Find The Best Elementary Education Jobs For You

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Elementary education majors have a hard time finding a job right out of college. Graduates with an elementary education degree are entering a strange job market and it can be hard to find your first job in elementary education. To make finding a job easier, Zippia scanned through 64,453 elementary education major resumes to identify the jobs elementary education majors most prefer.

Highest-Paying Jobs With a Elementary Education Degree

  1. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    Houston, TX;  New York, NY;  Atlanta, GA;  
    Job Description:
    Training and development specialists plan, conduct, and administer programs that train employees and improve their skills and knowledge.
  2. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Account Executives are responsible for looking after the company's client as well as keeping the company-client relationships at a high standard. Their goal is to increase the amount of business a company does with those clients.
  3. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Human resources specialists recruit, screen, interview, and place workers. They often handle other human resources work, such as those related to employee relations, compensation and benefits, and training.
  4. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Top Locations:
    New York, NY;  Indianapolis, IN;  Pittsburgh, PA;  
    Job Description:
    School counselors help students develop academic and social skills and succeed in school. Career counselors assist people with the process of making career decisions by helping them develop skills or choose a career or educational program.
  5. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Training and development specialists plan, conduct, and administer programs that train employees and improve their skills and knowledge.
  6. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Human resources specialists recruit, screen, interview, and place workers. They often handle other human resources work, such as those related to employee relations, compensation and benefits, and training.
  7. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Social and human service assistants provide client services, including support for families, in a wide variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, and social work. They assist other workers, such as social workers, and they help clients find benefits or community services.
  8. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Kindergarten and elementary school teachers prepare younger students for future schooling by teaching them basic subjects such as math and reading.
  9. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    General office clerks perform a variety of clerical tasks, including answering telephones, typing documents, and filing records.
  10. Starting Salary
    Job openings
    Job Description:
    Teacher assistants work under a teacher’s supervision to give students additional attention and instruction.

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What can you do with an elementary education degree?

Zippia created an elementary education career map to help recent graduates find career paths. It's based on real resumes from job seekers with bachelor's degrees in elementary education. The map shows the most common jobs elementary education majors take throughout the first four jobs of their careers.

Elementary Education Major Jobs

Average elementary education major salary

Elementary education major salaries vary significantly by industry. Graduates with an elementary education bachelor's degree who work in the retail industry have an average salary of $47,896, while those graduates who work in the education industry have an average salary of $39,194. If pay is important to you, then you should look for elementary education jobs in the retail industry.

Average elementary education major salary by industry

RankIndustryAverage Elementary Education Salary Elementary Education Salary Range
2Health Care

Entry-level elementary education major jobs

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Elementary Education internships

How To Get A Job With An Elementary Education Degree

Congratulations on your degree in Elementary Education, the selfless and determined calling to provide young students with an enriching and stimulating environment to learn and grow.

Or in simpler words, elementary education.

You've toughed it out, the days spent student teaching (indentured servitude), those long nights huddled over textbooks in the library, the exam marathon that is Praxis, and -- let's be honest -- wondering if it was worth it all.

And now that you've got your diploma in hand you realize that this was all the easy part.

Well, sort of.

But now the job of getting a job starts and you find yourself asking what now?.

Well, that's where we come in. We literally created a career map just for Elementary Education Majors-- such as yourself -- to aid your navigation of the uncertain waters of recent graduation.

Feel free to focus on the map alone -- it's pretty cool, if we do say so ourselves. But for those of you who can't put a good book down (a children's book that is), keep reading.

We'll give you the rundown on:

  • What skills you'll need
  • How to begin
  • What jobs you can expect to find as Elementary Education Major
  • Some quick interview tips
  • Consider graduate school
  • External resources

And now to begin where many of the greatest journeys do -- at the beginning.

1. Skills for Elementary Education Majors

You've chosen a degree that focuses more on the of skills you learn standing at the front of the classroom, not the ones you picked up sitting in a desk.

Beyond personal development and simply learning how to learn, principals want to see that you have the ability to reflect, realize, and grow based off of your experiences.

We've got this list of common skills found on teacher resumes, with examples from experienced resumes as well as general skills.

Common skills on teacher resumes

These are some of the most common skills -- if you want to make a solid impression on principals or see what the competition is listing, here you go:

  • Classroom Management
  • Curriculum Development
  • Weekly Lesson Plans

As for how to make those work for your resume, here are some examples of how other teachers have used the most in demand skills on their resumes:

  • Reduced student discipline rate by 7 percent, implementing effective classroom management policies
  • Raised percentage of students reading at grade level by 25 percent with adaptive weekly lesson plans and home reading program
  • Developed and chaired the school's curriculum development board

Soft Skills and Abilities

A Elementary Education degree develops new perspectives for approaching the world, and equally important is the ability to articulate values and ideas in a way that young students and students with special needs will understand.

Applying these skills to real world learning opportunities yields a more robust and balanced teaching career, allowing you to develop yourself professionally as you guide your students.

Here are some of the common skills that you should have when trying to get a job with a Elementary Education degree -- be sure to explain how you have them in your interviews.

