Law enforcement majors have a hard time finding a job right out of college. Graduates with a law enforcement degree are entering a strange job market and it can be hard to find your first job in law enforcement. To make finding a job easier, Zippia scanned through 8,228 law enforcement major resumes to identify the jobs law enforcement majors most prefer.

Highest-Paying Jobs With a Law Enforcement Degree

  1. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Baltimore, MD;  New York, NY;  Washington, DC;  
    Job Description:
    A Police Sergeant is responsible for supervising patrol officers and agents, as assigned. They oversee and assess the performance of subordinates, such as disciplinary actions, continued training, and counseling.
  2. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Private detectives and investigators search for information about legal, financial, and personal matters. They offer many services, such as verifying people’s backgrounds and statements, finding missing persons, and investigating computer crimes.
  3. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Police officers protect lives and property. Detectives and criminal investigators, who are sometimes called agents or special agents, gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes.
  4. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    New York, NY;  York, PA;  Chicago, IL;  
    Job Description:
    Police officers protect lives and property. Detectives and criminal investigators, who are sometimes called agents or special agents, gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes.
  5. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Jasper, TX;  New Iberia, LA;  Saint Martinville, LA;  
    Job Description:
    Police officers protect lives and property. Detectives and criminal investigators, who are sometimes called agents or special agents, gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes.
  6. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Houston, TX;  Washington, DC;  New Orleans, LA;  
    Job Description:
    Police officers protect lives and property. Detectives and criminal investigators, who are sometimes called agents or special agents, gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes.
  7. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Job Description:
    Correctional officers are responsible for overseeing individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or who have been sentenced to serve time in jail or prison. Bailiffs are law enforcement officers who maintain safety and order in courtrooms.
  8. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Fort Leonard Wood, MO;  Fort Hood, TX;  Fort Riley, KS;  
    Job Description:
    Police officers protect lives and property. Detectives and criminal investigators, who are sometimes called agents or special agents, gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes.
  9. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Security guards and gaming surveillance officers patrol and protect property against theft, vandalism, terrorism, and illegal activity.
  10. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Security guards and gaming surveillance officers patrol and protect property against theft, vandalism, terrorism, and illegal activity.

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What can you do with a law enforcement degree?

Zippia created a law enforcement career map to help recent graduates find career paths. It's based on real resumes from job seekers with bachelor's degrees in law enforcement. The map shows the most common jobs law enforcement majors take throughout the first four jobs of their careers.

Law Enforcement Major Jobs

Average law enforcement major salary

Average law enforcement major salary by industry

RankIndustryAverage Law Enforcement Salary Law Enforcement Salary Range

Entry-level law enforcement major jobs

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Law Enforcement internships

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