What does an Ammunition Assembly Labour do?
Ammunition assembly labour responsibilities
Here are examples of responsibilities from real ammunition assembly labour resumes:
- Manage the flow of each pallet to ensure the group is able to produce the quality product.
- Operate RF scanning equipment to account and inventory manufacture products.
- Work on various vehicle production lines assembling components for Chrysler automobiles.
- Execute daily operations of drum dryer.
Ammunition assembly labour skills and personality traits
We calculated that 30% of Ammunition Assembly Labours are proficient in Hand Tools, Assembly Line, and Blueprint Specifications. They’re also known for soft skills such as Customer-service skills, Hand-eye coordination, and Listening skills.
We break down the percentage of Ammunition Assembly Labours that have these skills listed on their resume here:
- Hand Tools, 30%
Worked with different types of hand tools, air guns, torque wrenches, and other various types of tools.
- Assembly Line, 15%
Operated, assembled and packaged various types of inventory/merchandise on an assembly line using various manufacturing equipment.
- Blueprint Specifications, 12%
Prepared work to be accomplished by studying assembly instructions, blueprint specifications, and parts lists.
- Work Ethic, 10%
Please contact Manpower for work history, references, and/or work ethics information .
- Tape Measure, 10%
Measured and marked locations of studs, leaders and receptacle openings, using tape measure, template and marker.
- Safety Guidelines, 3%
Followed safety guidelines according to company specifications
"hand tools," "assembly line," and "blueprint specifications" are among the most common skills that ammunition assembly labours use at work. You can find even more ammunition assembly labour responsibilities below, including:
Customer-service skills. The most essential soft skill for an ammunition assembly labour to carry out their responsibilities is customer-service skills. This skill is important for the role because "hand laborers and material movers who work with the public, such as grocery baggers or carwash attendants, must be pleasant and courteous to customers." Additionally, an ammunition assembly labour resume shows how their duties depend on customer-service skills: "inspect, operate, and test completed products to verify functioning, machine capabilities, or conformance to customer specifications. "
Hand-eye coordination. Many ammunition assembly labour duties rely on hand-eye coordination. "most hand laborers and material movers use their arms and hands to manipulate objects or move objects into specific positions.," so an ammunition assembly labour will need this skill often in their role. This resume example is just one of many ways ammunition assembly labour responsibilities rely on hand-eye coordination: "train members on line plug the vehicle in paint department use of hand and eye coordination very fast work place. "
Listening skills. ammunition assembly labours are also known for listening skills, which are critical to their duties. You can see how this skill relates to ammunition assembly labour responsibilities, because "hand laborers and material movers follow instructions that a supervisor gives them." An ammunition assembly labour resume example shows how listening skills is used in the workplace: "communicated with machine technicians and other assembly workers to ensure the assembly line was running correctly. "
Physical stamina. For certain ammunition assembly labour responsibilities to be completed, the job requires competence in "physical stamina." The day-to-day duties of an ammunition assembly labour rely on this skill, as "hand laborers and material movers need the endurance to perform strenuous tasks, such as moving or cleaning objects, throughout the day." For example, this snippet was taken directly from a resume about how this skill applies to what ammunition assembly labours do: "used teamwork and stamina while working towards the commons goal of making quality products for a large scale corporate. "
Physical strength. Another crucial skill for an ammunition assembly labour to carry out their responsibilities is "physical strength." A big part of what ammunition assembly labours relies on this skill, since "some hand laborers and material movers must be able to lift and carry heavy objects." How this skill relates to ammunition assembly labour duties can be seen in an example from an ammunition assembly labour resume snippet: "provided physical and technical skills used to assemble complex window systems while adhering to shop procedures and safety standards. "
The three companies that hire the most ammunition assembly labours are:
- MMorgan Truck Body20 ammunition assembly labours jobs
- LLippert Components19 ammunition assembly labours jobs
- WWaste Connections4 ammunition assembly labours jobs
Choose from 10+ customizable ammunition assembly labour resume templates
Build a professional ammunition assembly labour resume in minutes. Our AI resume writing assistant will guide you through every step of the process, and you can choose from 10+ resume templates to create your ammunition assembly labour resume.Compare different ammunition assembly labours
Ammunition assembly labour vs. Smt operator
Surface mount technology (SMT) operators monitor and maintain any equipment used in establishing SMT electronic circuits. The task of SMT operators involves SMT machine operation to mount electronic components onto the circuit boards. They mount assembled components like resistors, capacitors, transistors, and integrated circuits on the chassis panel. Also, they collaborate with technicians and engineers on PCB's for critical defect data. They are expected to have skills and knowledge about circuit boards, reflow ovens, and electronic components.
There are some key differences in the responsibilities of each position. For example, ammunition assembly labour responsibilities require skills like "blueprint specifications," "work ethic," "tape measure," and "safety guidelines." Meanwhile a typical smt operator has skills in areas such as "pcb," "reflow oven," "troubleshoot," and "ipc-a-610." This difference in skills reveals the differences in what each career does.
Smt operators tend to make the most money working in the pharmaceutical industry, where they earn an average salary of $35,892. In contrast, ammunition assembly labours make the biggest average salary, $35,211, in the automotive industry.On average, smt operators reach similar levels of education than ammunition assembly labours. Smt operators are 0.4% more likely to earn a Master's Degree and 0.0% less likely to graduate with a Doctoral Degree.Ammunition assembly labour vs. Mill work
The Responsibilities of a Line-Up Worker varies upon the organization or industry. Still, most of the tasks revolve around doing manual work such as loading and unloading heavy shipments, operating various devices and machines of different sizes, assist in maintenance and assembling, and coordinating with teammates and reporting to supervisors. Furthermore, the duties of a Line-Up Worker may involve climbing up and working at high platforms, monitoring inventory of items, and maintaining a well-organized and neat working environment.
In addition to the difference in salary, there are some other key differences worth noting. For example, ammunition assembly labour responsibilities are more likely to require skills like "hand tools," "blueprint specifications," "work ethic," and "safety guidelines." Meanwhile, a mill work has duties that require skills in areas such as "load trucks," "augers," "shovels," and "mill equipment." These differences highlight just how different the day-to-day in each role looks.
In general, mill works achieve similar levels of education than ammunition assembly labours. They're 0.1% less likely to obtain a Master's Degree while being 0.0% more likely to earn a Doctoral Degree.Ammunition assembly labour vs. Holder
There are many key differences between these two careers, including some of the skills required to perform responsibilities within each role. For example, an ammunition assembly labour is likely to be skilled in "hand tools," "assembly line," "blueprint specifications," and "work ethic," while a typical holder is skilled in "customer service," "surgical procedures," "direct traffic," and "property accountability."
Holders typically earn similar educational levels compared to ammunition assembly labours. Specifically, they're 1.6% more likely to graduate with a Master's Degree, and 0.5% more likely to earn a Doctoral Degree.Ammunition assembly labour vs. Line up worker
Types of ammunition assembly labour
Updated January 8, 2025