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To cover tattoos for work you can do different things depending on the location and size of the tattoo; some common methods include covering it with clothes, wrapping the tattoo in gauze, sleeves, or covers, or using makeup. While tattoos in the workplace are becoming a more common appearance, there are still many businesses that prefer employees not to have visible tattoos, especially if they are working in a customer-facing role.
If you find yourself at a job that does not allow employees to have visible tattoos, then you will need to figure out a way to cover up the ink. Tattoos may be your badge of honor, but in the workplace, it's important to be a team player. The key is finding fun and creative ways to keep your art under wraps.
Tips for covering up tattoos at work:
Cover it with clothing. Don't let your body art be the thorn in your side! Camouflage it with strategic clothing, like a long-sleeved shirt, or consider using makeup as your shield of defense. This can mean wearing long shirts, skirts, and pants or wearing socks or boots.
Wrap it in gauze. Bandage it up like a battle wound. Wrap the tattoo loosely in a clean, dry, breathable bandage material like gauze or cotton and remove it as soon as you leave the office (you want the tattoo to get as much air circulation as possible). This works best for tattoos on your limbs or appendages that are difficult to cover by other means
Invest in sleeves or covers. Just pull the elastic sleeve over your arm or leg and ta-da! They come in a variety of colors and designs, with some brands even making skin-toned sleeves to look more subtle.
Cover it with makeup. Use a bit of creative concealment to blend in with the dress code herd. First, wash your tattoo and apply a color-correcting, full-coverage primer. Choose a color that's opposite the color of your tat.Then apply a loose setting powder, a layer of foundation, another layer of powder, and then a thicker layer of foundation that matches your skin tone. Finish with a final powder layer
Remember, in the workplace, it's important to look sharp and stay on point, so don't let your tattoos be a stumbling block. With the right strategy and some creative cover-up tactics, you can keep your ink under wraps and stay ahead of the curve.
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