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What Are Soft Skills? 17 Important Soft Skills Examples

By Sky Ariella
Aug. 30, 2023

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Soft skills are the characteristics and abilities that make you an effective employee no matter what role or industry you work in. If you’re looking for a job, hoping for a promotion, or just want to increase your value as an employee, work on developing your soft skills.

In this article, we’ll go over the major soft skills that employers look for. We’ll also give you tips on how to improve yours and how to highlight them to hiring managers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Soft skills are applicable in all professions.

  • Soft skills include critical thinking, leadership, communication, and flexibility.

  • Honest self-reflection and finding a mentor are great ways to improve your soft skills.

  • Don’t list soft skills under the “skills” section of your resume. Instead, incorporate them into your work experience.

What Are Soft Skills? 14 Important Soft Skills Examples

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are personality traits, professional strengths, and interpersonal skills that you bring to the workplace. They make you an ideal employee, aside from the necessary on-the-job qualifications.

When most applicants are considering what skills to include on their resume they think of hard skills. These are abilities that can be taught with measured success.

Examples of hard skills include:

  • Certifications and licenses

  • Data analysis

  • Javascript

  • Email marketing

  • Photography

The position you’re applying for will probably have some relevant hard skill requirements. While having this technical knowledge is important to qualify for a job, hiring managers will also be assessing your soft skills.

Soft skills aren’t as job-specific as hard skills. They’re usually qualities and work habits that would be helpful in many different job scenarios, which is why they’re also called transferable skills.

A resume without soft skills is lacking. When a company is making the final decision about what candidate they want on their team, the determining factor usually doesn’t come down to hard skills, as many qualified candidates will be evenly matched in this area.

It’s the soft skills that highlight a candidate who is not only experienced but also has the makings of a successful and hardworking employee.

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Types of soft skills

There are many different types of soft skills, from critical thinking to communication to leadership. Deciding which soft skills you want to feature in your resume is personal. Choose qualities that apply most accurately to you as an employee and person and will be relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Check out the following list if you’re looking for some insight into which soft skills are the most in demand for recruiters today. At least a few of them will reflect your personality features and work style.

  1. Critical thinking. Critical thinking is one of the strongest skills you can bring to any workplace. It involves using logic and reason to decipher the root cause of an issue and create a series of viable solutions.

    Critical thinking affects how effectively we deal with problems, both big and small. Having employees who use critical thinking skills can greatly impact the success of a business. Companies want employees who are going to carefully consider and successfully solve arising problems in the workplace.

    Critical thinking skills include:

    • Logic

    • Problem-solving skills

    • Asking good questions

    • Creativity

  2. Leadership. Effective leadership is a valuable trait to employers regardless of the title you’re applying for.

    Having leadership skills means you know how to effectively delegate responsibilities to further the success of the company. It isn’t simply commanding others — it’s about being tactful, strategic, and personable in a way that gets the job done and keeps a team motivated.

    Successful leadership often includes:

    • Excellent written and verbal communication

    • Listening skills

    • Strategic thinking

    • Being goal-oriented

    • Empathy

    • Honesty

    • Team management

  3. Positive attitude. You want to work in a supportive and enthusiastic environment. Similarly, companies want their employees to bring a positive personality to the office and their clients.

    Your positive attitude makes people excited to work with you knowing that they’re in for an uplifting and optimistic outlook. Just as one negative nelly can sour an entire team, one person’s positive attitude can improve productivity, teamwork, and overall work experience, making it a very desirable skill.

    Positive employees:

    • Don’t complain

    • Encourage their coworkers

    • Have a “can-do” attitude

    • Aren’t afraid of a challenge

    • Rebound quickly after a setback

  4. Teamwork. Collaborating well with your supervisors and co-workers is necessary for a business to run smoothly. Good teamwork is the backbone of all successful projects.

    When hiring managers are looking for new staff, they want candidates who understand and can function cohesively on their team.

    A team player will often display:

    • Cooperation

    • Conflict resolution

    • Listening skills

    • Direct language

    • Negotiation skills

    • Open mindedness

    • Patience

  5. Work ethic. Work ethic is a broad soft skill that addresses many important qualities a good employee should have. If you’re the type of person who is very focused and motivated when it comes to your work, you probably have an excellent work ethic.

    Having a strong work ethic means working hard, doing your job well, and completing tasks on time. This is more than just fulfilling the bare minimum of your job requirements. It’s dedication and follow-through in your position.

