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How To Write A Goodbye Email To Coworkers (With Examples)

By Kristin Kizer
Jun. 12, 2023

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Writing a goodbye email to your colleagues when you are leaving is a great way to ensure end your time at your job on a high note while giving them the opportunity to say goodbye fully.

Leaving your job is always a mixed-emotion event and should be done right. We’ll go through how to write a goodbye email to coworkers and even provide farewell email samples.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on positives in your goodbye email and make sure to leave the door open.

  • Don’t go into too much depth, save the details for coworkers who you feel close to as friends.

  • Writing a goodbye email is polite and strengthens your network.

How To Write A Goodbye Email To Coworkers (With Examples)

How to write a goodbye email to coworkers

Knowing how to write a goodbye email to coworkers can help keep your relationships with your coworkers. Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to writing your goodbye email.

  • Tailor them to reach recipient. No matter where you work, we’re fairly certain that you don’t have the same relationship with every coworker. That means you’ll need to tailor some of your emails to some people, depending on how close you were with them and what sort of contact you hope to maintain in the future.

  • Give people time to say goodbye. We recommend sending your goodbye email one or two days before your final day. This way, people won’t feel caught off guard by your sudden departure. Plus, some people will probably want to have a one-on-one chat before you go, pull a prank, get your favorite lunch for you, etc.

    Don’t make the mistake of sending the goodbye email too early, though. If you give people more than three days, it might be a little awkward around the office, and you’ll probably end up saying “goodbye” only to run into your coworkers several more times before you actually go. Of course, you can tell a good work friend well in advance (just not before you’ve officially told management).

  • Leave the door open. Make sure to leave the door open by letting people know that they can contact you on a personal email address or via social media like LinkedIn.

    Whether they forgot an important detail in an account you worked on together or if they just want to get together to reminisce about the “good old days,” people like to know that you’re still reachable.

    Plus, this is what natural networking looks like. It doesn’t have to be some icky thing that goes down in hotel conference rooms. It’s the gradual accumulation of colleagues who can help each other out at some point down the line.

  • Focus on the positives. Goodbye emails are all about showing appreciation for your colleagues and allowing for connections in the future. Airing your grievances with the company won’t go down well and will make your departure an extremely awkward event.

    Even if you’re going out on not-so-great terms, you should still aim to keep your goodbye email positive. It’ll also hurt your chances of getting a positive reference for future job applications.

  • Be brief. One to three paragraphs are enough to say goodbye to most coworkers. Follow the golden rule of professional emails and get straight to the point — that you’re leaving the company soon. For the people who want to chat more about what’s next in your life, there’ll be plenty of time for one-on-one conversations.

    Also, make sure your subject line is clear and matches the tone of your email and the relationship with the recipient(s). Something simple like “Last day with [company name], “Goodbye and good luck,” “Moving on with my career,” or “Thanks everyone.”

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Example goodbye emails to coworkers

  1. Example goodbye email to your work best friend. If you’re lucky enough to have a work bestie, odds are that they’ve known about your departure for ages.

    But if they’ve been kept in the dark, the following farewell letter is a nice option and can be customized to include personal jokes or shared experiences. Just remember, if it’s on a company email then it could be monitored — so keep it professional.


    I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I’m leaving my position at OldJob and starting a new position at NewJob next month.

    I’ve not only enjoyed working here, but I’ve especially appreciated the opportunity to get to know you. Thank you for your support, guidance, friendship, and those Friday pizza lunches we shared. You officially changed my stance on Hawaiian pizza, something I’ll never forgive you for.

    I will miss the times we’ve had, but I’m looking forward to this new phase of my career.

    I would love to keep in touch and you can reach me at my personal email, FrankDePew@email.com or my cell phone (555) 123-4567.

    Thanks again for everything. I wish you all the best.

    Yours Truly,

  • Example goodbye email to coworkers you don’t know well. There are those people you work with regularly, but still don’t know very well.

    These individuals will clearly know you’re gone so it’s best to send them a farewell message, too. You just don’t have to be as personal with them as you would with some other coworkers.

    Dear Mike,

    I am writing to let you know that I am leaving OldJob at the end of the month and moving to Nebraska to start working at NewJob.

