This question is about Allentown, PA.

What is a good salary in Allentown, PA?

By Zippia Team - Nov. 5, 2021

A good salary in Allentown, PA is anything over $36,000. That's because the median income in Allentown is $36,000, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Allentown. The average salary in Allentown is $40,636.

A good hourly wage in Allentown is $17.31 per hour. That works out to a good weekly wage of $692 per week and a good monthly wage of $3,000 per month. However, using the median income is only one way to calculate a good salary in Allentown.

Another way to calculate a good salary in Allentown is to look at the price of housing and use that to back into a good salary. Experts agree that you want to maintain about a 5 to 1 home price to income ratio. Based on the median home price of $131,300, a good salary in Allentown would be $26,260.

Lastly, we can determine a good salary in Allentown by looking at the cost of living and comparing it to the US average salary. The cost of living in Allentown is 5% lower than than the national average. The national average salary is $56,310, so a good salary in Allentown is anything over $53,494 by this measure.

Average Annual Salary in Allentown, PA

PercentileAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage

What is a good salary in Allentown, PA?

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