Best companies in Alaska

We figured out the best companies to work for in Alaska using data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity. You can also search for the best companies to work for in any other state or city.

Best Companies To Work For In Alaska
  1. Zippia Score 4.9

    #1 Best company to work for in Alaska
    Company Description:

    Chenega provides government and commercial contract services. The company offers military, intelligence, and operations support services, which include systems engineering and technical assistance, intelligence and analysis, linguistics, training, federal information technology (IT), military operations support, logistics support, security support, base telecommunications support, and information operations support; security services, such as physical security, protective force, and training, as well as security integration services; and environmental, healthcare, and facilities support services comprising professional staffing and support, clinical/medical expertise, healthcare staffing, medical IT, and data management, as well as environmental management, engineering, and planning services.

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  2. Zippia Score 4.9

    #2 Best company to work for in Alaska
    Company Description:

    Koniag, Inc. is an Alaska Native regional corporation created by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA). Koniag represents Alutiiq descendants from the Kodiak Island region.

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  3. Zippia Score 4.9

    #3 Best company to work for in Alaska
    Company Description:

    A tribally owned and operated, independent, not-for-profit organization committed to providing the the Norton Sound region with the highest quality health care.

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  4. Zippia Score 4.8

    #4 Best company to work for in Alaska
    Company Mission Statement:

    To actively manage the businesses, lands, resources, investments and relationships to enhance Inupiaq cultural and economic freedom - with continuity, responsibility and integrity.

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  5. Zippia Score 4.8

    #5 Best company to work for in Alaska
    Company Highlights:

    Established in 1998, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) is a non-profit organization that provides efficient and reliable healthcare services to Alaska Native and American Indian people living in Alaska. ANTHC provides world-class health services, which include comprehensive medical services at the Alaska Native Medical Center, wellness programs, disease research and prevention, rural provider training and rural water and sanitation systems construction.

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    What people like about ANTHC:

    I really enjoy the people, I enjoy interacting with them.

  6. Job type you want
    Full Time
    Part Time
  7. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Description:

    Alutiiq is primarily engaged in monitoring and maintaining security systems devices, such as burglar and fire alarms. Establishments of this industry may sell or lease and install the security systems which they monitor and maintain.

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  8. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Description:

    Katmai is a dynamic organization with career opportunities in many areas of our operations. Join our family & apply today!

  9. Zippia Score 4.7

  10. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Description:

    Southcentral Foundation provides healthcare services catering to the Alaska Natives and American Indian community. It offers medical, dental, optometric, and behavioral health services. Southcentral Foundation was founded in 1982 and is based in Anchorage, Alaska.

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  11. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Description:

    Chugach Alaska Corporation, or CAC, is one of thirteen Alaska Native Regional Corporations created under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 in settlement of aboriginal land claims.

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  12. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Description:

    The Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation, administers a health care delivery system for over 50 rural communities in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in southwest Alaska. The YKHC is accredited by the Joint Commission.

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  13. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Highlights:

    For more than 35 years, GCI has been delivering communication and technology services to some of the most remote communities and in some of the most challenging conditions in North America. GCI is the pioneer in bringing telemedicine and online education capabilities to communities across the state. The company continues to work with leading technology providers to provide customers with exceptional services.

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  14. Zippia Score 4.7

    Company Highlights:

    Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC) was founded in 1971, this company offers construction, architecture, engineering, regulatory consulting, marine services, logistics, maintenance and manufacturing, government contracting services, and more. UIC provides social and economic resources to over 2,900 Inupiat shareholders and their descendants.

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  15. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Description:

    For more than 40 years, SEARHC, a nonprofit health-consortium, has provided high-quality healthcare services for the residents of the Southeast Alaska region.

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  16. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Highlights:

    The Surveyors Exchange has been selling a wide variety of surveying equipment and supplies for the measuring professional since 1969. The Surveyors Exchange will remain on the cutting edge and provide the training and support to help you become successful and profitable. They are Authorized dealers for Leica Geosystems, Seco, Carlson, Autodesk and Iridium to name a few.

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  17. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Description:

    Bering Straits Native Corporation and its subsidiaries are commercial and government contractors who partner to help you open up a gateway to the arctic.

  18. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Description:

    The Aleut region is part of the Ring of Fire, stretching over a thousand miles into the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean. The Aleutians are the birth place for some of ...