    I have so enjoyed working here with you and the team over the years and I’m grateful for having the opportunity to work alongside you on the Smithville Project. I will never forget your help on those long nights.

    While I am moving, I hope we can still keep in touch. You can reach me at my email, FrankDePew@email.com or by phone, (555) 123-4567.

    Thank you again for all of your help over the years. I wish you the best.

    Frank DePew

  • Example goodbye email to your direct supervisor or manager. This probably won’t be the first time this person hears that you’re leaving, chances are that they’re the person you gave your resignation to, but it’s still nice to send a goodbye email and thank you.

    This should not be confused with your resignation letter, which is a professional document that will be attached to your employment file. This is just a personal note.


    As we discussed in our meeting last week, my last day at OldJob is next week and I wanted to take the time to let you know how much being a part of your team has meant to me.

    I have learned so much working under your guidance and have had many memorable experiences over the years. I truly appreciate the support and encouragement you’ve shown me. Moving on wasn’t an easy decision but it’s a great opportunity that I simply couldn’t refuse.

    I want to again thank you and extend those wishes to our entire team. What an incredible journey it’s been.

    My personal contact information is:


    And my cell phone is (555) 123-4567

    Please feel free to reach out if you need further help transitioning my replacement.


  • Example goodbye email to senior leaders you worked with. If you’ve worked with a few senior leaders closely, it’s a good idea to reach out personally and say goodbye.

    It will leave them with a good impression of you, and these sorts of influential people are extra useful to have in your networking circle.

    Dear Mrs. Simonson,

    As you probably know, today is my last day with the company. Before I go, I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed my time at OldJob over the years. I was especially thrilled to be transferred to your team last year and have learned so much working with you and our fine management group.

    Leaving the company was a very difficult decision for me, but I feel it’s in keeping with my professional path. It’s because of my time at OldJob that I have the skills and experience necessary to further my career and I am deeply appreciative.

    I want to again thank you and extend those wishes to your entire team. I wish you the best of luck in all future ventures.

    My personal contact information is:


    And my cell phone is (555) 123-4567

    Best Wishes,

  • Example goodbye email to your clients/customers. This can be a tricky email because your work might think you’re stealing clients, and maybe you are.

    If you want to handle this correctly, the best first step is to ask your manager if it’s okay for you to send your customers and clients an email.

    In any case, there’s no harm in letting the client know that you’ll be leaving and someone else will be taking over their account. In fact, it’s good policy and will reflect well on the company you’re leaving and yourself. Just be sure you don’t cross the line if you signed a non-compete or non-solicitation agreement.

    Dear Brick Company,

    I am reaching out to let you know my last day with OldJob will be this coming Friday. I wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed working with you and Brick Company over the last few years and I wish you all the best in the future.

    I’ll be here the remainder of the week, if you need to tie up any loose ends. Otherwise, Lucy will be taking over your account. You’re obviously familiar with Lucy as we’ve worked on your account together for several months now and I’m sure you’ll enjoy continuing this relationship. I’ve cc’d her on this email, and she will be reaching out to you next week.

    Again, wishing you and everyone at Brick Company all the best,
    Frank DePew

  • Example work goodbye email for everyone else. If there are people in your company who don’t fit into the above categories, then a more generic email will probably do the trick.

    To all of my colleagues at OldJob,

    As you may have heard, my last day at the company is tomorrow. Before I leave, I wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed working here and with all of you. This has been an incredible journey with a lot of successes and memories along the way. I wish you all continued success and nothing but the best.

    Although you won’t be seeing me in the office anymore, please keep in touch. My personal email is FrankDePew@email.com. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

    Best regards,

  • Example goodbye email to coworkers (funny). If there are people you know are comfortable with a bit of humor, feel free to use a funny goodbye email, like the example below:

    Hey Everyone,

    You may have heard it’s my last day, which means it’s the end of Muffin Mondays. If you’d like to send for a mail-order of one of your favorites, do feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or at my email, sally.jones@gmail.com.

    Don’t forget to keep wearing Hawaiian shirts on Fridays for as long as it annoys Harold, and please keep me posted on the standings of the office paper basketball league.

    All the best you crazy kids,

  • Why send a goodbye email to coworkers?

