Black Angus Steakhouse company history timeline


Black Angus Steakhouse was incorporated by Stuart Anderson in 1964.

When he started the chain in 1964, Mr.


Saga acquired Black Angus in 1972.

The chain was sold in 1972, but Mr.


In 1974, the Black Angus at Little Creek closed its doors and Christy Hariton sold his interest in the restaurant operation to Michael Savvides.


Marriott acquired Saga in 1987, and sold several of the Saga restaurants to American Restaurant Group.


In 1995, the chain had 101 restaurants and reported revenue of $244 million.


By 2001, their business experienced growth and opened 103 Black Angus restaurants in 13 states.


In 1995, the chain had 101 restaurants and reported revenue of $244 million. It was indebted approximately $202 million and had in 2003 reported revenue of $276.6 million resulting in a net loss of $32.5 million.


In September 2005, American Restaurant Group filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.


Black Angus Steakhouse was sold to Versa Capital Management Inc. in 2009.


In 2010, the Black Angus Steakhouse, which was the ninth franchise built, in Yakima, Washington celebrated its fortieth anniversary.

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Company Founded
Los Angeles, CA
Company headquarter
Stuart Anderson
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Black Angus Steakhouse may also be known as or be related to Black Angus Steakhouse, Black Angus Steakhouses LLC and Black Angus Steakhouses, LLC.