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Cover letters consume a fair amount of time in the application process, as the more personalized they are, the better. With the majority of the application process being automated and online now, the hiring manager’s name can end up being an unknown quantity. If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name and don’t know what to do, then this article will help you.
If the hiring manager’s name is unknown, then you have a few options. The best, of course, is to find out what their name is and address the letter to them. But if that all fails, then there are proper ways to address a cover letter to an unknown recipient.
Key Takeaways:
Try to find the name of the person you are addressing using the job listing, company website, or contacting the company.
Don’t assume someone’s martial status and avoid using “Miss” and “Mrs.” whenever possible.
Avoid assuming gender, even if you do know the person’s name.
Use a professional and appropriate greeting and avoid sounding like you would when addressing your friend.
- How to address a cover letter if you don’t know the recipient’s name
- Why is addressing a cover letter correctly important?
- How to find out who to address your cover letter to
- Example cover letter
- Addressing a cover letter FAQ
- Final Thoughts
- References
- Expert Opinion
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How to address a cover letter if you don’t know the recipient’s name
There are a few rules to follow when addressing a cover letter: be professional, polite, and concise. That means that even if you don’t know the recipient’s name, you want to maintain the same professional tone in the letter and avoid overly stilted language or being too informal.
Here are some guidelines to follow when addressing a cover letter:
If you can find out the hiring manager’s name, do so. That means that you should spend time looking over the company website, checking LinkedIn profiles, or even calling the company.
Don’t assume the hiring manager’s gender. This is especially true when you don’t know their name. But even if you do find out the person’s name, avoid gendered language until you’re sure how they identify. Some people will put preferred pronouns in email signatures or on their LinkedIn profiles, so it might be a good idea to check.
Maintain a professional tone. There’s a common style and formality to business letters. Make sure that your cover letter has that tone. it’s different than a letter you’d write to a friend, and being too familiar with your writing can be off-putting to hiring managers.
Avoid assuming the person’s title. This applies to both marital status, such as using Mrs. or Miss, but also whether they have a doctorate. In general, unless this is someone you know, avoid using either Mrs. or Miss, because it can cause offense, even if used correctly.
Make sure you include a salutation. Even if you don’t know who you’re addressing, leaving one off entirely can end up either looking like a mistake or that you didn’t personalize the letter at all.
Be as specific as possible. Even if you can’t find out exactly who the hiring manager is, make sure to be specific in your greeting. Use Dear Marketing Hiring Manager rather than just Dear Hiring Manager if you’re applying for a marketing position.
Also, while HR is most often in charge of hiring, it’s best not to just address the HR department unless you know that they’re the ones who’ll be in charge of your application. Not every business has HR take care of all hiring tasks, especially if it’s a smaller company.
Examples of how to address a cover letter:
Dear Sir or Madam
Dear Talent Acquisition Team
Dear [Company Name] HR Department
Dear [Company name] Hiring Manager
Dear Human Resources Manager
Dear Human Resources Department
Dear [Company Name] Recruiter
Dear [Department Name] Hiring Manager
Dear [Department Name] Hiring Team
Here are some examples of how NOT to address a cover letter:
Good Morning
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Mrs. Smith
Hi Sebastian!
Hey Sales Team
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Why is addressing a cover letter correctly important?
Addressing a cover letter correctly shows professionalism, diligence, and politeness. All of these are good for an employee to have and show you to be someone that’s worth investing further time in. While finding the proper person to address can be a chore, it helps you in several ways because:
Hiring managers get myriad applications. Remember that you aren’t the only one applying for a job. While you want to make your application stand out from the crowd if you can, you don’t want to stand out in a negative way — that’ll ensure you don’t get the job.
Individual people ultimately decide who gets hired. While the application process can feel faceless, formless, and impersonal, there are actual people at these companies that sort through resumes. And people form first impressions.
It shows that you’re willing to go the extra mile. Think about what the admired traits are in employees. If you’re willing to put in the additional effort or work to get a superior result, then that’s the sort of employee companies want to have to work for them.
It’s less impersonal. Of course the hiring process is somewhat impersonal. You’re petitioning people you don’t know and that don’t know you. But if you address a letter to Dear Hiring Manager, it doesn’t have the same effect as addressing it directly to the person.
How to find out who to address your cover letter to
Despite the importance of properly addressing a cover letter, not every company makes it easy for applicants to do. If the hiring manager’s name isn’t immediately apparent, then there are some other options open to you before addressing the cover letter to an unknown recipient.
Check the job listing. One simple way is to look at the application and double-check that the hiring manager’s name isn’t on the main listing. Sometimes the information isn’t on the application, but rather on the job listing. If it isn’t there you will then have to start doing a little bit more investigative work.
Check LinkedIn. You can check on LinkedIn and on the company’s website to find the hiring manager’s name. If nothing shows up, then you will have to start contacting someone at the company to find out.
Contact the company. Now, this does not mean you should contact some random person at the company who lists the company’s name on their profile. Find the contact information for the HR department, for someone who works in HR, or for the head of the department you are trying to work in and ask them if they know the name of the hiring manager for your application.
Sometimes, they will not give this information, simply so that the hiring manager can stay anonymous and not get a billion emails from applicants. This situation is more likely to happen with massive companies like Google or Apple.
If they give you a name, use it. If they don’t, then you will have to then move on to the next step of figuring out how to address a cover letter to an unknown person.
Example cover letter
Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager,
As a fan of XYZ Inc.’s impressive technology products, I was ecstatic to see an opening for a Junior Sales Representative. After reading the job description, I am confident that I’m the right person for the job.
With 4 years of experience selling cloud computing products and services, I would bring a unique perspective to the role. In my current role as a Sales Representative at ABC Corp., I’ve created technology presentations for all my clients, driving interest in new product sales and subscriptions by 84% year-over-year. Additionally, I’ve reduced the cost of customer acquisition by over 15% and consistently topped sales quotas by over 20% since starting at ABC.
I know XYZ has amazing products and services that I would be honored to promote and sell. With my background in cloud computing, I would be able to hit the ground running and communicate your product’s benefits to customers.
Please contact me if you have any further questions about my application or resume. I look forward to speaking with the Sales Team more about the role in an interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Malia Freemanmalia.freeman@gmail.com
Addressing a cover letter FAQ
How do you address a cover letter to an unknown recipient?
Address your cover letter to “Hiring Manager” or “[Department Name] Hiring Manager.” Always do whatever you can to try to find the name of the person you’re addressing, but if you can’t, address it to the generic position or team you’re trying to get in contact with.
Is To Whom It May Concern rude?
Yes, To Whom It May Concern can be considered rude. Not everyone will agree that it’s rude, but many people do find it rude, or at least impersonal and lazy on a cover letter, so it’s best to avoid this greeting
Is it okay to use Dear Hiring Manager?
Yes, it is okay to use Dear Hiring Manager as a cover letter greeting. It’s always best to address your cover letter to someone by name if you can find it, but many times you can’t. In this case, “Dear Hiring Manager,” is an appropriate greeting.
Who is the best person to address a cover letter to?
The best person to address a cover letter to would be the hiring manager. This should be their first and last name if you know it, but “dear hiring manager” is acceptable if you are unsure of their name.
The rule of thumb was to use titles such as Mr. or Ms. However, it’s also important not to assume the hiring manager’s gender. If you don’t know the person’s preferred pronouns, then it’s best to just use their full name.
If you don’t know the recipient’s name, how would you close the letter?
Sincerely or Regards are considered formal, professional closings for letters. If you’re writing a cover letter to someone you don’t know, it’s best to remain professional and polite. A sign-off such as best wishes will likely come off as too familiar.
Final Thoughts
If you are applying for a job and writing a cover letter, make sure you take the time to look over all the details in the cover letter. Not taking the time to look for the recipient of a cover letter or using a professional greeting will look lazy.
Your greeting is a small part of the cover letter. However, it’s one of the most important pieces because it’s the first thing the hiring managers will read. Using an appropriate generic greeting will set the tone for your cover letter, making you sound professional and willing to put in the effort to make your cover letter flawless.
Now that you know how to address a cover letter if the reader is the recipient is unknown, check out our other articles about cover letters and the job application process.
Applying for jobs can be stressful and tedious, but taking the time to learn tips on how to improve your application will help put you one step closer to landing your dream job.
Expert Opinion
Who To Address Cover Letter To If Unknown

