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6 Types Of Work Environments (With Examples)

By Sky Ariella
Jul. 19, 2023

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Work environments can make a significant impact on your job satisfaction and productivity. From the location where you do your work to the company culture, it’s important to know which work environments you thrive in and which ones you don’t when you’re looking for a job.

Whether you’re preparing for an interview or are simply brainstorming what type of job you’d like to have, keep reading: We’ll discuss types of workplace environments and how to answer interview questions about your ideal work environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • A work environment consists of the conditions that you spend your professional time in, and not every work environment works for everyone.

  • When figuring out what type of environment a company has you should look at the job description, ask current employees, and check the company website.

  • When answering an interview questions about your ideal work environment you should dig deep into what qualities you value in a professional space.

6 Types of Work Environments (With Examples)

What is a work environment?

A work environment is made up of the actual space where work is performed, the culture that a company cultivates, and the general conditions of employees.

Examples of aspects that affect a person’s work environment include:

  • The physical area. The size of your personal workspace (one desk vs. office) and layout (cubical vs. open) can have a big impact on your happiness at work. Consider that open floor plans usually indicate greater collaboration and places with large open communal areas usually value creativity and the exchange of ideas.

  • Facilities and hardware. Depending on your job, the equipment an office space offers can play a big role in your ability to get your job done efficiently. If you’re a receptionist who has to work with a copier from the 80s every day, you can expect a frustrating daily task. Also consider other spaces, like kitchens, conference areas, and even things like gyms, for assessing a work environment.

  • Working conditions. This part of the work environment may not be as obvious as the first two, but it’s just as important. Working conditions include things like working hours, scheduling, and safety. Even a job with a great team and a culture that suits you can have unreasonably long shifts or tasks that may be dangerous or unhealthy.

  • Company culture. This one is often hard to pin down, but culture is just a way that a group of individuals behave and expect others within their group to behave. This can apply to how management talks to employees, what policies are enforced and emphasized, how growth is supported, and what values are core to the organization.

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6 types of work environments

The different types of work environments range from time based-environments like the classic 9-to-5 to culture-based environments like a competitive environment.

Work environments differ individually in the factors that they provide and lack. Below are examples of six different kinds of work environments employees commonly encounter:

  1. The 9-to-5 environment. When people think about what defines a work environment, the traditional 9-to-5 is often what comes to mind. It’s the day that begins with going into the office at 9 in the morning and leaving when the sun sets at 5. This continues for a five-day workweek.

    A company that employs a 9-to-5 schedule is usually strict about other aspects of your work life, such as dress code and a specific protocol for handling workloads.

    Although this is one of the most common work environments, it’s a difficult schedule to keep. Most people who work in the 9-to-5 often prefer an alternative because it doesn’t allow much room for individual employees’ needs.

  2. The flexible environment. The flexible work environment is the polar opposite of the traditional 9-to-5. It gives employees the freedom to customize their work schedule, hours, and space however they like, as long as they get their work in on time and well.

    This type of work environment focuses on the fact that each employee is an individual who knows for themselves what work environment works best for them.

    The flexible work environment may sound like perfection, but it requires employees to have a great deal of self-discipline. If you’re unable to accomplish all your work without having a supervisor watch you, a flexible work environment probably isn’t the right fit for you.

    In addition, these environments often make collaboration and socialization difficult, since everyone is working a different schedule.

  3. The degrading environment. A degrading work environment focuses on getting the best productivity out of its employees by scaring them into submission. Rather than discussing poor behavior or a decline in work quality to further mutual understanding, they implement punishments to discourage this.

    Additionally, a degrading work environment does not recognize its employees for their accomplishments. This creates a system of workers who are putting forth maximum effort in the hopes that they don’t get penalized. While this may work for a short amount of time, it quickly leads to high employee turnover.

  4. The constructive feedback environment. In this environment, coworkers and supervisors witness your work performance daily and can provide a lot of productive insights during that time. This feedback is seen as a valuable tool for improving overall team performance.

    In contrast to a degrading environment, the constructive feedback environment doesn’t belittle an employee for making a mistake on the job. Instead, it turns it into an opportunity to upgrade their performance. This creates a professional domain where employees feel comfortable to work freely.

  5. The competitive environment. Most people are familiar with the feeling of competing with their peers for the achievement of first place. In a work environment, this often occurs in the form of offering raises, promotions, or other incentives to the highest-performing employees.

    The competitive work environment does foster a sense of urgency to excel in some team members, but it can make others crumble under pressure. Depending on the industry, a competitive work environment is implemented to weed out individuals who won’t excel under the stress of competition.

  6. The collaborative environment. A collaborative environment uses each employee’s unique strengths to offset the team’s inevitable weaknesses. In this type of work circumstance, the employees of a company see themselves as a cohesive unit and function as one to create the best outcome.

