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We strive to be our customer's #1 service provider.
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Based On 2 Ratings
From the Owner to the Employees, the best Company I have ever worked for.
If I didn't like something about working here I would not be here.
The Owner putting the Employees first!!!!
Cressy is a great place to work because of the amount of enthusiasm brought on be the many experienced employees that are always teaching and helping the newer employees to succeed no matter which department they are working in. It’s a very friendly, family atmosphere to work in, at the same time being very goal and mission oriented. We never take shortcuts, are very customer centric and try our best to always treat the customers with respect and honesty, which in turn helps the employees feel good about what they are accomplishing and who they are working for.
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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Cressy Door and Fireplace, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Cressy Door and Fireplace. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Cressy Door and Fireplace. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Cressy Door and Fireplace. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Cressy Door and Fireplace and its employees or that of Zippia.
Cressy Door and Fireplace may also be known as or be related to CRESSY DOOR CO. and Cressy Door and Fireplace.