Behavior Analyst best companies

The best companies for behavior analysts to work for in 2024 are Positive Behavior Supports and Devereux Florida Treatment Network. If you are looking for the best-paying companies for behavior analysts, you should consider Empower U with a median behavior analyst salary of $92,219 or UofL Hospital with a median salary of $89,065.

10 best companies for Behavior analysts

  • Zippia Score 3.8

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $75,507
    #1 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    Chrysalis is primarily engaged in the retail sale of household furniture. These stores may also sell home furnishings, major appliances, and floor coverings.

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  • Zippia Score 4.3

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $84,546
    #2 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    Epic Health Services is a leading provider of pediatric skilled nursing and therapy services, as well as a variety of adult home health care services.

  • Zippia Score 4.5

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $74,169
    #3 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Mission Statement:

    To provide services to persons with disabilities in order that those persons may live, work and participate in the community in the least restrictive environment to achieve their full potential.

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  • Zippia Score 3.8

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $58,913
    #4 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    Woodfords Family Services was founded in 1967 by five families who wanted to provide specialized educational services to their children with disabilities. Over the course of 50 years, the agency has grown into one of the largest providers of disability...

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  • Zippia Score 4.5

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $70,715
    #5 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Highlights:

    Providence Service Corporation is a holding company whose subsidiaries provide high quality, technology-enabled healthcare and workforce development services. They invest in, manage, and build companies that are delivering exceptional value in service industries.

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  • Zippia Score 3.6

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $70,331
    #6 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    The Columbus Organization empowers individuals to realize their meaningful-life goals through nationally recognized care/support coordination, professional clinical staffing, and quality improvement services for the intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) or behavioral needs community. The Company delivers an unmatched depth of expertise, breadth of resources, diversity of thinking, and dedication to finding the most appropriate, personalized solutions for its customers. The Columbus Organization provides a wide array of services specifically for families, individuals and the organizations that support them.

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  • Zippia Score 3.9

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $72,848
    #7 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    Centria has focused on providing healthcare services that offer a positive impact on the lives of the people and communities in which we work.

  • Zippia Score 3.8

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $71,182
    #8 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    The butterfly effect teaches us that there are in fact no little factors; that even the smallest action can set off a chain of actions that can lead to a huge difference. Often this is talked about as how a butterfly flapping its wings in Tanzania can create a breeze that may set off a continuous series of actions that ultimately lead to a hurricane in Texas. ... But a butterfly effect doesn't have to be accidental.

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  • Zippia Score 4.2

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $66,319
    #9 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    Philosophy of Care Community Integration Melmark supports community-based residential options offering external social, recreational, volunteer, and occupational opportunities for children and adults. Individualized Planning and Customized Progr...

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  • Zippia Score 3.9

    Average Behavior Analyst Salary: $74,396
    #10 Top Company For Behavior Analysts
    Company Description:

    Texana Center is focused on helping people with behavioral healthcare issues or intellectual & developmental disabilities challenges make a positive difference in their lives.

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10 highest paying companies for Behavior analysts

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