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  19. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Description:

    Doyon, Limited, the Native regional corporation for Interior Alaska, is a for-profit corporation with nearly 19,000 shareholders. Established under the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), Doyon is the largest private landowner in Alaska, with more than 12.5 million acres allocated to the corporation under ANCSA. As one of the top 10 Alaska-owned businesses, Doyon operates a diverse Family of Companies, including more than a dozen for-profit businesses across the nation in the areas of oil field services, utility management, security, engineering management, land and natural resource development, facility management, construction and tourism. Headquartered in Fairbanks, Alaska, Doyon, Limited currently employs 2,800 individuals who are located in Alaska and across the nation.

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  20. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Mission Statement:

    To improve the quality of life of our people.

  21. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Description:

    The Fairbanks North Star Borough is a borough located in the state of Alaska.

  22. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Description:

    Malone Insurance is a local independent insurance agency located in Bethel, Alaska. Call us at 907-543-2934.

  23. Zippia Score 4.6

    Company Highlights:

    The largest city in Alaska, Anchorage is known for its cultural sites, mountains, and wilderness areas. Founded in 1975, the Municipality of Anchorage provides great opportunities both for residents and businesses. It has an Employee Relations Department which assists departments and employees in delivering quality services, provides employment services, and maintains records and benefits for past and current employees.

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  24. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Highlights:

    Alaska Communications (NASDAQ: ALSK) is Alaska’s leading broadband and managed IT service provider. We are a trusted partner for businesses, schools, health care providers, state and local governments with a commitment to exceptional customer service. Our network serves as our cloud enablement platform with superb security and reliability, built on a string of “firsts” in Alaska – the first Internet service provider, the first Metro Ethernet, MPLS and VPLS provider, the first Carrier Ethernet 2.0 certified provider, and the first Microsoft ExpressRoute partner. We take pride in our technology and network. We take greater pride in our people. Alaska Communications stands for local, reliable, and trustworthy customer service.

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    What people like about Alaska Communications:

    Constant travel, meeting new people, employee accommodations.

  25. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    REMINDER: Never include personal account information on Facebook

  26. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Highlights:

    Alyeska Pipeline Service Company operates and maintains the 800-mile Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). Formed in 1970 to design and build the pipeline, Alyeska acts as agent for the TAPS owner companies. Approximately 800 employees work in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Valdez and field locations along the pipeline.

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  27. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Highlights:

    Chugach Electric Association is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska's largest city. They provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity through superior service and sustainable practices, powering the lives of their members. Guided by their values of safety, accountability and sustainability, they are committed to serving their members, the community, and the Chugach team.

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  28. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Highlights:

    Calista is a for-profit corporation with 17,300 Alaskan native shareholders and was founded in 1971. ANCSA created 12 regional corporations and over 230 village corporations to receive money and manage lands on behalf of their shareholders. ANCSA requires Alaska Natives to enroll with a corporation to receive benefits from the settlement.

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    What people like about Calista:

    Everyone is kind, there are no toxic employee cliques, and there is planned opportunity for development and growth

  29. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    Primary Health Care Clinic - primary care medical services including diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness.

  30. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    The Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient medical care to Alaska Native and American Indian people.

  31. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    Incorporated in 1974, Goldbelt is the urban Alaska Native Corporation for the Juneau area. To learn more, visit

  32. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    Dimond Center is family owned and operated and was founded in 1977. It started out as a simple neighborhood shopping center, with just 180,000 square feet. With time and effort it has grown and expanded. Today, Dimond Center is home to retail stores, r...

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  33. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    RurAL CAP, founded in 1965, is a private, statewide, nonprofit organization working to improve the quality of life for low-income Alaskans.

  34. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    Silver Bay Seafoods LLC is a fishermen-owned company with a state-of-the-art high-volume processing and freezing facility located in Sitka, Alaska. Our company has the ability to address all aspects of traceability of our products and is equipped to ma...

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  35. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    Our mission is to work in partnership with Our People to develop opportunities that fulfill Our endless potential.

  36. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Description:

    The Alaska Railroad is a Class II railroad that operates freight and passenger trains in the state of Alaska.

  37. Zippia Score 4.5

    Company Mission Statement:

    To building lasting relationships that reflect our hard work, ingenuity, and dedication to safety. Every employee has an impact on our success, which benefits the native culture, land, and people of the Bristol bay region.