Critical thinking and analysis. Everything about the Education Major revolves around transferring ideas -- and even if you don't go into teaching, your training gave you the ability to portray yourself and your ideas in a way that others will be receptive to.

Creative communication skills. You've learned how to discuss students' needs with parents and coworkers, explaining difficult concepts in terms that young students can understand. Also, you have the ability to engage students and your lessons to meet students' needs.

Resourcefulness. Your education background teaches you how to plan lessons that engage young students, adapting the lessons to different learning styles -- and a cornerstone of modern education training is doing less with more.

Physical stamina and patience. Working with students of different abilities and backgrounds can be difficult. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers must respond with patience when students struggle with material. For that reason, you're able to physically, mentally, and emotionally keep up with students.

2. Where to Begin Your Career After Getting Elementary Education Degree

Don't wait until you graduate to start your search: a lot of schools hand out their contracts beginning in the spring, and principals don't always know when they'll have openings.

Your specialization is usually in demand, but still keep these tips in mind when embarking on a teaching career -- or even before you do.

Get familiar with your desired states' requirements

First and foremost, know the requirements of the state you are looking into. Remember, each state sets its own standards for teachers and you need to make sure you have the proper teaching credentials. Contact the state's board of education for specifics.

The majority of states use Praxis II in some form if not entirely -- but a number don't, so be sure to check individual state requirements.

Many states use the Praxis II tests as a way to determine "highly qualified teachers" status, which typically has financial incentives behind it. Check to see if you're required to pass the Elementary Education exam

Understand and be creative with how you approach the job market

There are plenty of teaching positions out there, but you're basically searching on a sliding scale of desirability and demand -- it's like a funky supply/demand curve where the desirable schools get to be choosy and the less desirable ones need you more.

Some academic subjects and disabilities yield positions that are in higher demand -- as are specific areas.

The National Center for Education Statistics has a list of areas that have critical teaching shortages, so if you're deadset on teaching a specific subject matter or to a critical-need student group and are willing to move, this will help guide your search.

And if you have a target area, check out our teacher positions for a comprehensive list, then look at that specific area's board of education. They'll have updated vacancies and hiring practices, application requirements and any educator job fairs in the area.

Take a short-term or contract job if you have to

These might not be ideal, but they're a solid way to get your foot in the door. They frequently serve as contract-to-hire and give you a time to determine whether the school is a good match before you commit to a long-term position.

Consider substitute teaching

No one's too good to substitute teach, and if you're working on other opportunities or holding out for the dream job this keeps you financially afloat.

Substitute teaching lets you network with administrators and fellow teachers, and offers a preview of your teaching skills. You wouldn't be the first substitute teacher who's made a strong connection with students and faculty to get a full-time offer when the opportunity arises.

Be flexible, and remember that even if you have bad experiences, there's no such thing as bad experience.

3. Jobs for Education Majors Beyond the Classroom

The bulk of this resource focus on classroom teaching, but remember that college isn't necessarily job training.

You've learned to read, write, and analyze information more deeply than other students. Your abilities are applicable to most positions, and you need to narrow the focus.

You understand the concept of constant improvement. You're used to working independently, but collaborate well with others. You have managerial experience -- herding students is no joke.

Employ those skills to analyze employer needs and present an argument why you are the best person for the job -- as an Education major, it is your responsibility to sell yourself to a potential employer.

With our career map, you can click the Job Titles and learn more specific information for each position (what their responsibilities are, how much they get paid, etc.).

But here, we wanted to call out some of the common jobs for recent Education major grads that aren't your traditional, in-the-classroom positions. Here are some of the most common entry-level jobs for recent Education grads:


A sales associate is responsible for the exchange of a product or commodity for a price. Sales associates are typically selling the goods or services, and are measured with the amount of revenue or sales in a given period of time.

In general, though, people successful in sales tend to be capable of influencing others, speaking well to groups, conveying difficult information, and establishing/maintaining diverse personal relationships -- all of these things can be found on a successful teacher's resume, as well.

Marketing coordinator

Marketing coordinators can have many different responsibilities, from maintaining marketing calendars or customer databases to developing ideas and engaging in research themselves.

In general, though, marketing coordinators tend to in some way be responsible for interpreting information or data for the benefit of other employees, so a firm grasp of the principles of communication as they apply to large groups are a must for this position.

4. Some Quick Job Search Tips for Elementary Education Majors

These are the most important words you're going to hear: never stop hustling.

Chase opportunities to certain students and in schools that excite you; keep learning and have your dream job in focus.

And know your state's requirements -- for information about teacher preparation programs and certification requirements, visit or contact your state's board of education.

Write a teaching statement or teaching philosophy

Your potential employer might require a teaching statement or teaching philosophy -- either way, you should prepare this statement that essentially describes how you teach and why you teach that way..

It's just a few short paragraphs detailing your pedagogy, methodology, goals, standards and reasons for teaching. Make your statement as concise as possible, being specific and avoiding too many extraneous details -- like a supplement to a cover letter.

Also, while you should talk about your goals as a whole, try emphasizing the goals you have for that specific position. Discuss the importance of Elementary Education, the rewards of teaching and how you hope to impact the lives of your students.

