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How To Write A Reference Request Email (With Examples)

By Sky Ariella
Jul. 19, 2023

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A good reference can help tremendously when applying for jobs, which is part of why asking for one can be intimidating. As with most business interactions, there’s a formula for writing a reference request email. So long as you follow the proper procedure, the whole process should go smoothly.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s important to have the right people down on your reference list.

  • Always ask before putting someone down as a reference.

  • Follow up with your reference after getting hired and share your appreciation for what they have done.

How to write a reference request email with examples

Who to ask to be a reference

Who you ask to be a reference should be someone who’s had positive experiences working with you. Requesting a reference requires asking the right person. References are supposed to be a way for the hiring manager to get a window into how you are as an employee. In order for it to be helpful, it needs to be positive and relevant.

When choosing someone to ask for a reference, consider if they’re someone you have:

  1. Worked closely with in a professional setting. Prospective employers want to know how you are in a professional setting. That means that you should select someone who worked alongside you on a regular basis. While it doesn’t have to be specifically in a job setting, they should know how you operate professionally.

    Good choices for references include:

    • Managers or supervisors

    • Coworkers

    • Teachers, professors, or instructors
    • Fellow volunteers
    • Industry colleagues

  2. Liked working with you. While it’s not necessary to be best friends with your potential reference, consider what you’re asking. For one thing, you want them to say positive things about you – and you don’t want them to lie.

    Secondly, you’re asking them to take time out of their day in order to help you. Most people won’t have qualms about doing so, as they know how important references are. But if they don’t particularly like you, then it’ll be a chore.

  3. Have time to give a reference. Consider whether or not the person is in a position to give a reference to you. Some companies require a written reference, which can be time-consuming. Others will simply call the references on your application. Either way, though, they will have to devote time and attention to the process.

  4. Remembers you. While you may have had a rapport with a professor you had 10 years ago, they’re likely not an appropriate reference. They may not remember you, and even if they do, chances are your work style has changed drastically since then. Be sure to ask people who know who you are and have worked with your recently.

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    How to write an email requesting a reference

    When writing a reference request email, be sure to use professional language, ask well in advance, and provide all the information they’ll need. While you may be work friends with the person you’re asking, remember that this is a professional communication and should be treated as such.

    Here’s how to how to ask for a reference by email:

    1. Request with advanced notice. Life is hectic. Adding on everything that could potentially come with being someone’s reference is no easy choice.

      Your reference may need to do anything from a simple phone conversation to writing out a recommendation letter. Be sure to send your request email with ample time for them to decide and prepare for giving you an enthusiastic reference.

    2. Use a professional email format. Even if you know your previous employer very well, it’s best practice to keep a professional email format when sending a recommendation request. This should include:

      • A direct and simple subject line (]Your Name]-Reference Request)

      • Your contact details

      • The recipients contact details

    3. Introduce the situation. After making the initial “hi, how are you” introduction, begin your request. This should bring them up to speed as to why they’re reading your email in the first place.

      Explain the position you’re applying for, and that you’re asking their permission to be a reference for you. It should be a polite explanation no longer than a paragraph.

    4. Provide the reason you’re choosing them. The average person will have more than ten jobs throughout their life.

      Considering all the professors, supervisors, and mentors you’ve had in your career journey, there has to be a reason you’ve decided on this particular person to use as a reference. Let them know why you think they’re qualified to speak on your skills and work performance.

    5. Provide all information they may need. Before closing your reference request email, make sure that you’ve included everything the referer could possibly need.

      Your email should contain:

      You can also send your choice of reference the job description if they agree to help you out. This will ensure that they’re able to discuss your most relevant skills and experiences.

      There could be additional information that your previous employer needs to give you a glowing reference. Let them know you’re available to provide anything else that may come up.

    6. Say thank you. Don’t forget to express gratitude at the end of your message. Being polite and professional will increase the odds that the email’s recipient will act as a positive reference for you.

    7. Follow up. After your contact has accepted your request to be a reference, make sure you follow up accordingly. Let them know what they should be expecting from your potential employer when the deadline is, and how they should prepare your recommendation if they agree to be your reference.

      Once hired, it can be a nice gesture to let them know that you got the job and thank them once again for their help in the application process. Remember, you’ll never know exactly what it was that landed you a new job. Maybe, their reference put you ahead of other applicants.

    8. Be prepared if they say no. Chances are that you’ve chosen your referer wisely and they’ll be delighted to help you get a leg up. However, there are circumstances where even an enthusiastic coworker may not be able to find the time to give you a reference.

      That means that you should both have a backup plan of someone else to ask, and be prepared to graciously accept a no. besides, if the person you send the reference email to isn’t happy to help you out, you wouldn’t want them as a reference anyway.

    Reference request email example and template

    Reference Request Example 1

    Subject Line: Madelynn Smith-Reference Request

    Madelynn Smith
    6701 East Lane
    Brooklyn, NY, 80907

    Morgan Jacobs
    Rhinebeck Steakhouse

    September 13, 2020

    Dear Morgan,

    I hope all is well with you. I am in the process of finding a new job as an assistant manager for a restaurant. I’m reaching out to see if you’d be willing to act as a reference for me while I’m preparing for interviews.

    I worked under your supervision as a waitress between 2016-2019 at Rhinebeck Steakhouse. Since we worked together closely for three years, I believe you could speak to my customer service growth and food service skills.

    I’ve attached my updated resume below for your consideration. Thank you for considering my request and for teaching me so much about the restaurant industry. Please let me know if you need any other information.


    Madelynn Smith

    Reference Request Example 2

    Subject Line: Reference Request for Ruth Aimes

    Ruth Aimes
    417 Chestnut Ave
    Austin, TX, 22375

    Kayla Brennan
    Animal Welfare Institute

    September 13, 2020

    Dear Kayla,

    How are you? Hope everything is good with the new volunteers. I’d like to ask you to be a reference while applying to new jobs as a veterinary office assistant.