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  38. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    Founded in 1943, Usibelli Coal Mine (UCM) has grown to become the largest coal mining operation in Alaska utilizing the most modern mining equipment and state-of-the-art engineering to supply coal to six Alaska power plants and export coal to Chile, So...

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  39. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:


  40. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    The Ilisagvik College in Barrow, Alaska, is a postsecondary institution that serves the needs of the North Slope Borough and enhances the local culture by weaving the Iñupiaq cultural heritage and values into each of its programs of study. To service the community, the college offers Adult Basic Education and GED programs so that students can receive the skills to further their employment or educational opportunities. The school is one of the only accredited Alaska Native institutions located within the Arctic Slope and provides flexible program schedules to accommodate the needs of each student. Whether you are looking to improve your job status or seeking skill improvement, the college has programs for you. The college supports students in many ways, whether it be picking you up from the airport, finding you housing or hosting native food potlucks and social events. Students enrolled at Ilisagvik can pursue academics in workforce development and a number of courses in fields like: * Allied Health * Alaska Native Studies * Foundational Studies * Business Management * Statistics If you're interested in becoming a student you can contact an admissions advisor, who will guide you through the enrollment process. A variety of scholarships are available to help cover tuition for eligible students from the Arctic Education Foundation, Native Corporation and Bureau of Indian Education grants. Other forms of financial aid include Pell grants, SEO grants and work-study programs.

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  41. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    Fairweather offers a diverse scope of remote services that include: medical support, meteorological and oceanographic forecasting, aviation equipment and lighting, aviation weather observers, HSE Professionals, bear guards, vehicle and building leasing...

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  42. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Highlights:

    Developed in 1996, Copper River Seafoods is a pioneer in the art of harvesting, purchasing, processing, and delivering seafood. Through the company's success in the salmon industry, it extended the services and started processing other seafood products such as rockfish, halibut, cod, and crab. The company's headquarters are based in Anchorage, Alaska with processing locations in Anchorage, Cordova, Kenai, Togiak and Dutch Harbor.

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  43. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    The Pump House is located in Fairbanks, Alaska overlooking the Chena River. Enjoy top quality cuisine served “Alaskan Style”. This means the combination of the freshest food possible with the unique Alaskan culinary heritage. We offer prime aged beef a...

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  44. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Highlights:

    Kakivik can reduce the inspection time of 230-foot and larger storage tanks from weeks to days. Kakivik is a full service asset integrity management company, specializing in Nondestructive Testing, External and Internal Corrosion Investigations and Quality Program Management.

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  45. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    At CPH every employee is considered a caregiver, an integral part of our health care team. Follow us to learn more!

  46. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Highlights:

    Alaska Regional Hospital is one of the trusted hospitals located in Anchorage, Alaska. This hospital was established in 1963. They offer quality medical care that includes emergency, cancer care, neurology, surgery, OB/gyne, and orthopedics. To date, they have more than a thousand employees.

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  47. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    The University of Alaska System is a system of public universities in the US state of Alaska.

  48. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    Contract Services - Assets has achieved the employment of approximately 150 individuals with cognitive or intellectual disabilities by directly employing persons with disabilities to provide the operations of several federal, state, and private contracts the organization operates within the community.

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  49. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    Alaska Heart & Vascular Institute is Alaska's leading provider of cardiovascular care.

  50. Zippia Score 4.4

    Company Description:

    We are a locally owned & operated company dedicated to meeting the need of all our clients, one property at a time. We have been in the past and still will remain and be known as the Company that Cares. We have top professional standards, strong real e...

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  51. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    DOWL supports planning, surveying, engineering (transportation, civil, structural, water resources, and geotechnical), environmental, and other services.

  52. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Alaska National Insurance is a commercial insurance company that provides commercial insurance products. The company's personalized approach to insurance and treating their customers as their partners, has enabled them to develop customized solutions designed to achieve safer futures and better outcomes. It focuses on workers' comp, commercial property and auto, general liability, inland marine, umbrella, crime and other commercial insurance services. Alaska National Insurance was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, United States.

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  53. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Barrow Utilities & Electric Cooperative Inc is primarily engaged in providing combinations of electric, gas, and other services, not elsewhere classified.

  54. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Mission Statement:

    To support those people as they turn their dreams into reality.

  55. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Mat-Su Borough School District is the second largest school district in Alaska with over 19,000 students at 47 school sites.

