Average Behavioral Sciences Major Salary
Updated September 14, 2023

What is the average behavioral sciences major salary in the US?

Behavioral sciences major graduates in America make, on average, $42,314 a year or $20.34 per hour.While the top 10 percent make over $65,000 per year, the bottom 10 percent make under $27,000.health care companies and non profits companies have the most job opportunities for behavioral sciences majors.The top 5 states when it comes to salaries for behavioral sciences major graduates are New Jersey, New York, California, Connecticut, and Washington.
Best Paying Cities

Average Behavioral Sciences Salary By Company

In every industry, there is a range of salaries that a behavioral sciences major graduate makes.health care companies and non profits companies are the best when it comes to the number of employment opportunities.The two companies that report the highest salaries for behavioral sciences major graduates are Deloitte and Kronos Incorporated.Also, companies like Mount Sinai Health System and Mission Regional Medical Center pay behavioral sciences major graduates very well.

Average Behavioral Sciences Major Salary By City

The national average salary for a behavioral sciences major graduate in the USA is $42,314 annually or $20.34 hourly.Washington, DC reports the highest annual salary for behavioral sciences majors at 50,011.Even entry-level jobs for behavioral sciences majors have an average salary of $30,000 per year in Washington, DC.San Francisco, CA, New York, NY, Seattle, WA, Las Vegas, NV, Baltimore, MD, and Rochester, NH are the best cities for behavioral sciences major graduates looking for a higher than average salary.New Jersey, New York, California, Connecticut, and Washington are the states with the highest payscale for behavioral sciences major graduates.On the other hand, Tennessee, Florida, Missouri, Georgia, and Louisiana report the lowest wages for behavioral sciences major graduates.

Average Salary By Location

RankCityAverage Behavioral Sciences SalarySalary Range
1Washington, DC
2San Francisco, CA
3New York, NY
4Seattle, WA
5Las Vegas, NV
6Baltimore, MD
7Rochester, NH
8Saint Paul, MN
9Chicago, IL
10Boston, MA
11Portland, OR
12Richmond, VA
13Denver, CO
14Philadelphia, PA
15Madison, WI
16Portland, ME
17Cleveland, OH
18San Antonio, TX
19Kansas City, KS
20Detroit, MI

Average Behavioral Sciences Major Salary By Industry

Behavioral sciences major salaries can vary depending on the industry.Our analysis shows that government companies, non profits companies, and education companies pay higher-than-average wages for behavioral sciences major graduates.Salaries for behavioral sciences major graduates in government companies average $40,004 annually, while non profits companies and education companies pay $39,562 and $39,184, respectively.At $35,690, the average salary for behavioral sciences majors in the professional industry is lower than other industries.

Average Salary By Industry

RankIndustryAverage Behavioral Sciences Major SalaryRange
Non Profits
Health Care

Salary History For Behavioral Sciences Major Graduates

This data shows the national average salary between 2011-2020 among Behavioral Sciences major graduates.

  • National Average

Behavioral Sciences Major Salary By Experience Level

Average Salary By Experience Level Salaries By Experience Level

The salary for a behavioral sciences major graduate can range from $29,369 to $65,006 depending on the amount of work experience that the person has. Data on how experience level affects salary is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as part of their National Compensation Survey, which is based on factors such as knowledge, complexity, contacts, and environment.
Experience Level
Avg. Salary
Hourly Rate
Entry-level average salary by experience level$29,400$14.12
Mid-level average salary by experience level$43,100$20.70
Senior-level average salary by experience level$65,000$31.25

Salaries For Related Majors

RankMajorAverage SalaryRange
1Human Computer Interaction
2Science, Technology, And Society
3Cognitive Science
4Mathematics And Computer Science
5Accounting And Computer Science
6Human Biology
8Natural Sciences
Dispute Resolution
Conflict Resolution
12Nutrition Science
13Interdisciplinary Studies
Historic Preservation And Conservation
15Global Studies
16Classical And Ancient Studies
17Marine Sciences
18Museum Studies