Hospital Housekeeping Systems, LLC provides hospital operation and support services in the areas of acute care and senior living. Its services include environmental services solutions, culinary and nutrition, patient flow, integrated facilities management, clinical and biomedical engineering, linen utilization and laundry management, and total support services. The company was founded in 1975 and is based in Austin, Texas.Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is a well-established company. It was founded way back in 1975. This time-proven company loves to hire graduates from University of Southern Mississippi, with 9.3% of its employees having attended University of Southern Mississippi. Want to explore some other great places to work in Austin, TX? You can check out our full list of Best Companies to Work For in Austin, TX.The average employee at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems makes $54,413 per year, which is quite competitive for its location and industry. In comparison, some of its highest paying competitors, like Healthcare Services Group, Crothall Healthcare, and HealthCare Services, pay $47,161, $42,677, and $38,482, respectively.Based in Austin, TX, Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is a key player in the health care industry with 4,500 employees and an annual revenue of $260.0M.
To be successful in identifying and serving our customers needs. Values: we are honest, problem solvers, quality driven, team oriented, proactive, adaptive, dedicated, balanced, humble, diverse.
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems employee reviews
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Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems employee reviews
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems employee reviews
Based On 6 Ratings
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Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Dec 2024
Pros of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
Housekeeping Lee memorial hospital in
Cons of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
Housekeeping Lee memorial hospital
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Benefits
Housekeeping Lee memorial hospital
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A zippia user wrote a review on Aug 2023
Cons of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
None, management stinks went through 15 managers, got into this company because the other company wanted to save money. No benefits unless you pay for them. If a holiday falls on a weekday your lucky,
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Benefits
When it’s time to go home
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A zippia user wrote a review on Dec 2022
Pros of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
They pay well.
Cons of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
They work you like a dog and give bad insurance. They "Save Money" by cutting hours and getting rid of necessary positions and only giving bad insurance that has no providers in the area.
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Benefits
my coworkers and the pay are the only reason I've stayed.
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A zippia user wrote a review on Jan 2021
Pros of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
Cleaning .
Cons of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
Im The Only Person That Works At Night So I Have To Do All Of The Running Around In The Hospital So I Tend To Get Overwhelmed .
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Benefits
Making The Hospital A Clean Environment For People .
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A zippia user wrote a review on May 2020
Pros of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
Excellent work/life balance. Excellent health insurance. Emergency employee assistance.
Cons of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
Not much opportunity for advancement
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Benefits
Flex schedule and insurance
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A zippia user wrote a review on Feb 2020
Pros of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
The daily challenges that are presented each day keep excitement and freshness in the mix of my daily work routine
Cons of working at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
I don’t have a lot of time with family and friends
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Benefits
The benefit of learning new angels of the business side of things
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The team at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems
The founders of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is Jim Spry.
The key people at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is Jim Spry.
Key People
Jim Spry
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Rankings
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is ranked #18 on the Best Health Care Companies to Work For in Austin, TX list. Zippia's Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies. Rankings are based on government and proprietary data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity.
Rate Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems' commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems diversity
Diversity Score
We calculated Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems’s diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems’s workforce.
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems diversity summary. Zippia estimates Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems's demographics and statistics using a database of 30 million profiles. Zippia verifies estimates with BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. We calculated Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems's diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems's workforce.
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems has 4,500 employees.
47% of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems employees are women, while 53% are men.
The most common ethnicity at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is White (57%).
18% of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems employees are Hispanic or Latino.
17% of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems employees are Black or African American.
The average employee at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems makes $54,413 per year.
Employees at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems stay with the company for 3.4 years on average.
Do you work at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems?
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Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Office Locations
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems is headquartered in Austin, TX
Biggest Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems Locations
Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems and its employees or that of Zippia.
Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems may also be known as or be related to Hhs - Hospital Housekeeping Systems, Hospital Housekeeping Systems LLC, Hospital Housekeeping Systems, Inc and Hospital Housekeeping Systems, LLC.