  56. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Highlights:

    The Alaska Club Studio features a state-of-the-art hot yoga studio and functional training space. Here, they help you make a plan and reach your fitness goals. The best way for you to succeed is to meet with one of their experienced fitness managers to assess your health baseline and help you structure a program.

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  57. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Advanced Physical Therapy's service-oriented objective is to offer the best physical therapy care in Alaska. With 5 locations statewide, we're in a community near you.

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  58. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Eastern Aleutian Tribes Is a tribally operated health corporation providing the sole source of comprehensive primary services in the Aleutian East Borough.

  59. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    We have a great team of doctors, nurse practitioners, dentists and behavioral health providers.

  60. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    CIRI - An Alaska Native Corporation

  61. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Anchorage School District is Alaska's largest district, serving families in Anchorage, Eagle River and Girdwood.

  62. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Alaska USA Federal Credit Union is a federally chartered financial services cooperative with their branches througout Alaska. They are the biggest providers of consumer financial services in Alask

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  63. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Highlights:

    Afognak has been in the industry since 1973. Through its subsidiaries, Afognak provides contract services to the federal government such as DOD, FEMA, USCG, US navy, air force, and other government agencies in the areas of construction, security, logistics, maintenance, information technology, and technical fields. Afognak represents and serves over 1,000 plus shareholders who are descended from the Village of Afognak.

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  64. Zippia Score 4.3

  65. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Peak Oilfield Service Company LLC provides construction, maintenance, industrial cleaning, power generation, and transportation services to oil, gas, petrochemical, and chemical industries in Alaska. It provides crane, ice road construction, drilling support, general civil work, construction, trucking, facility operations and maintenance support, and project management services; and provides oil tank cleaning services. It also specializes in the sale, installation, and maintenance of AC and DC power systems; offers controls and switchgears, stationary batteries, customized modular power plants, three-phase and single phase uninterruptible power systems, DC power equipment, and hybrid remote power systems; and sells and services power and standby generation systems. In addition, it offers engineering, project management, logistical support, and creative solutions for non-traditional construction; and construction-civil/structural/mechanical, pump jack erection elevated steel pump jack base installation, heavy hauling, helical pier installation, operations and maintenance support, fabrication-piping/structural, hot shot, pipeline construction, mobile crane fleet, facilities installation, and ASME PV repair and alteration services. The company was founded in 1979 and is based in Anchorage, Alaska with additional offices in North Slope, Anchorage, Valdez and the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. As of October 31, 2013, Peak Oilfield Service Company LLC operates as a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation.

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  66. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    NANA Development Corporation, Inc. engages in engineering and construction, resource development, facilities management and logistics, real estate and hotel development, and information technology (IT) and telecommunications activities in the United States and internationally. Its resource development services include drilling, mining, fuel solutions, energy reselling, mineral transport, information technology, camp services, food services, modular construction, safety classes, and security services; and engineering and construction services include engineering, surveying, architectural, environmental, geotechnical, planning, construction, and project management services. The company also offers IT and telecom services, which include data management, tactical communications, network operation engineering, enterprise IT and network services, help desks, information assurance, program management, and product development services; real estate and hotel development services, including investment, architecture, engineering, hotel management, construction, and project management services; and film support services. In addition, the company offers facilities management and logistics (federal and commercial) services, which include facility maintenance and operations, equipment maintenance, custodial, security, transportation and motor pool operations, cargo handling and logistics, property leasing, warehousing, supply, procurement, food services, housekeeping, and hotel and inventory management services. It serves oil and gas, mining, healthcare, hospitality, federal contracting, and tribal sectors. The company was founded in 1974 and is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska. It has operations in various locations ranging from the Arctic Circle to Australia, across the United States to the Middle East and the South Pacific. NANA Development Corporation, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.

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  67. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    Kids' Corps, Inc. is a non-profit Anchorage, Alaska based Head Start agency whose mission is to provide a head start to families with children who need it most.

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  68. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    The Arc of Anchorage is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging people with disabilities and celebrating their potential.

  69. Zippia Score 4.3

    Company Description:

    WHAT SETS US APART! Whether your Alaska vacation interests involve guided attractions throughout Alaska, a combination land and sea package, or an independent land tour, Alaska Travel Adventures can help make your Alaska vacation dreams come true......

