The Continental Corporation is divided into the Automotive Group and the Rubber Group, and consists of five divisions. Continental develops intelligent technologies for transporting people and their goods. The ContiTech division is one of the leading suppliers of technical rubber products and is a specialist for plastics technology. We develop and produce functional parts, components, and systems for machine and plant engineering, mining, the automotive industry and other important industries. We operate in nine decentralized units with full profit responsibility forming an efficient network. With around 41,000 employees in more than 40 countries we provide our partners with innovative solutions expressing our guiding principle “Engineering Next Level”. As an industry partner with a firm future ahead of us, we engineer solutions both with and for our customers around the world. Our bespoke solutions are specially tailored to meet the needs of the market. With extensive expertise in materials and processes, we are able to develop cutting-edge technologies while ensuring we make responsible use of resources. We are quick to respond to important technological trends, such as function integration, lightweight engineering and the reduction of complexity, and offer a range of relevant products and services. That way, when you need us, you'll find we're already there.The staff at Continental Tire come from unusually diverse demographic backgrounds. The company is 26.2% female and 34.5% ethnic minorities. Continental Tire employees are slightly more likely to be members of the Democratic Party than the Republican Party, with 58.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party. Despite their political differences, employees at Continental Tire seem to be happy. The company has great employee retention with staff members usually staying for 5.7 years.The average employee at Continental Tire makes $48,855 per year. In comparison, some of its highest paying competitors, like Pirelli, Dunlop Tire Corp, and Michelin, pay $61,700, $59,995, and $52,141, respectively.Continental Tire is a medium automotive company with 600 employees and an annual revenue of $240.0M that is headquartered in South Carolina.
Continental Tire's Mission Statement
To produce tires that uphold the highest level of safety and performance and to relentlessly confirm their results via independent tests conducted in locations all around the world.
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Continental Tire is ranked #14 on the Best Automotive Companies to Work For in America list. Zippia's Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies. Rankings are based on government and proprietary data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity.
The average a Continental Tire salary in the United States is $48,855 per year.
Continental Tire employees in the top 10 percent can make over $81,000 per year,
while Continental Tire employees at the bottom 10 percent earn less than $29,000 per year.
Average Continental Tire Salary
$23.49 hourly
Updated March 14, 2024
And if you're looking for a job, here are the top jobs Continental Tire is hiring right now:
Senior Information Systems Analyst
SAP Basis Consultant
Senior Staff Engineer
Business Analyst
Product Development Engineer
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Continental Tire diversity
Diversity Score
We calculated Continental Tire’s diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Continental Tire’s workforce.
Continental Tire diversity summary. Zippia estimates Continental Tire's demographics and statistics using a database of 30 million profiles. Zippia verifies estimates with BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. We calculated Continental Tire's diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Continental Tire's workforce.
Continental Tire has 600 employees.
26% of Continental Tire employees are women, while 74% are men.
The most common ethnicity at Continental Tire is White (66%).
16% of Continental Tire employees are Black or African American.
9% of Continental Tire employees are Hispanic or Latino.
The average employee at Continental Tire makes $48,855 per year.
Continental Tire employees are most likely to be members of the democratic party.
Employees at Continental Tire stay with the company for 5.7 years on average.
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Continental Explore Tires Manufacturing & Engineering Trainee Program
Continental - Tire Pressure
Continental Tire Financial Performance
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Highest paying Continental Tire competitors
Compare Continental Tire salaries to competitors, including Pirelli, Dunlop Tire Corp, and Michelin. Employees at Pirelli earn the highest average yearly salary of $61,700. The salaries at Dunlop Tire Corp average $59,995 per year, and the salaries at Michelin come in at $52,141 per year.
Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Continental Tire, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Continental Tire. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Continental Tire. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Continental Tire. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Continental Tire and its employees or that of Zippia.
Continental Tire may also be known as or be related to Continental Automotive, Inc., Continental Tire, Continental Tire Holding US LLC and Continental Tire Holding Us Llc.