In an age of high standards and unimaginable competition, some job applicants have resorted to lying and putting fake references on their resumes. While there’s no excuse for this fraudulent behavior, you may be surprised to learn just how common it is.
To find out more about the issue of resume lies and fake references, here are some crucial insights our research uncovered:
55% of Americans have admitted to lying on their resume.
21% of Americans have admitted to using fake references.
41% of applicants lie about their college credentials.
46% of resumes have discrepancies that come up during background checks.
29% of employers report discovering fake references.
For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Resume Lies | Who Lies | Results
Resume Lies Statistics
Job applicants can lie about a variety of things on their resumes, most commonly their work experience and education. For more insight on how common resume lies are, here are some concerning facts:
41% of applicants lie about having a college degree.
75% of new jobs insist on candidates having a degree; however, only 40% of applicants actually have one. Many applicants lie about their education level in the hopes that employers will be more likely to consider their application.
While 65% of Americans claim to have never lied on their resume, one-third have admitted to stretching the truth.
When you account for the one-third of applicants who “stretched the truth”, rather than making up an outright lie, the share of Americans who claim to have never lied on their resumes drops to 44%.
The most common thing to lie about on a resume is previous work experience, with 55.4% of applicants lying.
The second most common fib from applicants is lying about their skills, accounting for approximately 43.1% of applicants. However, there are 8 areas total that more than 20% of applicants all lie about:
What Applicants Lie About On Resumes
Resume lies Share of applicants Work experience 55.4% Skills 43.1% College degree 41.0% Personal details 39.5% High school details 39.2% Salary information 33.6% Job-specific software/equipment skills 33.5% Employer references 21.0% -
The top reason Americans lie on their resumes seems to be employment history gaps, cited by 24% of lying applicants.
Some applicants may lie on their resume when they feel that their honest work experience is not adequate for the position, and accounts for approximately 22% of applicants.
Reasons Why Applicants Lie On Resumes
Reason for lying Share of applicants Gaps in employment history 24% Lack of experience 22% Lack of strong references 15% Fired in the past 9% Laid off in the past 9% Education level doesn’t match requirements 7% Other 15% -
8% of people reported lying on their resumes in 2008.
That means that within the past 15 years, the share of applicants lying on their resumes has increased by 587%.
Who Lies on Their Resume?
While it might be easy to assume that only bad candidates lie on their resumes, the truth is that many hardworking Americans lie because they feel it is necessary to do so. To explore who lies on their resume and why, here are some interesting trends to consider:
72% of Americans who make $150,000 have lied on their resumes.
Lying on resumes is 31% more likely for those who make $150,000 or more when compared to lower-income individuals.
27% of high school graduates admit to lying on their resume.
High school graduates are more likely to lie on their resumes. For comparison, 18% of those with college degrees (Associate’s, Bachelor’s etc.) admitted to lying, and only 11% of those with advanced degrees (Master’s, Doctorate, etc.) admitted to lying on their resume.
Resume Lying By Education Level
Education level Share of respondents who’ve lied High school 27% College degree (Associate’s, Bachelor’s etc.) 18% Advanced college degree (Master’s, Doctorate, etc.) 11% -
Men are more than 18% more likely to lie on their resumes than women.
59.9% of men admitted to lying on their resumes, compared to 50.6%. On the surface, it would appear that men lie on their resumes more than women, but it’s also important to note that these numbers are self-reported.
Those in the manufacturing industry are most likely to lie on their resumes, with 72% admitting to lying.
The remaining top two industries where lying on a resume is most common include Healthcare and Arts/Creative industries, where 64% and 63% of applicants lie respectively.
Lying On Resumes By Industry
Industry Share of respondents who’ve lied Manufacturing 72% Healthcare 64% Arts and Creative 63% Business Management and Administration 58% Education 58% Science, Engineering, and Technology 56% Retail and Hospitality 51% Other 32%
The Results of Lying on an Application
Despite the prevalence of lying on applications, the majority of those who lie are never caught. Here are some interesting statistics about the results of lying on a job application:
80% of dishonest job seekers are hired.