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  70. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Iñupiat Iļitqusiat is that which makes us who we are. Our traditional values are the foundation of NANA. We embody these values in our words and actions.

  71. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Doyon Universal Services LLC operates as an integrated facility management contractor and security services provider for private and public sectors in Alaska. It offers urban and remote-site catering, maintenance, janitorial, and housekeeping services. The company also provides security services, which include armed and unarmed uniformed security services, critical infrastructure protection, security consulting, security risk and vulnerability assessments, executive protection, emergency medical and firefighter, and security programs implementation. It serves oil and gas, engineering, construction, mining, government, and military sectors; and multinational corporations, privately owned companies, commercial facilities and buildings, refineries, pipelines, and marine ports and maritime facilities, as well as state, municipal, and government organizations. The company was founded in 1992 and is based in Anchorage, Alaska. Doyon Universal Services LLC operates as a subsidiary of Doyon, Limited.

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  72. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    A longstanding leader in their industry, MTA is Alaska's best choice for technology and communication products. They are a strong and fundamental player in the economy of Southcentral Alaska. Their employees are dedicated to delivering the highest level of service and quality to their customers. MTA was established in 1953 and is 100% locally owned and operated. They have a genuine interest in the success of their customers and enjoy sharing and living in the same communities. They take pride in their reputation and the products and services they deliver. They know that the world relies on technology every day and it's their goal to bring life and technology together in a beneficial and meaningful way for their customers.

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  73. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Opening Doors to Independence Regardless of age or disability, Access Alaska has assisted thousands of older and disabled Alaskans and their families access information, training, advocacy and support since 1983.

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  74. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Highlights:

    Vend Alaska has been serving the Alaska market for nearly 70 years. Their products include Avanti fresh markets, vending machines, office coffee, ATMs, music and game booths, and water coolers, to name a few. They serve over 1,000 businesses locally & throughout Alaska.

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  75. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Sealaska is a Native institution, guided by traditional core cultural values and protocols. These protocols have served the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian for thousands of years and are the basis for the Sealaska Facebook code of conduct: respect towards...

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  76. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Alaskan Professional Employer Services, Inc. provides human resources, workers' compensation, safety and loss prevention, employee benefits, and payroll administration services. Its human resources services include employee handbooks, orientation, policies, and procedures; employment documentation; maintaining employee records; I-9 compliance; information regarding local, state, and federal labor laws and notices; and management and leadership training. The company s workers' compensation services comprise claims management, elimination of deposits and audits, administration of return to work programs, and injury investigations. Its safety and loss prevention services include aid in OSHA compliance, safety program implementation and training, job safety analysis development, first aid training, and safety seminars, as well as drug, background, and integrity screenings. The company s employee benefits services comprise the management of education, enrollment, and administration of insurance plans. Its payroll services include automated time clock and time keeping software; calculating payroll deductions, including taxes and garnishments; calculating and tracking holiday, sick, and vacation time accrual; issuing paychecks; payroll reports; submission and distribution of W-2s; and wage and hour and internal controls seminars. Alaskan Professional Employer Services, Inc. was founded in 1998 and is based in Anchorage, Alaska. As of July 31, 2015, Alaskan Professional Employer Services, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Better Business Systems, Inc.

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  77. Zippia Score 4.2

  78. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Akeela, Inc. is primarily engaged in the provision of residential social and personal care for children, the aged, and special categories of persons with some limits on ability for self-care, but where medical care is not a major element. Included are establishments providing 24-hour year-round care for children.

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  79. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    An Alaska Native non-profit organization that serves 42 villages in Interior Alaska.

  80. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    The North Slope Borough is the northernmost borough in the US state of Alaska.

  81. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    COVID-19 UPDATES Latest News & Updates Sign up for our E-News! See More Posts var _ctct_m = "17ac2f6745d028135fb51901279cfff0"; Kawerak Podcast Radio 2021 Community Needs Assessment: Bering Strait Region Community

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  82. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    The Kodiak Area Native Association was formed in 1966 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation providing health and social services for the Alaska Natives of the Koniag region. KANA provides these services on behalf of the United States Government through c...

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    What people like about Kodiak Area Native Association:

    Great company that really cares about its employees.