    Work ethic skills include:

    • Professionalism

    • Proper work attire

    • Discipline

    • Attention to detail

    • Motivation

    • Trustworthiness

    • Dependability

    • Adaptability

  6. Communication. Communication is the heart of many prosperous endeavors. Communication is how team leaders set expectations and associates articulate their ideas.

    It is a useful soft skill to have as both an entry-level associate and in managerial positions. Whether it be making connections within the workplace or with consumers, strong communication is the key to successful professional interactions.

    Communication skills go hand-in-hand with many other soft skills such as:

    • Effective leadership

    • Conflict resolution

    • Teamwork

    • Problem-solving

    • Presenting

    While communication in the workplace can be verbal, this skill doesn’t just refer to in-person conversations.

    Communication skills can also include:

    • Writing

    • Body language

    • Listening

  7. Dependability. A reliable employee is a supervisor’s favorite kind. It’s probably one of the most desired qualities by most human beings. Without it, employers can’t trust you.

    Being dependable is all about follow-through. You show up on time, complete your responsibilities before a deadline, and do the job you’re hired for. Supervisors know they can count on you to accomplish what you say you will.

    Dependability goes hand-in-hand with:

    • Being organized

    • Being a team player

    • Asking for help when you’re in over your head

    • Knowing when to say, “no”

  8. Adaptability. At its core, adaptability is a willingness to learn more and adjust when needed. An adaptable employee welcomes innovation and change in the workplace. New things can be frightening, but employers want to know you won’t crumble under the pressure of inevitable tweaks in the work system.

    Adaptability often involves:

    • A positive attitude

    • Critical thinking

    • Easygoing nature

    • Creativity

    • Initiative

    • Communication

    • Teamwork

  9. Conflict resolution. No matter how much you love your job and coworkers, you’re bound to encounter a conflict or two in your time working. Conflict doesn’t necessarily have to be a disruptive argument, though.

    Resolving conflict can even be productive if ideas are exchanged in open, respectful communication. Hiring managers want to know that you’re equipped to professionally deal with conflict in the workplace and turn it into an experience that can end in some positive growth.

    Examples of conflict resolution skills include:

    • Stress management

    • Excellent communication

    • Active listening

    • Self awareness

  10. Flexibility. Being flexible in the workplace can be a crucial skill for employers. As we all realized in 2020, unexpected things happen.

    The ability to adapt to change without losing your marbles and while maintaining confidence can make you a valuable asset.

    Being flexible can look like:

    • Openness towards new tasks or projects

    • Responding quickly and thoughtfully to unexpected circumstances

    • Keeping your cool under stress

    • Having backup plans

  11. Problem-solving. Problems are a big part of life, and eventually, you’ll have to face them at your job. Whether it’s a minor hassle or an earth-shattering catastrophe, companies want to hire employees who will handle difficult situations with patience and a plan.

    Hiring managers don’t want employees who will fall apart under stress or ignore the problems, but who will fix them instead. Problem-solving boils down to handling the unexpected with professionalism and figuring out the best solution.

    Being a problem-solver involves:

  12. Research skills. A lot of positions today require some knowledge of internet research. Not to fear, though — you probably have better research skills than you may think.

    You scanned the internet for available positions in your field. Before applying for a job, you researched the requirements and company. Even reading this article, you’re researching more information about soft skills. Employers like to know that you feel confident with research being part of your job description.

    Research skills include:

    • Finding reliable information on the internet

    • Note-taking

    • Data collection

    • Interviewing

    • Report-writing

  13. Creativity. Improvement and innovation are bred by creative thinkers. Considering that’s the trajectory most companies hope to take, it makes sense that creativity is a marketable skill for job-seekers.

    While you may not feel inherently creative, it’s a quality that can be found in all of us. We all see the world through our own lenses. In a job scenario, creativity means using your unique lens to bring out your best work.

    Out-of-the-box thinking helps employers with:

    • Generating new ideas

    • Brainstorming unique solutions to problems

    • Willingness to experiment

    • Improving workplace processes

  14. Integrity. At first glance, an employee having integrity simply means they are honest. However, integrity is more than that.

    Having integrity in the workplace refers to adhering to employee ethics, implementing good judgment, and always being dependable. These are qualities that companies need to function, and having it as a soft skill will be looked at favorably by hiring managers.

