Best professional companies in Wallingford, CT

We figured out the best professional companies to work for in Connecticut using data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity. You can also search for the best professional companies to work for in any other state or city.

Best Companies To Work For In Wallingford, CT
  1. Zippia Score 4.0

    #1 Best professional company in Wallingford
    Company Description:

    Netsolace simplifies management systems to help clients increase revenue and save resources.

  2. Zippia Score 3.4

    #2 Best professional company in Wallingford
    Company Description:

    Digital Recording Solutions...Voice, Video & Data...BEI can Record It! Since 1976, Business Electronics, Inc. (BEI) has been a full service customer driven result oriented company, providing cutting-edge digital video and audio recording systems. O...

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  3. Zippia Score 3.3

    #3 Best professional company in Wallingford
    Company Highlights:

    Incorporated in 2006, Mutualink, Inc. provides secure interoperable communications and information sharing solutions for schools, emergency management, first responders, armed forces, and private security and protective service providers worldwide. Mutualink, Inc. provides secure interoperable communications and information sharing solutions for emergency management, first responders, schools, and private security and protective service providers worldwide. The company connects radio, phone, video and data among thousands of global customers who participate on the network.

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  4. Job type you want
    Full Time
    Part Time

Other national companies with offices in Wallingford, CT

Zippia Score 4.3

Company Description:

Oberg Industries is a full-service contract manufacturer of precision machined and stamped components. Oberg Industries is a diversified manufacturer with over 750 employees worldwide specializing in the production of precision machined or stamped metal components and precision tooling.

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Zippia Score 4.2

Company Description:

One of the world's largest providers of talent management solutions, Career Partners International has with more than 270 offices in over 45 countries around the world. Organizations of all sizes turn to Career Partners International to successfully as...

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Zippia Score 4.0

Company Description:

Elementary and secondary schools furnishing academic courses, ordinarily for kindergarten through grade 12. Included in this industry are parochial schools and military academies furnishing academic courses for kindergarten through grade 12, and secondary schools which furnish both academic and technical courses.

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Zippia Score 3.6

Company Highlights:

Applied Engineering Products (AEP), a Radiall brand, is a leader in the RF coaxial connectors and cable assemblies industry. AEP supports critical applications in the aerospace, military, defense and industrial markets. The company has the following core competencies: harsh environment, mission critical, test labs, ITAR, Mil QPL, etc. Founded in 1973 and based in New Haven, CT , AEP has an additional manufacturing facility in Obregon, MX.

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Zippia Score 3.3

Company Highlights:

Incorporated in 2006, Mutualink, Inc. provides secure interoperable communications and information sharing solutions for schools, emergency management, first responders, armed forces, and private security and protective service providers worldwide. Mutualink, Inc. provides secure interoperable communications and information sharing solutions for emergency management, first responders, schools, and private security and protective service providers worldwide. The company connects radio, phone, video and data among thousands of global customers who participate on the network.

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Best professional companies in Wallingford, CT

RankCompanyZippia Score
2Business Electronics3.4