    There are a few reasons why it’s good practice to send a goodbye email to coworkers:

    • Good manners. If you’ve worked with your coworkers for a few years or even just a few months, you’ve probably developed some sort of relationship with them. People generally like closure and feel a bit put out when someone suddenly disappears from their life without acknowledging the event.

    • It strengthens your network. To the more selfish part of the above point, reminding people that you value your relationship with them for its own sake can have its rewards later on. When you need a reference for a new job, for example, they’ll likely look on the request more favorably.

    • Some coworkers literally need to know. Beyond good etiquette, it’s just a matter of professionalism to tell your colleagues that you won’t be around to handle the normal tasks you’ve been handling. Someone’s going to have to pick up that work, and offering to help with the transition will go a long way to leaving a great lasting impression.

    Additionally, the email goodbye may not be as personal as something like a goodbye party, but it can be a better option for a lot of reasons:

    • If you haven’t been with the company long

    • You’re not in the office much; maybe you work from home or travel for your job

    • The office is very professional and frowns on parties

    • You’re simply uncomfortable with parties or attention

    • You have some bad blood between you and other coworkers

    Goodbye party vs. goodbye emails

    Whew, did all that letter writing convince you that a goodbye party is the best way to go? Your job might be throwing you a farewell party, whether you want one or not. This is something to keep in mind before you start writing all those emails.

    If your job isn’t throwing you a party and you don’t want to have one with the entire corporation, try organizing a small gathering after work with just your team or your close coworkers. It’s not just about saying goodbye, it’s also about shoring up those work bridges that you might need in the future.

    If you’re not going to send any emails, consider having new business cards made up so people can contact you. They don’t need to be cards related to your new job or position, personal cards do the trick and they’re super-handy in these situations.

    Saying Goodbye to Coworkers With a Farewell Party

    A farewell party or a going away office party is a great way to get all of the goodbyes over with in one shot. Some people love this type of farewell because they get to let loose and enjoy themselves a bit, talk about the good times, and it tends to be a happy event — although a few tears aren’t uncommon.

    Other people eschew a party for them at all costs. these people hate to be the center of attention and they really don’t want to share the details of the next chapter of their lives. Which side of the coin do you sit on — are you all about the work goodbye party or are you someone who prefers a more distant approach?

    Whether you’ve been with the company since the very beginning and saying goodbye is like leaving family, or you’ve just been there a short time and haven’t made any connections, it’s important to say goodbye in some manner. These are your professional contacts and they are often your best references, future job allies, and you may even end up co-workers again someday.

    Saying Goodbye To Coworkers FAQs

    1. How do I start a goodbye email to coworkers?

      Start your goodbye email to coworkers with a pleasant acknowledgement of your time together. For example, you can say something like, “After 5 years here at ABC Corp. I have nothing but the upmost respect for all of you.” This type of introduction sets a professional and positive tone that is necessary in a goodbye email.

    2. What is the best word to say goodbye professionally?

      There are several ways to say goodbye professionally. Some great words to say goodbye professionally include:

      • Until we meet again,

      • Warm regards,

      • Always a pleasure,

      • Wishing you the best,

      • My deepest respect,

      Whatever words you choose, just make sure they are appropriate to the context of your email and the audience.

    3. How do you say goodbye without being awkward?

      To say goodbye without being awkward, be brief and positive. It is also important that you don’t try to force yourself to say anything you don’t believe. If you are upset with people, you don’t want to tell them so or be negative, but you also don’t have to fake that you love them. Just be simple in your words.

    4. How do you express thank you professionally?

      To express a thank you professionally, you can pick either experiences you shared or skills they helped you developed. For example, you can say:

      • I’m grateful for our time together, especially when you and I…

      • Thank you for your help in time management, which has helped me become a better professional…

      • Your confidence in me helped me become the professional I am today…

      • I will always appreciate the projects you and I had to manage together…


    1. Harvard Business Review – How to Write a Goodbye Email to Your Colleagues

    2. U.S. News – How to Write a Goodbye Email to Co-Workers

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    Kristin Kizer

    Kristin Kizer is an award-winning writer, television and documentary producer, and content specialist who has worked on a wide variety of written, broadcast, and electronic publications. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience.

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