    Examples of workplace integrity include:

    • Treating coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates with respect

    • Creating your best work possible

    • Honest communication

    • Performing all job responsibilities

    • Adhering to set deadlines

  15. Drive. Employees who are self-motivated to do their jobs well are invaluable to companies, so this is a soft skill that will quickly set you apart from the crowd.

    Having drive means you care about doing excellent work and don’t have to be pushed and prodded along by your supervisor. You take pride in your work, and you want to improve yourself and your team no matter what.

    Being driven often looks like:

    • Taking initiative

    • Figuring out a way to get your work done no matter what challenges pop up

    • Solving problems as you run into them instead of waiting to be asked

    • Taking responsibility for your professional development

    • A willingness to take on new projects and test new ideas

  16. Time management. Time management doesn’t just mean not wasting time at work, it means organizing your schedule so that you get all of your work done on time.

    From meeting deadlines to taking care of your daily tasks, time management skills are key to being an effective employee. Not only will you be reliable, but you’ll also feel more relaxed at work since you won’t regularly miss deadlines or have to scramble to get everything done on time.

    Here are some examples of time management in action:

    • Planning how and when you’re going to finish a project

    • Scheduling blocks of time to work on daily tasks and long-term projects

    • Setting checkpoint deadlines for yourself on projects

    • Keeping a prioritized to-do list

  17. Emotional intelligence. This may sound a little unusual for a professional soft skill, but it’s important to have, and employers look for it in their job candidates.

    Emotional intelligence is being aware and understanding of your and others’ emotions. In other words, it means you’re socially adept even in tense situations and can get along with a wide variety of people.

    Emotional intelligence involves:

    • Empathy

    • Self-awareness

    • Conflict management

    • Nonverbal communication

    • Verbal communication

    • Teamwork

    • Patience

    • Negotiation

How to improve your soft skills

To improve your soft skills, you first have to take an honest assessment of your current skill levels. Then, once you’ve identified what you need to work on, you can find a mentor, take a class, practice, and set goals to help you improve.

  • Identify your skill levels. The first step to self-improvement is an honest assessment of your current skill set. This doesn’t mean you should just harp on your weaknesses, though. Identifying your strengths is equally important, as leaning into what you’re naturally good at can often be a better strategy than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades.

    Whatever the case, though, figure out where you’d like to see improvements in your life. Note that you don’t have to be strictly professional when considering these things. Soft skills bleed between our personal and professional lives far more than hard skills, and gains made in one area often translate to the other.

    If you’re unsure where your strengths and weaknesses lie, consult a friend or coworker — others often pick up on these things better than we ourselves can. Or, turn to your past feedback or performance reviews, and consider which soft skills served you well in your professional accomplishments.

  • Find a mentor. A professional or personal mentor is a truly invaluable asset in life. Your soft skills really only exist interpersonally, and having someone else act as a sounding board and provide insight at key moments is helpful, to say the least.

    If you’re struggling to find a mentor, you can simply observe those around you who always impress with the soft skills you wish you had. Pay attention to what it is exactly about their approach that’s so well-liked and appreciated by others. This can be as simple as noticing an organizational hack your coworker has set up at their desk and applying it to your own workstation.

  • Take a course. Online learning has never been more accessible, and classes aren’t limited to just hard skills. Many have free options if you don’t care about getting certified (which isn’t really necessary for soft skills, anyway).

    You can also check out less formal options, like podcasts, YouTube channels, or blogs dedicated to honing a specific soft skill. Just be sure that as you learn, you start applying your lessons right away.

  • Practice. It’s hard to be deliberate about practicing some soft skills. Take communication — how exactly do you start practicing communication? Well, you start by taking more time with your emails, considering your word choice more carefully at meetings, and taking better notes as you listen to others.

    Apply whatever lessons you’ve learned from your mentor or online resource in your everyday life. You’ll find that some methods don’t suit your style, and that’s just fine. Two people with completely different approaches can still both have excellent organizational skills — it’s about finding what works for you through trial and error.

  • Set goals. One of the best ways to keep yourself accountable while aiming to improve your work performance is to set specific goals. Whether it’s improving the results of your next performance review with regards to a certain soft skill or simply improving the quality of your relationships at work, being deliberate about what you’d like to achieve is essential.

    It can be tough to make these milestones measurable when it comes to soft skills since assessment tests for most of them are far from scientific. We recommend keeping a journal where you note how you’ve applied your soft skills today, or where you wish you’d done better. The entries don’t have to be long — the very act of jotting these things down will help keep you on track.