  83. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Alutiiq 3SG, LLC provides information technology (IT) security solutions. The company was formerly known as 3SG, Inc. and changed its name to Alutiiq 3SG, LLC in April, 2008. The company was incorporated in 2001 and is based in Anchorage, Alaska. As of June 2007, Alutiiq 3SG, LLC operates as a subsidiary of Afognak Native Corporation.

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  84. Zippia Score 4.2

  85. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Saltwater Inc. is a leading provider of high quality data on fisheries & oceans through electronic monitoring, observer and ProTech services.

  86. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Everts Air is an American airline based in Fairbanks, Alaska, United States.

  87. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Westmark Hotels has been the leader in full service Alaska and Yukon hotels since 1987 and we just keep getting better. What makes Westmark Hotels & Inns hotels and conference centers special isn't just that it's the largest collection of full service hotels in Alaska and the Yukon. Each of our eight properties is designed to reflect the personality of the communities they call home to ensure that every Westmark guest can soak in the essence of each distinct Alaskan town. With this spirit of uniqueness in mind, Westmark Hotels stand for warm northern hospitality and quality lodging and dining. We've also made a name for ourselves as a top destination for conferences, meetings, and events and regularly host events as varied as tribal meetings, environmental conferences, and off-site business meetings. We've also become a go-to destination for couples looking to host a wedding surrounded by the scenic beauty of Alaska. Our professional events coordinators make planning a breeze and our full-service caterers that offer locally inspired food and beverages help make every occasion perfect. The Westmark group was the first hotel chain in Alaska to employ a Director of Safety, the first to strike a deal with Alaska Airlines for guest bonus miles, the first to recognize the need for fitness equipment in our hotels, and one of the first hotel companies to establish a strong commitment to being environmentally sound. We always put the needs and comforts of our guests first. A subsidiary of Holland America Line, Westmark Hotels are strategically located along the Alaska Highway and near major tourist destinations. Our collection of hotels and inns set the bar for Alaska and Yukon hospitality, helping to ensure that every guest's visit to the north is just right. Start planning your Alaska getaway today and don't forget to check out our packages & specials.

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  88. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Mission Statement:

    To be a profitable, nationwide supplier of outsourced services whose caring culture makes us an employer of choice.

  89. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    With a mission of providing experiential learning, personal attention, small classes and faith- based values education, Alaska Pacific University gives students a unique campus experience. APU academics offer students hands on learning opportunities in one of the most beautiful environmental settings in the United States. Small class sizes, self-directed learning and emphasis on personal growth help students prepare for success after college. Students may choose from 11 undergraduate majors and five graduate degrees, as well as an associate's degrees and several graduate certificates. New students are encouraged to participate in Journeys, an outdoor wilderness adventure designed to teach students backcountry safety techniques and provide a time for reflection and discussion about what you want to get out of your college experience. Admissions requirements for first-year students include ACT or SAT scores, two letters of recommendation and a personal essay. Financial aid is available to eligible students through federal, state, institutional and private sources. Additional information on available financial aid packages can be accessed by contacting Student Financial Services office, and prospective students can also use the online tuition calculator to estimate the yearly cost to attend Alaska Pacific University. APU college life offers enough variety to fulfill a student's quest for campus and community involvement. Students can choose from a number of housing options, and there are numerous recreational activities and clubs to participate in on and off campus. Students who enjoy skiing will find ample opportunity to test and utilize their skills at the APU Nordic Ski Center and the Thomas Training Center on Eagle Glacier. The broad-based programs at the ski center offer year round training opportunities for students and community members, as well as for world-class competitors, and the training center provides a first-class coaching staff.

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  90. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Northern Air Cargo, LLC is an American cargo airline based in Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

  91. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Body Renew Alaska | Memberships, Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, and more! Results Fast & Correctly!

  92. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    Our 22 bed acute care hospital provided inpatient services to 767 patients for total patient days of 3,196 during FY20. Total outpatient visits for the year were 77,307 which includes 4,285 emergency room visits, 1029 ambulatory surgery visits, and other outpatient services such as imaging, laboratory, physical therapy, infusion, chemotherapy, and sleep lab.

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  93. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    The Fairbanks North Star Borough is a borough located in the state of Alaska.

  94. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:

    AHFC is a self-supporting public corporation with offices in 16 communities statewide. AHFC has contributed more than $1.9 billion to Alaska's state budget revenues through cash transfers, capital projects and debt-service payments.

