Cobb Theatres Overview

Motion Pictures and Film
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Social Media

Cobb Theatres is a media company focusing on cinema entertainment, customer experience, and regional expansion. Established in 1921, the company expanded through the South by acquiring General Cinema and Wometco Theatres. This American cinema chain has grown to become a significant player in the industry.

With a workforce of 312 employees, Cobb Theatres takes pride in hiring graduates from institutions like Miami Dade College. Headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, the company generates annual revenue of $119.5 million, showcasing its prominence within the media and entertainment sector. As an established organization, Cobb Theatres remains committed to delivering high-quality cinema experiences for its audience.

Cobb Theatres's Mission Statement

To provide their guests with the absolute best movie-going experience, every Cobb Theatre is designed to provide guests with the highest-quality audio and visual presentation, unsurpassed comfort and outstanding guest services.


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Employee Reviews
A reddit user wrote a review on Aug 2014
What sort of incredible sights have you dealt with? Have they mostly been negative things, or are there positive ones as well (such as the actors showing up)? Do theater employees have a lot of down time on their shifts? Or is it a lot of running around (potentially due to limited staffing)? For the latter, an example would be if you had 3 employees on duty at a 4 plex, so there would always be cleaning, ticket sales, and concession duty to attend to.

I've served countless actors and been tipped every time from them, they are so nice and totally not what I thought. Although pooplosions are towards the negative side. We often have downtime during our shifts as movies are more popular when there are breaks between them. I work at a 12 plex so we staff pretty well and there's enough work force to accomplish the work at hand, and them some.

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A reddit user wrote a review on Aug 2014
How much money does it cost a theater per showing to show a movie? Have you ever seen a situation where no one bought a ticket to a particular showing?

I can't give you exact monetary values as it changes by the movie and the distributor. If it costs us 5K to buy the hard drive of the movie, it will take about 2 hours to get it copied onto our projection server, set up with previews, and synchronized with lights. So the current cost is $5,020.00. Now lets say we show it for 17 days (average run time at Village 12). The current cost is $295.30 a day. Let's say that we show it 5 times a day, that makes the cost 59.06 per show. Our average ticket price is 11.75, so we need to sell about 5-6 tickets to run that show with almost no profit. Of course, the real numbers might vary. We have had times where no one has bought a ticket to a slow show, but we just turn off the projector and sound for that show that way it does not strain the bulb as those can get quite expensive and that way an empty show does not become an employee hangout.

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A reddit user wrote a review on Aug 2014
How often do underage kids try getting in to R-rated movies? What is the theater's official response to such things?

You'd be surprised at how many kids try to get in. I work Concierge a lot as a supervisor and when we had movies like "22 Jump Street", "Neighbors", "Purge", etc, I would end up either sending them into a properly aged movie or refunding their purchase flat out. Village 12 tries to stick to the exact wording of the MPAA as much as we can, as if you are purchasing a ticket to a Rated R movie, you must be at least 17 years or older, or accompanied by a legal guardian or parent at least 21 years or older. No 16.5 year olds get to see rated R movies unless their mommy sits right next to them.

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A reddit user wrote a review on Aug 2014
Any tips on trying to sneak into different movies? Does management really care about that sort of thing?

Actually that's like a really big deal in the theater world. If you purchase a ticket for Expendables 3 but actually wanted to see something like Guardians of the Galaxy (not the best pair but I haven't worked in a week or so due to band so I have no clue what movies are out right now) it totally screws up the projection of the next movie schedule because we might end showing one movie earlier than another or put it in a much smaller auditorium due to lack of ticket sales. I don't really have any tips for sneaking in because I catch about 99% of customers that try and sneak into to a movie they didn't pay for. Also, at Village 12 we have Reserved Seating so if you sat in someones seat, you'd be really quick to find yourself in the theater you're supposed to be in, or, if you snuck in all together, you'd find yourself out of the theater. It costs a lot of money to show a movie and if you didn't buy a ticket you're basically taking money from the company.

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A reddit user wrote a review on Aug 2014
What would you do in a mass shooting at your theater?

Well, we would try and evacuate everyone into the emergency hallways (no entrance from the outside, theoretically the safest place to be) and the cops would be on the phone as soon as we hear gun shots. We are trained to try and isolate all customers from whatever danger is being faced at the moment, but if the guy with the gun decides to hold a customer hostage we're not supposed to be a hero as that has some grey area Good Samaritan Law codes with it. Also, being a hero would leave the customer with full rights to sue the company for an employee egging on the assassin and possibly killing or injuring her. We try and take every step we can to avoid mass shootings like what happened in Dark Knight a couple years back. A new company policy after that was to not allow any weapons or arms in the theater without explicit manager approval (upon showing carry permit) and we also do not allow large bags (back packs, totes of sorts) if we are unsure of what might be in them.

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A reddit user wrote a review on Aug 2014
Have you ever caught anyone having sex in the theater? What did you do?

Actually I have, full on sex one time and them another time I had to clean up the aftermath of a ***. As for the time I caught a couple having sex, at first I was just flabbergasted, but I decided to take the most blunt of approaches. I went up to their row and walked up next to them (I guess they couldn't hear my shoes or the jingle of my keys), asked them both to put their pants on and to follow me out of the auditorium where I had a manager kick them out without a refund.

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    Highest paying Cobb Theatres competitors

    Compare Cobb Theatres salaries to competitors, including United Artists, K1 Speed, and Regal Entertainment Holdings Inc. Employees at United Artists earn the highest average yearly salary of $52,964. The salaries at K1 Speed average $50,576 per year, and the salaries at Regal Entertainment Holdings Inc come in at $49,916 per year.
    Average Salary
    1United Artists$52,9640
    2K1 Speed$50,576844
    3Regal Entertainment Holdings Inc$49,9160
    4Epic Theatre Ensemble$46,3910
    5Laemmle Theatres$43,3150
    6Marquee Cinemas$36,9930
    7Emagine Entertainment$34,98954
    8Showcase Cinemas$33,2750
    9Cinema City Czech s.r.o$33,0420

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    Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Cobb Theatres, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Cobb Theatres. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Cobb Theatres. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Cobb Theatres. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Cobb Theatres and its employees or that of Zippia.

    Cobb Theatres may also be known as or be related to Cobb Theatres, Theatres Cobb III LLC and Theatres Cobb Iii Llc.