    Collaborative environments function well because they require a lot of strong communication, which creates a space for open dialogue between employees and their supervisors.

How to identify a work environment

To learn about a position’s work environment, read the job description and company website carefully, look for employee reviews, visit the office, and ask your interviewer.

  • The job description. While you might not learn too much about the physical work environment from a job description, you’ll likely find some information regarding working conditions and company values. Pay special attention to the part that looks like an “About Us” section, as the keywords employed here will provide ample hints as to what the work environment is like.

  • Read employee reviews. While employee reviews can be a little unreliable with people either writing glowing reviews as a favor for their supervisor or writing horrible ones over minor issues, they can provide good access to the “real” picture of what the inside of a company looks like.

    Our advice is to weed out the over-the-top positive and obvious chip-on-the-shoulder negative reviews. Instead, focus on the moderate ones that give a fair account of both the good and bad sides of working for a company.

  • Check the company’s website. Company websites often include a few photos of the inside of corporate spaces, but be warned that the company may only be posting their most attractive work environments. In any case, you’ll get a feel for a company’s values based on how they describe their space, their team, and their mission.

    It’s also worth checking out the company’s social media pages, as this will clue you into how they talk to the public and where they stand on relevant social matters.

  • Ask current employees. Having insider knowledge of a company is immensely useful when making a decision about where to work. If you’re interested in a company but don’t have any contacts, you can always try reaching out to peers at the company on LinkedIn. Just make sure that your own profile is looking good, or people are likely to ignore your messages.

  • Visit the office. Setting up an informational interview or being invited by a current employee is an amazing way to have a look at a work environment in action. You’ll see how people actually communicate, what the physical layout is like, and what sort of equipment you’d have on hand.

    This can offer a more accurate look at a work environment than simply visiting the company’s website, but it might be trickier to get yourself in the building.

  • Ask your interviewer. If you’ve made it to the interview stage but are still unsure about the specifics of the work environment, asking the hiring manager or recruiter is a smart move. Of course, they’ll be trying to sell their organization just as much as you’ll be trying to sell yourself, so take everything with a grain of salt.

    But specific questions about policy, like flexible scheduling, work-life balance, and the space where you’d be working are all good things to nail down during your interview.

How to answer, “What is your ideal work environment?” in an interview

To answer, “What is your ideal work environment?” in an interview, you need to be truthful, point out how your preferences align with the company’s values, and be specific about why you like certain environments better than others.

  1. Be truthful. It doesn’t do you or the company any good for you to lie about what type of work environment you prefer. After all, an interview is an opportunity for an employer to see if a candidate is the right fit for their company.

    The hiring manager asks questions like “What is your ideal work environment” to find out if you’ll succeed in their organization — and to help you decide if it’s a good match as well.

  2. Incorporate your research on the company. Your background knowledge of the company gives you the footing to know if your ideals line up with the way they run their organization. Explaining that your ideal work environment is akin to the company’s culture shows the hiring manager that you will be comfortable in the role.

  3. Prioritize what work environment qualities you value most. You won’t have time to discuss every single one of your preferences, and you likely won’t find a job that meets all of them either, so choose one or two that matter the most to you to talk about in your interview.

Example answers to “What is your ideal work environment?”

Learning about how to formulate an answer to “What is your ideal work environment?” is one thing, but actually crafting one is another. Reviewing the following examples of strong interview answers might help with starting work on your own:

  1. Ideal Work Environment Collaborative Example Answer

    “My ideal work environment is a place where I can work with my coworkers as a unit to create the best possible product. I believe that the best work in marketing is completed when multiple different personalities and perspectives are contributing. The collaborative nature described in the posting for this role is what drew me to apply for it in the first place.”

  2. Ideal Work Environment Independent Example Answer:

    “Although I enjoy meeting with my coworkers periodically throughout the month and think it’s productive, I prefer an environment where I can complete the majority of my work independently. As a software developer, I do a lot of work by myself and then come to my team to tweak it afterward. Having the space to work on my software before it’s collaborated on is the best work environment for me.”

  3. Ideal Work Environment Competitive Example Answer:

    “I do my best work when I have some healthy, good-natured competition. I’ve heard that your work environment is competitive, but that team members are always ready to help each other out as well. That kind of competitive camaraderie sounds like the perfect environment for me.”

Examples of answers you should not give:

  1. Ideal Work Environment Lazy Example Answer:

    “I prefer working on a team because I don’t like having to do all of the work on projects by myself. I think it’s easier to work with other people because they’re equally responsible.”

