This question is about physical therapist.

What is the career path for a physical therapist?

By Zippia Team - Feb. 1, 2023

The career path for a physical therapist involves jobs as an occupational therapist, physician assistant, and physical therapist. While the career path for a physical therapist is straightforward in terms of education, skills, training, and professional experience, there are some on and off-ramps to other careers in related medical fields.

Here is a closer look at the career path for a physical therapist:

  • Education

All aspiring physical therapists must obtain a bachelor's degree. Majors that include coursework pertaining to these areas:

  • Physiology

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

Appropriate majors for this field include:

  • Biology

  • Human anatomy

  • Health sciences

  • Pre-physical therapy

  • Athletic training

  • Exercise science

  • Kinesiology

Some on this path choose to double major, at applicable schools, in order to study a wider range of related areas and also take on an internship program for practical experience purposes. Next candidates must prepare to pursue a doctorate degree in physical therapy. This is referred to as a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program and it is a requirement.

  • Licensure

All physical therapists must obtain a license in order to legally practice. This is the case in all states. The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) administers the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). This is the licensing requirement for all states. Other requirements for a license can vary from state to state, but may include:

  • Passing an exam on relevant laws

  • Passing an exam on ethics

  • Participating in a criminal background check

Physical therapists must also participate in continuing education to renew their license, specifics depend on each state.

  • Residency

Residency programs are a great way for physical therapists to get hands-on training under the guidance of veteran physical therapists. They also represent a valuable opportunity to gain more knowledge and training in a specific area of focus.

  • Board certification

  • Cardiovascular and pulmonary

  • Pediatrics

  • Orthopedics

  • Clinical electrophysiology

  • Women's health

  • Geriatrics

  • Neurology

  • Sports physical therapy

Board certification opens up physical therapists to additional higher-paying job options.

  • Related roles on this career path

While many physical therapists stay psychical therapists throughout their entire career or become specialized in one area of physical therapy, there are some that choose to branch off into different careers in medicine and physical health. Some alternative career choices for physical therapists include:

  • Personal trainer

  • Occupational therapist

  • Occupational therapist assistant

  • Physician assistant

What is the career path for a physical therapist?

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