    Volunteering for the Animal Welfare Institute from 2014-2018 was one of the most impactful experiences of my life. Being the volunteer organizer, I think you got to know me, my passion for animals, and my work habits very well. I believe your reference could greatly increase my chances of getting a position in a veterinary office. This could be a great opportunity to turn my passion into a career.

    I’ve included a copy of my resume below for your consideration. Thank you for reading this email. Please let me know if there’s anything you need.


    Ruth Aimes


    Reference Request Example 3

    Martin Erickson
    87 Cherry Rd.
    Fresno, CA, 87655

    Tom Williams
    Williams Designs Co.

    September 13, 2020

    Dear Tom,

    Hope all is well! How’ve you been?

    I’m in the process of applying to a few different companies as a graphic designer and would be honored if I could use you as a reference with your permission.

    You were the first person who came to mind when considering references. Working for you for five years between 2014-2019 as a Jr. graphic designer taught me so much about the industry. You know my work, skills, and qualifications more than any boss I’ve ever had. I believe having you speak for me as a reference could land me my next job.

    I’ve attached an up-to-date resume for you to read over. Thanks again for all your help in my career. Please reach out if you need more information.


    Martin Erickson


    Fill in the blanks, make some small adjustments to suit your situation, and you’ve got yourself a great reference request email.

    Subject Line: [Full Name] – Reference Request

    Hello [First Name],

    I hope you’re doing well and everything is great at [where they work or where you know them from].

    I’m writing because I’ve been applying for [job title] roles at [company name/company type], and I’d be thrilled if I could put you down as a reference. You came to mind because of [shared professional experience]. Naturally, I thought you’d be a great person to speak to my [skills relevant to the position that the reference has knowledge of].

    From my job search experience so far, I see that hiring managers value [key skills, qualifications, and/or responsibilities]. Specifically, I’m hoping that you can speak to my [skills required for the position] and how I stand out from other candidates thanks to my talent for [additional skill]. In particular, I believe that speaking about our work together on [project you worked together on] would be impressive for recruiters.

    Please let me know if you’re able to act as my reference. If you are, let me know your preferred contact information and method, as well as any other details you need from me. I’ve attached my resume and a few of the job descriptions for you to refer to.

    If you agree, I believe that [company name(s)] will contact you around [time frame].

    No pressure if your schedule is busy or you don’t feel comfortable acting as my reference. Thank you for your time and for considering serving as my reference, and let me know any time I can return the favor.

    Warm regards,
    [Your Name]

    Follow up email example

    Martin Erickson
    87 Cherry Rd.
    Fresno, CA, 87655

    Tom Williams
    Williams Designs Co.

    September 24, 2020

    Dear Tom,

    I wanted to reach out and share some good news with you. I was offered a job with Brookline Graphic Designs as an associate graphic designer.

    I can’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve given me during this process. Your enthusiastic reference really made my application stand out from the competition.

    Please keep in touch and thanks again!


    Martin Erickson


    Expert opinion

    Reference Request Email Message

    Tracy Kawa
    CEO Kawa Community Partners Brand Ambassador ASPCC

    I always tell my clients to ask for your resume through LinkedIn. The reason why is that you can cut and paste from LinkedIn into any email or letter of reference that you are sending to a prospective employer. You cannot however cut and paste a recommendation that comes in the form of an email into your LinkedIn profile.

    Reference request FAQs

    1. Is it okay to ask for a reference by email?

      Yes, it’s okay to ask for a reference by email. As long as you keep it professional and follow standard conventions, there’s nothing wrong with using email to approach someone to ask for a reference.

    2. Do prospective employers actually contact references?

      Yes, prospective employers actually contact references. While it’s true that employers may not always speak with your references directly, they will most likely email them at the very least.

      You should always assume that whoever you submit as a reference will be contacted by employers, so be sure not to use a reference unless you’re sure that they are okay with being contacted.

    3. Can family members be references?

      No, family members generally cannot be references. Unless you are specifically asked for personal or character references, employers want references who can inform them about your professional experience and aptitude.

      Even if you have family members who work in your field or who you have worked with in the past, it is still best to choose references who do not have a personal connection to you.

    4. Can former employers refuse to give references?

      Yes, former employers can refuse to give references. Unless you have some sort of prior agreement in writing for a reference to be given, which is uncommon outside of internships, former employers are under no obligation to provide references.

      With this in mind, it’s a good idea to ask for more references than you strictly need, so that you will still have enough even if some refuse or do not respond.

    5. Can I use a stock email to request references?

      It isn’t advisable to use a stock email to ask for references. While it can work and save you time, it has an impersonal feel to it that’ll make the person you’re asking less inclined to agree. You are asking the potential referrer for a favor, after all. The more personalized the letter, the better.

      In addition, personalizing the letter will make it more likely that the person you’re asking will remember you and working with you. Not everyone is good with names, so referencing the place you worked with them or particular events will be helpful.

    6. How do you provide the referrer with the details they need in the email?

      The details that the referrer needs to give you an informed reference should be included in the body of the reference request email – save for your resume. You should mention where you’re applying and for what position, as well as reference the skills or qualities you’d like the referrer to emphasize.

      Your resume should also be included in the email – usually as an attachment – so that they can reference it. Adding the job description or a link to it is another excellent idea that gives them more useful information.

    Further reading

    1. Granite State College – How to Ask for a Professional Reference

    2. Business News Daily – Want a Professional Reference? How to Ask and What to Expect

    3. Corporate Finance Institute – Professional References

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Sky Ariella

Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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