Proprietary Software
  • Futures Positions
  • Customer Order Flow
  • Position Management
  • Algorithmic Trading

Updated January 8, 2025

Zippia Research Team
Zippia Team

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.