Best Companies In Old Westbury, NY

We figured out the best companies to work for in Old Westbury, NY, using data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity. You can also search for the best companies to work for in New York or any other state or city.

Best Companies To Work For In Old Westbury, NY
  1. Zippia Score 4.7

    #1 Best company in Old Westbury
    Company Description:

    New York Institute of Technology is a private, independent, nonprofit, non-sectarian, coeducational research university founded in 1955

  2. Zippia Score 4.0

    #2 Best company in Old Westbury
    Company Description:

    Old Westbury Gardens is a Long Island attraction featuring a historic mansion, formal gardens, and hosting programs & events.

  3. Zippia Score 3.8

    #3 Best company in Old Westbury
  4. Zippia Score 3.8

    #4 Best company in Old Westbury
    Company Description:

    Old Westbury Golf and Country Club

  5. Zippia Score 3.8

    #5 Best company in Old Westbury
    Company Description:

    With the proven reputation and resources of the State University of New York system, SUNY College of Optometry is an exceptional choice for prospective eye doctors. The school has been training eye care professionals for more than 40 years, integrating lecture, seminar and lab-based learning for a rounded education. SUNY College of Optometry offers academics leading to and OD, PhD or MS degree. The school is also in the process of establishing MPH and MBA programs to allow for even more academic flexibility. The residency program at SUNY College of Optometry incorporates the University Eye Center. Because it's located in Manhattan, SUNY College of Optometry provides its students with plenty to do. You can enjoy your college life by visiting any of New York City's attractions, entertainment or dining. Plenty of student organizations are also active on campus. Financial aid is available at SUNY College of Optometry. The school offers federal loans and institutional scholarships to assist with tuition costs. Admissions requirements at SUNY College of Optometry vary by program. Contact the school for detailed information.

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  6. Job type you want
    Full Time
    Part Time
  7. Zippia Score 3.7

    Company Description:

    Premier Kosher Caterer Serving Long Island, NYC and Tri-State Area.

  8. Zippia Score 3.3

    Company Description:

    The Wheatley School (8-12) is a small public high school with a long tradition of students who engage themselves both inside and outside of our classrooms. An exceptionally well qualified faculty prepares all of our students for the academic and societ...

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Best companies in Old Westbury, NY

RankCompanyZippia Score
1New York Institute of Technology4.7
2Old Westbury Gardens4.0
3Bowling Green Elementary School3.8
4Old Westbury Golf and Country Club3.8
5SUNY College at Old Westbury3.8
6Ram Caterers3.7
7East Williston Union Free School District3.3

About Zippia’s best companies to work for

You can learn how the Zippia score and company rankings are calculated here.

Best companies to work for near Old Westbury, NY