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Giant Eagle is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA and has 23 office and retail locations located throughout the US. See if Giant Eagle is hiring near you.
Departments: Retail, Marketing, Hospitality/Service, Engineering, Other, Warehouse, IT, Plant/Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Sales, Customer Service, Facilities, Administrative, Business Development, Human Resources, Research & Development, Healthcare, Accounting, Finance, Construction, Real Estate, Non Profit/Government, Education, Legal, Sports/Entertainment, Art/Design, Corporate Management
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Other, Sales, Customer Service, Supply Chain, Healthcare, Engineering, Human Resources, Education, Facilities, Sports/Entertainment, Construction, IT, Marketing, Non Profit/Government, Administrative, Research & Development, Art/Design, Accounting, Finance, Business Development
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Other, Customer Service, Engineering, Supply Chain, Warehouse, Sports/Entertainment, Facilities, Administrative, Sales, Construction, Education, Marketing, Research & Development, Healthcare, Finance, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Healthcare, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Sales, Other, Hospitality/Service, Sports/Entertainment, Facilities, Engineering, Supply Chain, Construction, Education, Research & Development, Marketing, Administrative, Finance, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Warehouse, Retail, Hospitality/Service, Plant/Manufacturing, Healthcare, Facilities, Supply Chain, Other, Engineering, Customer Service, Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, Administrative, Finance, IT, Real Estate, Non Profit/Government, Sports/Entertainment, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Hospitality/Service, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Other, Sales, Engineering, Supply Chain, Marketing, Healthcare, Sports/Entertainment, Education, Construction, Accounting, Facilities, Research & Development, Customer Service, Administrative, Finance, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Hospitality/Service, Warehouse, Plant/Manufacturing, Sales, Other, Facilities, Healthcare, Sports/Entertainment, Supply Chain, Administrative, Research & Development, Engineering, Education, Construction, Marketing, Customer Service, IT, Finance, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Other, Healthcare, Sales, Customer Service, Facilities, Supply Chain, Sports/Entertainment, Human Resources, Engineering, Research & Development, Administrative, IT, Education, Construction, Marketing, Art/Design, Finance, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Warehouse, Plant/Manufacturing, Healthcare, Hospitality/Service, Sales, Other, Facilities, Supply Chain, Engineering, Sports/Entertainment, Administrative, Education, Art/Design, Research & Development, Marketing, Finance, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Hospitality/Service, Warehouse, Healthcare, Plant/Manufacturing, Sales, Administrative, Supply Chain, Sports/Entertainment, Other, Research & Development, Construction, Education, Facilities, Engineering, Marketing, Finance, Customer Service, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Retail, Warehouse, Plant/Manufacturing, Healthcare, Other, Education, Supply Chain, Engineering, Marketing, Sports/Entertainment, Administrative, Sales, Facilities, Construction, Research & Development, Customer Service, IT, Finance, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Hospitality/Service, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Other, Sales, Healthcare, Sports/Entertainment, Engineering, Supply Chain, Education, Marketing, Research & Development, Facilities, Finance, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Hospitality/Service, Warehouse, Plant/Manufacturing, Healthcare, Supply Chain, Sales, Other, Education, Facilities, Sports/Entertainment, Engineering, Finance, Marketing, Administrative, Customer Service, Research & Development, Art/Design, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Hospitality/Service, Warehouse, Plant/Manufacturing, Healthcare, Other, Sales, Sports/Entertainment, Engineering, Facilities, Education, Construction, Supply Chain, Marketing, Administrative, Research & Development, Finance, Customer Service, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Sales, Healthcare, Other, Supply Chain, Marketing, Facilities, Sports/Entertainment, Education, Customer Service, Engineering, Administrative, Finance, Construction, Art/Design, Research & Development, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Warehouse, Hospitality/Service, Healthcare, Other, Sales, Supply Chain, Sports/Entertainment, Engineering, Marketing, Customer Service, Construction, Facilities, Education, Research & Development, IT, Administrative, Finance, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Retail, Warehouse, Plant/Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Other, Healthcare, Sales, Sports/Entertainment, Engineering, Marketing, Customer Service, Construction, Facilities, Administrative, Education, Research & Development, IT, Finance, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Warehouse, Healthcare, Supply Chain, Plant/Manufacturing, Engineering, Facilities, Other, Administrative, Hospitality/Service, Customer Service, Retail, Education, Human Resources, Finance, IT, Business Development, Construction, Sports/Entertainment
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Warehouse, Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Administrative, Healthcare, Other, Supply Chain, Sales, Sports/Entertainment, Customer Service, Engineering, Marketing, Construction, Education, Facilities, Research & Development, IT, Finance, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Departments: Hospitality/Service, Warehouse, Retail, Plant/Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Healthcare, Sales, Other, Administrative, Customer Service, Sports/Entertainment, Engineering, Facilities, Marketing, Education, Research & Development, Finance, IT, Non Profit/Government, Business Development
Do you work at Giant Eagle?
Is Giant Eagle's workplace comfortable and conducive to good work?
Decent salary and bonus structure. Great benefits and 401K
The most miserable job you will ever have. Be ready to work 60-75 hrs a week, every weekend, be severely under staffed, with zero drop in sales and production needed for sales floor. While they say it’s a management job (and it is, you’ll be the highest paid employee under the store director) and everyone knows it so you have a lot of people that won’t care for you no matter what. The position in the description and during the interviews will sound like a dream opportunity, sadly it’s all lies. You will be a hourly employee worker, working gourmet case, preparing the salad bar, running to cover Starbucks, doing 150 piece trucks daily, organizing coolers and freezers, cleaning everything while employees are not expected or held to doing their jobs. If you are contracted by this company STAY AWAY! It is the most toxic work environment that I’ve ever seen. The leaders are miserable, creating a cascade effect. The constant hour cuts while making salary people work longer. If you have to get 200 things done and you get 193 of those done all you will hear about is the 7 that were missed. Never a word of encouragement or told a job well done, no stop criticizing and complaining with ZERO real leadership in store! You have a manager that cares and wants everyone to succeed, however all the other managers openly talk negatively about that manager and will undermine. The back stabbing, the leaders that will do one think , deny they did it (or said it) and it’s just accepted.
The 4-6-10% bonus on yearly salary gives you the opportunity for a additional 5-13 thousand 5 times a year, but you are worked like a rented mule for it.
Absolutely nothing! Feel they are all a joke, especially in Carmel
See it own it!
I advise you to just keep looking, this is no Chef job. You are sold a bill of goods, no dinners, no food truck, no operating the 2 portals, no helping with catering, just stay away.
The location I'm employed at is going back to high school and mean girls all in one store. From store manager on down everyone is a click. Not in the clicks no hours, no money, and putting up with nit picking. They do not pay enough money so my location is a revolving door for new hires.
When's it's time to clock out.
Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Giant Eagle, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Giant Eagle. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Giant Eagle. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Giant Eagle. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Giant Eagle and its employees or that of Zippia.
Giant Eagle may also be known as or be related to Giant Eagle, Giant Eagle Inc and Giant Eagle, Inc.