Predicting the Future of the Job Market

Over 4,000 expert opinions on what will be the most in demand skills, training, and technology.

Answers fact



Job titles fact


Job titles

Experts fact



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Expert Affiliations

Yale University

Yale University

Harvard University

Harvard University

Pomona College

Pomona College

Davidson College

Davidson College

Georgetown University

Georgetown University

Understand How The Pandemic Changed The Job Market

When the world came to a screeching halt in early 2020 we knew that the job market would go through significant changes. From the advent of Zoom interviews to the adoption of fully remote workplaces, finding a job looks significantly different now than it did ten months ago.

With that in mind, we set out to poll experts across industries and fields on how they see the job market changing. Specifically, we were interested in:

  • The long term consequences (if any) of the pandemic
  • The skills the job market would more highly prioritize in each industry
  • The technologies that would arise
  • The parts of the country with higher job availability
  • How will salaries be impacted

After months of work, we now have aggregated over 4,422 expert opinions across 23 industries and 806 job titles.

Additional Advice For Recent Graduates

We know that recent graduates are going to face additional headwinds graduating into the worst job market in a decade, so we asked our experts for additional guidance for young professionals.

While most experts don't see the impact of the pandemic lasting more than a few years at most, a few years can feel like an eternity – especially early in your career.

The experts provided thorough breakdowns of the pandemic's impact by industry to help you understand what you can do to jump start your career.

Additional advice

Most common job titles

What Industry do You Need Advice in?

Architecture and Engineering

Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Media

Building and Grounds Maintenance

Business and Financial

Community and Social Services

Computer and Mathematical

Construction and Extraction

Education, Training, and Library

Executive Management

Farming, Fishing, and Forestry

Food Preparation and Restaurant

Healthcare Practitioner and Technical

Installation, Maintenance and Repair

Life, Physical, and Social Science

Production and Manufacturing

Resources To Help You Find A Job

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