A teaching statement is an opportunity to make yourself stand out, so make sure you present yourself as a truly passionate and ambitious teacher.

Prepare a teaching portfolio

Though historically for graduate students, consider putting together a teaching portfolio. It's a collection of documents that should generally summarize you as a teacher -- this is not a CV, so don't include appendices and addendums.

You can start it with your teaching statement or teaching philosophy, then use the rest of the space to prove that you can prepare lesson plans and teach them. Use a few visuals, so you don't have to actually teach your audience for them to "get it".

For this section of the portfolio, include a thematic unit along with curriculum standards for each activity, and have examples of lesson plans and other planning materials.

If you've gotten far enough in the interview process for this to matter, you're already a strong candidate, so include any letter of recommendation or awards you've gotten to give you an edge on competition -- remember this serves as icing on the cake to show how exceedingly qualified you are.

Network, network, and network

The best thing you can do to get a job in Elementary Education is, plain and simple, to know somebody at your desired school -- this can be from student teaching, college classes, or a professional organization on campus.

Talk to everyone you know in the Elementary Education world. If enough time has passed, that classmate you friended on Facebook for one group project three years ago might be your in for a job that just opened.

Job fairs allow you to find open positions, learn about hiring practices and refine your application documents. You should always bring copies of your resume and spend as much time as possible at the event.

Join a good professional organization like some of those listed at the end of this page and take advantage of every resource at their disposal. And wherever possible, just talk to people, and be friendly. You'd be surprised at how far a little communication goes.

5. Continuing Elementary Education and Certifications in Elementary Education

Keep building your credentials.

You probably entered your Elementary Education in college with a dream job in mind -- but you probably exited college with the awareness that your first job might not be that dream job.

To break into that ideal school district, you might have to continue your professional development -- The NEA Academy offers free or discounted courses for professional development or, in some cases, graduate credit that you can apply toward dual certification.

Your current area of certification might not be in high demand. Science and math are often shortage areas, so consider making yourself more marketable.

Master's Degrees

Which type of master's you go for depends upon your career focus: furthering your skills as an educator or going into administration.

Master's in Elementary Education

A master's degree has a few notable perks for educators beyond developing a broader understanding of the field. First off, it makes you more marketable as an employee -- it's one of the first things to separate you from the pack.

A Masters in Elementary Education degree is intended for individuals with previous degrees who wish to work with students with special needs. The degree provides instruction on supporting the healthy overall growth, development, learning and well-being of young children from birth through age 8 and families.

Students learn about effective teaching strategies and ways to create meaningful learning experiences for these children.

You also make more money with a master's degree -- the Center for American Progress shows that you'll make anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 more a year, in fact, depending one where you teach. Be careful, though, if money is the only reason you'd get the degree -- perform an income analysis to make sure it'll pay off over time.

Master's of Science in Educational Administration or Leadership

This also holds the same advantages of the above degree, but with the added benefit of typically being a requirement for advancement to principal.

Public schools generally require principals to hold a Master of Science degree in Educational Administration or a Master's in Leadership. Often, principals go on to earn doctoral degrees.

Most states require principals to be licensed school administrators. Licensing requirements vary by state, but most require a master's degree or other graduate-level training, and some require candidates to pass a test.

Doctorate level

There are several levels of doctoral education available for you, with varying functions.

PhD and EdD in Elementary Education.

This doctorate-level education prepares civically-committed scholars -- through rigorous and relevant research and transformational intervention -- to address social policy and educational problems in ways that advance education, research, caregiving and public service to enhance the quality of life of persons of all ages and their families.

For the EdD in Elementary Education, programs often emphasize teaching, legal or administrative aspects of the discipline. Other programs may award the customary PhD in Elementary Education, which benefits those working in research or technical areas within the field.

Jobs may be found in public or private facilities, government agencies, all levels of education, and within community organizations.

PhD in Education.

If you work towards your PhD in Education, you will usually look to seek employment as a college professor, so you should want to teach and conduct research at the collegiate level. This degree is appropriate for individuals who seek careers as university professors, teacher educators or educational theorists.


However, if you work towards your EdD you will likely seek a position in administration, or as a community or district wide leader, implementing goals to improve schools or curriculum in your area. It's kind of like the furthering of a Masters of Science in Educational Administration.

6. External Resources

If you're still not sure what to do with your degree here are some external sites, to help you with your decision:

The Council for Exceptional Children

The Council for Exceptional Children is a professional association of educators dedicated to advancing the success of children with exceptionalities.

BLS Handbook for Elementary Educators

The NEA Academy

The NEA Academy offers free or discounted courses for professional development or, in some cases, graduate credit that you can apply toward dual certification.

National Center for Education Statistics

The NCES has a list of areas that have critical teaching shortages.


Enter "Education" into the search bar and you can get a sense of what kind of government jobs are available to Elementary Education majors. Find a job title you like and come back here to learn more about it.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

The BLS offers detailed data on pay, location, and availability of different kinds of jobs across the country. In fact, we draw a lot of our research on the best places for jobs from the information provided on the site.

And if this all seems like a lot - don't worry - the hard part (getting your degree!) is already over.

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