D.R. Horton Overview

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D.R. Horton is a construction company focusing on homebuilding, mortgage financing, and title agency services. As one of the largest homebuilding companies in the United States, D.R. Horton operates in 27 states and 78 metropolitan markets under the name of D.R. Horton, America's Builder. The company constructs and sells homes, and during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013, it closed 24,155 homes. Through its financial services operations, D.R. Horton provides mortgage financing and title agency services to homebuyers in many of its homebuilding markets.

Founded in 1978, the company is headquartered in Texas with more than 7,735 employees and an annual revenue of $33.5 billion. The company has a diverse workforce consisting of 46% female and 41.5% ethnic minorities. The current CEO leading this construction giant is David V. Auld. With competitive salaries and high employee retention, D.R. Horton continues to be a dominant force in the United States construction industry.

D.R. Horton's Mission Statement

To make your dreams come true.

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D.R. Horton employee reviews

Based on 9 ratings

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Job openings at D.R. Horton
859 Positions
Average salary at D.R. Horton
$71,933 yearly

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D.R. Horton employee reviews

D.R. Horton employee reviews

Based On 9 Ratings

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Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Dec 2024
Pros of working at D.R. Horton

Compensation. I am treated with respect and appreciate the benefits such as 401-k & affordable medical insurance

Cons of working at D.R. Horton

Requires long hours but at least the compensation is good

D.R. Horton Benefits

401k - employer contributions

What do you like best about D.R. Horton's CEO and the leadership team?

Positive attitude and my division manager and local team are awesome to work for… they are really great people and they actually care about their employees and customers

How would you improve D.R. Horton's culture?

honestly there’s not much to improve upon- they are great.

How did you prepare for the D.R. Horton interview?

Researched the company

How does your compensation at D.R. Horton compare to the industry average?

above average

What's the diversity at D.R. Horton like?

It’s great!

What brings you the most joy at D.R. Horton?

When customers tell me how much they love their homes!😊🌸

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A zippia user wrote a review on Oct 2020
Pros of working at D.R. Horton

The people are great, and there is a great management team that understands their employees.

Cons of working at D.R. Horton

Lot's of regulators are constantly watching over our shoulders. Not a negative against the company, that's just the way it is in the industry as a whole.

D.R. Horton Benefits

Great co-workers and I get to work from home.

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A zippia user wrote a review on May 2020
Pros of working at D.R. Horton

Gave me the freedom to do my job the way I thought best, good people, and a product that was sellable.

Cons of working at D.R. Horton

A new president that didn't value sales staff and the challenges of selling.

D.R. Horton Benefits

Good money and a job I enjoyed.

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A zippia user wrote a review on Oct 2019
Pros of working at D.R. Horton

It was horrible, manager discriminated, bullied, threatened, harassed me. Said I made too much money. Said she didnt care about our state laws or my license. She was brought in from out of state with no experience. Cost the company 10s of thousands.

Cons of working at D.R. Horton

The manager

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A zippia user wrote a review on Oct 2019
Pros of working at D.R. Horton

Everything was great except the manager was the worst. Ruined everything.

Cons of working at D.R. Horton

The manager. DHI Title Kirkland, WA

D.R. Horton Benefits

Decent Benefits

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The team at D.R. Horton

  • The founders of D.R. Horton is Donald R. Horton.
  • The key people at D.R. Horton are David V. Auld and Donald R. Horton.
Key People
David V. Auld
Donald R. Horton
The Inside Scoop
Since 1978, DR Horton has been delivering the American dream. They believe in a vision of homeownership for everyone, a home for every stage in life. Their homes can be found from Hawaii to New Jersey, with local markets supported by the national pre...sence of America's number one homebuilder. This company's people work within their numerous communities across the nation to grant customers unique, personalized services during all stages of the homebuying experience
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D.R. Horton Rankings

D.R. Horton is ranked #18 on the Best Construction Companies to Work For in Texas list. Zippia's Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies. Rankings are based on government and proprietary data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity.

Read more about how we rank companies.

D.R. Horton salaries

Salary Score
The average a D.R. Horton salary in the United States is $71,933 per year. D.R. Horton employees in the top 10 percent can make over $125,000 per year, while D.R. Horton employees at the bottom 10 percent earn less than $41,000 per year.
Average D.R. Horton Salary
$34.58 hourly
Updated March 14, 2024

And if you're looking for a job, here are the top jobs D.R. Horton is hiring right now:

  1. Development Director
  2. Division Controller
  3. Design Consultant
  4. Project Manager
  5. Construction Manager

Rate D.R. Horton's promotion and raise policies.

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D.R. Horton diversity

Diversity Score
We calculated D.R. Horton’s diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of D.R. Horton’s workforce.
D.R. Horton diversity summary. Zippia estimates D.R. Horton's demographics and statistics using a database of 30 million profiles. Zippia verifies estimates with BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. We calculated D.R. Horton's diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of D.R. Horton's workforce.
  • D.R. Horton has 7,735 employees.
  • 46% of D.R. Horton employees are women, while 54% are men.
  • The most common ethnicity at D.R. Horton is White (59%).
  • 18% of D.R. Horton employees are Hispanic or Latino.
  • 13% of D.R. Horton employees are Black or African American.
  • The average employee at D.R. Horton makes $71,933 per year.
  • D.R. Horton employees are most likely to be members of the republican party.
  • Employees at D.R. Horton stay with the company for 3.4 years on average.

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D.R. Horton Office Locations

D.R. Horton is headquartered in Arlington, TX

Biggest D.R. Horton Locations

Job Count
Avg. Salary
1Austin, TX30$72,817
2Charlotte, NC11$67,997
3Fort Worth, TX9$72,281
4Houston, TX8$72,599
5Phoenix, AZ5$71,168
6San Antonio, TX5$72,852
7Jacksonville, FL5$65,507
8Memphis, TN4$64,180
9Oklahoma City, OK4$64,692
10Indianapolis, IN3$66,248

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D.R. Horton Financial Performance

Performance Score

We calculated the performance score of companies by measuring multiple factors, including revenue, longevity, and stock market performance.

D.R. Horton currently has 33.5B in revenue. D.R. Horton's most recent quarter produced 9.7b (q3'2023).

D.R. Horton annual revenue


Highest paying D.R. Horton competitors

Compare D.R. Horton salaries to competitors, including K. Hovnanian Homes, Beazer Homes, and Richmond American Homes. Employees at K. Hovnanian Homes earn the highest average yearly salary of $74,864. The salaries at Beazer Homes average $71,967 per year, and the salaries at Richmond American Homes come in at $67,570 per year.

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of D.R. Horton, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about D.R. Horton. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at D.R. Horton. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by D.R. Horton. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of D.R. Horton and its employees or that of Zippia.

D.R. Horton may also be known as or be related to D.R. Horton, D.R. Horton, Inc. and DR Horton Inc.