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  95. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Description:


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  96. Zippia Score 4.2

    Company Highlights:

    In 1974, Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center (ANHC) began servicing Anchorage with a handful of clinicians in a trailer. To date, it has grown to become one of Alaska's largest and most comprehensive primary care medical and dental practices serving over 13,000 individual patients through over 52,000 visits in 2016. They have 45 exam, procedure, and medical consultation rooms; a full-service state-of-the-art dental clinic with 10 operatories, and more.

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  97. Zippia Score 4.1

    Company Highlights:

    Capital Office enjoys one of the most esteemed reputations in the industry dating back over seventy years as one of Alaska's most experienced and customer service driven office furniture dealers. Collaborating with customers to create highly functional space and improving workplace performance is the foundation of their success.

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  98. Zippia Score 4.1

    Company Description:

    authorGEN Technologies provide distance learning products and solutions. The company caters to the distance learning markets of universities, schools, community colleges, the training community, and e-tutoring. WiZiQ is a place where you can teach and learn using an easy-to-use Virtual Classroom. You are welcome to give private and public live online sessions, teach for free or earn money teaching. As a learner you can attend public sessions on various topics from academics to anything under the sun.

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  99. Zippia Score 4.1

  100. Zippia Score 4.1

  101. Zippia Score 4.1

Best companies in Alaska

RankCompanyZippia Score
3Norton Sound Health4.9
4Arctic Slope Regional Construction Company Inc4.8
7Katmai Careers4.7
8Marsh Creek4.7
9Southcentral Foundation4.7
10Chugach Alaska4.7
11Yukon Kuskokwim Health4.7
12General Communication4.7
13Ukpeagvik IOoOupiat Corporation4.7
15ENSTAR Natural Gas4.6
16Bering Straits4.6
18Doyon, Limited4.6
19NANA WorleyParsons4.6
20Fairbanks North Star Borough4.6
21Malone Insurance4.6
22Mayor Ethan Berkowitz4.6
23Alaska Communications4.5
24Northrim Bank4.5
25Alyeska Pipeline Service4.5
26Chugach Electric4.5
28Mat-Su Health Services, Inc.4.5
29Alaska Native Medical Center4.5
31Dimond Center4.5
32RurAL CAP4.5
33Silver Bay Seafoods4.5
35Alaska Railroad4.5
36Bristol Alliance of Companies4.5
37Usibelli Coal Mine4.4
38Mat-Su Services for Children and Adults4.4
39Ilisagvik College4.4
41Copper River Seafoods, Inc.4.4
42The Pump House4.4
43Kakivik Asset Management LLC4.4
44CPH Jobs4.4
45Alaska Regional Hospital4.4
46University of Alaska4.4
48Alaska Heart & Vascular Institute4.4
49Jack White Real Estate4.4
51Alaska National Insurance4.3
52Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative4.3
55The Alaska Club4.3
56Advanced Physical Therapy4.3
57Eastern Aleutian Tribes4.3
58Peninsula Community Health Services of Alaska4.3
59Cook Inlet Region4.3
60Anchorage School District4.3
61Alaska USA4.3
63Builders Choice, Inc.4.3
64Peak Oilfield Service Co.4.3
65NANA Dev4.3
66Kids' Corps4.3
67The Arc of Anchorage4.3
68Alaska Travel Adventures, Inc.4.3
70Doyon Universal Services4.2
71Matanuska Telephone Association4.2
72Access Alaska4.2
73Vend Alaska4.2
75Alaskan Professional Employer Services Inc4.2
77Akeela Inc4.2
78Tanana Chiefs Conference4.2
79North Slope Borough4.2
81Kodiak Area Native Association4.2
82Alutiiq 3SG LLC4.2
83Superior Plumbing & Heating Inc4.2
85Everts Air4.2
86Westmark Whitehorse Hotel & Conference Center4.2
87Nana Management Services, LLC4.2
88Alaska Pacific University4.2
89Northern Air Cargo4.2
90Body Renew Alaska4.2
91South Peninsula Hospital4.2
92Carlson Center4.2
93Alaska Housing Finance4.2
94Foundation Health Partners4.2
95Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center4.2
96Capital Office4.1
98NorthStar Paving4.1
99Egan Civic & Convention Center4.1
100Arctic Builders Source4.1

About Zippia’s best companies to work for

You can learn how the Zippia score and company rankings are calculated here.

Best companies to work for headquartered in Alaska

Best companies to work for in states near Alaska