Vimari Roman
Career Strategist Coach
Be Productive Coaching
My recommendation is to always send a customized cover letter when applying for any job and when in doubt, address your letter to the hiring team using “Dear Hiring Team.” In most cases the application will end up on a recruiter’s or an HR Business Partner’s desk, and if they like your cover letter and resume, then they will pass it on to the hiring manager or the hiring team. By addressing your letter to the “team” you’ve got everyone covered and they will all feel as if the letter was written directly to them.
Expert Tip To Find Contact Infoformation

Sally Mikhail
Founder of Recruit Petra LLC
Use LinkedIn to find out who to address your cover letter to you with a search of company personnel on the company careers page. However, if you are sending out a cover letter to an unknown hiring influence, you can address it to “Dear Hiring Team” or “Dear Hiring Manager.”
Who To Address Cover Letter To If Unknown Tip

Chelsea Jay
Certified Resume Writer and Career Coach
Make sure that you review the company’s “About Me” or “Staff” to view their leaders which often lists direct managers, HR professionals, and executive leadership staff. If you know what department you’ll be working for, I recommend addressing the leader of that department. If the website is for a larger organization and does not list individual staff, I recommend utilizing LinkedIn. You can do a quick company search and find employees who are currently working there. You may even find the original posting with the hiring manager’s name attached.
If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name based on the posting, I recommend taking time to learn more about the specific department you’ll be working in. For example, if you discover that you’ll be working in the Communications department, the next step would be to learn about the specific team you’ll be part of. If you find out that it is the Public Affairs team, I encourage you to address “Public Affairs Team” at the beginning of your cover letter.
If you’re up for a bolder approach that is sure to get attention, address someone on the executive leadership team. I recommend addressing the President or Vice President of the organization (they should be easy to find since they are often the “face” of the organization). Of course, address them with a salutation along with their first name, last name, and title. In the beginning of the cover letter make sure to distinguish what department and position you are applying for. For example, Dear Mr. John Smith, President.
As an applicant, your goal is to stand out and showcase that you are informed and willing to go the extra mile (by doing research!).
- Cover Letter Format