Hillandale Communities company history timeline


Since 1962, the Dixon family has cared for people as if they were part of their own family.

A second pool, West Hillandale Swim Club, opens in 1962 and a second elementary school, Cresthaven, opens.


Anne Archbold died at Nassau, 1968 (“Park Donor Anne Archbold, 94, Dies”, Washington Post, March 28, 1968, C14)


1973, French Chancery purchased 8 acres.


1978 John Archbold leased 42 acres to Texas developer CW Murchison.


Intended as a private community with mansion as clubhouse, private trash collection, internal road system; about 30% to be left open or wooded. (NW Current, March, 1979?)


In 1980, a decision was made to hold a total dispersal sale of the Guernsey herd and move to a smaller herd of Black Angus cattle which were less labor intensive.


In 1987, the development plan for the Croasdaile Farm community was approved.


In addition, in 1994, the United Methodist Retirement Homes purchased 100 acres within Croasdaile Farm to construct the current Croasdaile Village retirement community in which over 600 residents now reside.

National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form, 1994:

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