Four-fifths of those who lie on their resumes are never caught. And, even of those who are caught, less than half receive consequences. Many are aware of this, which incentives dishonest behavior.
Even among those whose lies were caught, only 7.18% ever received consequences for lying.
The majority of those who lie on resumes are never caught, and those who are caught are unlikely to receive consequences.
Share of Resume Liars Who Are Caught Or Punished
Was the resume lie uncovered? Share of respondents No 79.28% Yes, but nothing happened 13.54% Yes, and there were consequences 7.18%
Fake Reference Statistics
Though it might seem difficult on paper to fake references, given that employers are expected to contact them, the reality is that many fake references go unnoticed. Don’t believe us? Consider these statistics:
21% of applicants have used fake references on their job applications.
Surprisingly, this lie often pays off as well, with only 29% of employers discovering fake references.
Roughly 80% of employers do contact references.
This percentage makes it all the more shocking that only under a third of those employers detect fake references.
69% of employers changed their minds about a candidate after speaking with a reference.
Unfortunately, 47% had a less favorable opinion of the candidate after contact, while only 23% had a more favorable opinion.
Results of Employers Contacting References
Change of opinion Share of employers More favorable 23% No change 30% Less favorable 47%
Application Lies FAQ
Is lying on a resume a crime?
Lying on a resume is not a crime in most circumstances. Resumes, cover letters, and job applications are not considered legal documents, so you typically cannot be prosecuted for lying on these materials. However, there are exceptions to this rule.
For example, if you lie about your education (i.e. claiming you have a degree when you don’t), you may face legal trouble in certain states and for certain positions.
As an example, Texas Penal Code §32.52 states that “a person commits an offense if the person uses or claims to hold a postsecondary degree that the person knows is fictitious or has otherwise not been granted to the person…”.
Even if not punishable by law, companies may still impose consequences for lying, meaning that even if lying isn’t illegal, it’s still not a good idea.
In which industry is lying on a resume most common?
Lying on a resume is most common in the manufacturing industry. While it’s unclear exactly why this is, it is true that lying about skills and previous job experience is very common in this field. In the case of manufacturing, applicants may be lying about experience with heavy machinery and other skills.
Other industries for which lying on resumes is common include:
Healthcare (64%)
Arts and Creative (63%)
Business Management and Administration (58%)
Education (58%)
Can employers find out if you lied on your resume?
Yes, employers can find out if you lied on your resume. However, most employers do not have a good track record of detecting these lies. In fact, up to 80% of dishonest job seekers are hired.
Of those caught, 13.54% typically receive no consequences, and only 7.18% receive consequences for lying.
Do employers check if references are real?
Yes, employers check if your references are real. Believe it or not, employers do contact your references. An estimated 80% of employers contact applicants’ references, and 29% discover when those references are fake.
What happens if you list a fake reference?
If you list a fake reference, your application will likely be rejected. While not all fake references are discovered by employers, those that are will result in immediate application rejection.
While this may not sound like good news for landing your dream job, it is important to note that there are no legal repercussions for faking references.
Lying on a resume and/or faking references on a job application is surprisingly common in the United States. As of 2023, 55% of Americans admit to lying on their resume, and up to 72% of those with higher incomes admit to doing so as well.
Whether due to increasingly high expectations or increased job competition, resume and application deceit is a growing problem. Between 2008 and 2023, the share of Americans who lied on their resumes grew by a shocking 587%. Unfortunately, the problem hasn’t been helped by the lack of employer action and discovery.
Overall, many people lie on their resumes because they feel like they wouldn’t be a competitive choice without doing so. This reveals a clear issue between employer expectations and the reality of the market.
Workforce – Survey: 29% of Employers Find Fake Job References
ResumeLab – Lying on a Resume (2022 Study)
American Recruiters – These are the most common things people lie about on their resumes