How to highlight your soft skills when looking for a job

When you’re looking for a job, there are three main ways to show off your soft skills: on your resume, in your cover letter, and during your interview.

  1. On your resume. There are a few ways to incorporate your soft skills into your resume. The most obvious one is also the least effective — writing your soft skills out in your resume’s skills section.

    While this section works great for hard skills, as applicant tracking systems will be screening for these valuable keywords, soft skills aren’t nearly as valuable here.

    The fact is, anyone can write down “Excellent organizational skills” — how the heck is the hiring manager supposed to know whether that’s true or not?

    It’s much more effective to weave your soft skills into your resume’s work experience section instead. By artfully working on action words like “organized,” “led,” and “collaborated,” you’re showing how you actually leveraged your soft skills to achieve results.

    Finally, incorporate numbers whenever possible. While this might be trickier for soft skill-related bullets, any numbers help a hiring manager or recruiter contextualize better. For example, simply saying “Led weekly product meeting for a team of 8” gives the recruiter an idea of scale and frequency that’s really helpful for considering your application.

  2. In your cover letter. Cover letters are slightly better than resumes for highlighting soft skills. Your resume answers the “who, what, where, when,” while your cover letter answers the “how” and “why.” Answering both of these questions gives ample opportunity to show off your soft skills.

    When discussing an achievement, weave in the soft skills that were essential for it. For example, if you provide an example of a time you saved the company money by reorganizing budgeting processes, you could bring up your attention to detail as key to that success.

    This makes a clear link for the hiring manager or recruiter — this soft skill has served me well in the past, and if you hire me, you’ll gain this asset. Like your resume, try to include numbers whenever possible.

    Additionally, research the company and learn about its mission statement, values, and public communication style. If you can naturally include a sentence or two on how your values align with the company’s, that’s also a win in the soft skill department of your application.

  3. During your job interview. The interview is the most significant test of your soft skills. Up until now, you’ve been coasting on written communication skills to sell yourself — now it’s time to impress the hiring manager in person.

    Your soft skills are on display with how you present yourself. Your confidence, body language, and demeanor are being judged from the moment you meet your interviewer. Teams want to bring on members that fit well within the existing structure and culture, so using that company research to inform your style in the interview is also key.

    Of course, don’t go too crazy trying to be someone you’re not for the interviewer. Simply give forthright answers that speak to your genuine capabilities.

    Most importantly, be prepared with several examples of times you’ve leveraged your soft skills for success. Behavioral interview questions are immensely popular. These are questions that ask for an example of your past professional behavior and start with phrases like “tell me about a time” or “give me an example of a time when.”

    There are plenty of behavioral interview questions, but they can all be answered using the STAR method. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result, and is a great way to organize brief yet coherent stories. Don’t try to memorize a script or anything — just be aware of common interview questions and have a story in mind that you can deliver naturally.

Soft skills FAQ

  1. Why are soft skills important?

    Soft skills are important because they lead to a more effective work environment. Soft skills are transferable and there will be many situations at your job that require soft them to help bring about solutions. Due to this, soft skills create agile employees who can work together more easily.

  2. Do soft skills come naturally?

    Soft skills do not necessarily come naturally. Although some people seem to have a natural aptitude for soft skills, there are many soft skills, such as critical thinking, that can, and should, be developed through experience and training.

  3. What are five soft skills?

    Five soft skills are:

    • Critical thinking

    • Leadership

    • Positive attitude

    • Teamwork

    • Work ethic

  4. How can I improve my soft skills?

    You can improve your soft skills by finding a mentor, taking classes, and practicing your skills. Setting personal performance goals that have to do with the soft skills you want to improve can also be highly effective.

Final thoughts

Some of the key soft skills listed here probably resonated with you. They sound like characteristics that are naturally part of your personality. Those are the qualities you should list on your resume for now.

Other skills you may not have mastered yet. That’s okay. Lots of resources about soft skills will mention that they’re qualities that come naturally and you don’t have to learn. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to learn them.

With a little effort and patience, you can get better at any of the skills on this list.


  1. Southern New Hampshire University – What Are Soft Skills and Why Are They Important in the Workplace?

  2. It’s Your Yale – Developing Soft Skills

  3. Graduate College at the University of Cincinnati – The Soft Skills That Will Land You Your Dream Job

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Sky Ariella

Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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