    Why it’s bad: This answer is very negative, which is a quality you should avoid during an interview. Additionally, the tone leaves the impression of a lazy employee who is already putting their work on someone else. Another quality that hiring managers avoid.

  2. Ideal Work Environment Selfish Example Answer:

    “I want to work by myself. I always get my work done on time, so I think I should be able to do the majority of my work from home, alone.”

    Why it’s bad: This answer comes across as demanding of a particular work environment and dismissive of the idea that they’d have to collaborate. You won’t get anywhere in an interview by being difficult before you’re even hired.

  3. Ideal Work Environment Unreliable Example Answer:

    “I like a lot of flexibility because I have a lot going on at home and need to be able to take breaks whenever I want to. I’m a pretty free-flowing person, so I don’t do well with too much structure.”

    Why it’s bad: This answer makes it sound like your job is at the bottom of your list of priorities and that you can’t be counted on to show up and get your work done. Wanting flexibility is fine, but hiring managers need to see that you’ll be a reliable employee no matter what type of work environment you’re in.

Working environment FAQ

  1. What is a good working environment?

    A good working environment is a workplace that actively encourages safety, growth, and success for its employees. A working environment boils down to several factors like a company’s overall culture, growth opportunities, and developing a comfortable physical or virtual space for work to get done.

    The details of what precisely a positive workplace looks like can significantly differ between people and businesses.

    For example, some employees feel the most comfortable and efficient when they have a defined schedule and know exactly when they’ll be required to be in the office. For others, this work situation sounds like hell, and they feel most at ease under a flexible schedule.

    Each person has their preferences regarding the working environment they thrive in, but luckily there are just as many unique companies that could have the perfect fit.

  2. How do you describe a work environment in a job description?

    You describe a work environment in a job description by creating an accurate picture of what potential employees can expect by explaining your company’s core values and the experience of current employees.

    You can also get into the company’s brand, history, target audience, and goals for the future. If your business has a definitive mission statement, this can be an excellent tool for describing the work environment.

    There are a lot of recognizable and attractive ways that you can describe a work environment, such as:

    • Autonomous

    • Progressive

    • Collaborative

    • Relaxed

    • Inclusive

    • Challenging

    • Competitive

    • Conservative

    Whatever words you use to explain a work environment, be honest and direct with the explanation. Being misleading about a job’s work environment in a job description is a recipe for attrition.

  3. What are examples of work conditions for a job description?

    Examples of work conditions for a job description include hygiene, job security, employee benefits, work-life balance, and work schedule.

    When you think about it, there are a lot of different factors that make up the experience of employees. Will the employee work from 9 to 5 or 1 AM to 10 AM? Will the job require monthly travel or allow a hybrid work schedule?

    For example, a receptionist might be expected to adhere to a prim and proper dress code, which should be addressed in a job description. On the flip side, a sewer inspector will spend most of their workday in dark, damp, and all-around nasty conditions. This is another work condition level that needs to be disclosed to job applicants.

    It’s essential to provide information about work conditions in a job description to ensure that you’re attracting suitable candidates.

  4. Why is it important to have a good work environment?

    It’s important to have a good work environment to keep employees happy and motivated, improving productivity and retention. A company’s team of employees is the backbone of its success.

    When a company has a toxic work environment, employees quickly lose their patience and quit. The company has to spend time and money hiring a person to replace the capable employee they drove away.

    Once they finally find the perfect candidate, they have to spend even more money and time training them until they’re up to speed. Eventually, this new hire will start realizing that they’re in a bad work environment, and they’ll leave too. Restarting the entire process again.

    Simply put, it’s a smart business strategy to have a good work environment.

  5. How do you create a positive work environment?

    Some ways that you can create a positive work environment are being realistic about the company’s current situation, setting up a strong onboarding process, ensuring that the workplace is comfortable (physically/socially), and checking in with employees regularly to see how they’re feeling.

    Developing a positive work environment is about taking stock of what you’re doing now and continually seeing how your company can improve. Even if you’ve had a bullet-proof work environment for years, this status can rapidly dissolve if it’s not always the main priority.

    Other ways to foster a positive work environment at your company are encouraging open communication, clearly defining workplace culture, giving employees opportunities for advancement/learning, and regularly showing appreciation for your team.

  6. What is an example of a work environment?

    An example of a work environment is the 9-to-5 environment. This work environment is your classic office job structure, where you start work at nine in the morning, stop for a quick lunch, and go home around five. There is typically very little flexibility in these jobs, and often very high standards of professionalism.

    While this work environment can put a strain on employees’ work-life balances, it is predictable, and it is often highly conducive to collaboration, as everyone in the organization is at work at the same time.


  1. Penn State – What Work Environment Fits Me Best?

  2. Michigan State University – The Characteristics of a Positive Work Environment

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Sky Ariella

Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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