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How To Decline A Job Offer (With Example Emails)

By Maddie Lloyd
Jul. 22, 2023

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Knowing how to decline a job offer can be helpful because there may come a time when the hiring process showed you that the role doesn’t suit your desired career path or it’s just not a place you’d like to work. When declining a job offer, it’s important to be certain that this is the best decision and to respond quickly to the employer of your decision.

In this article, we will go over how to respectfully decline a job offer and provide example emails for different scenarios you may encounter.

Key Takeaways:

  • Make sure your call or email is simple and to the point when declining a job offer.

  • Once you decide you no longer want the job, let the recruiter or employer know right away.

  • You can decline a job offer even if you already accepted the position.

how to decline a job offer

How to reject a job offer

Before declining a job offer, be sure that it’s the right thing for you, and then respond as soon as you decide. Below is a more detailed list of how to reject a job offer:

  1. Be certain. Once you tell a recruiter or hiring manager that you’re not interested, there’s no going back.

    An employer is unlikely to hire you (for that position) after you send a rejection email, and a recruiter might not be as enthusiastic about working with you if you change your mind so easily.

    Ask yourself why you’re not interested in the job. If it’s an unattractive (but necessary) stepping stone to broader career goals, consider taking it — especially if the company seems like a place you could enjoy long-term.

    We’re not trying to talk you out of it — just be 100% sure (or at least 95%+) that you don’t want the job before you send that rejection email.

  2. Respond quickly. It’s tough to balance our first tip with this one, but you should try to get back to the employer or recruiter as quickly as possible. They’ll usually give you a window of time in which to respond — err on the early side of that window for the sake of professionalism.

  3. Email or call. A rejection email is perfectly fine in almost every scenario, but if you’re a phone person or you enjoyed speaking with the interviewer, feel free to call. Calling may help you stand out for opportunities down the road if you’re still interested in the company.

  4. Express gratitude. The interview process takes time and effort; show that you’re grateful for being chosen for the job. You obviously left a good impression during and after the interview — maintain it.

  5. Provide a reason. Don’t get too carried away with your reason. There’s no need to add insult to injury and say you felt the hiring manager was a jerk or that the work environment seemed horrible.

    Stick to good old “the job didn’t align with my career goals” when in doubt. Or let them know you accepted another job offer or decided to stay at your current job.

  6. Don’t ramble. It’s natural to feel a little guilty and go over the top with compliments to try to make the hiring manager feel better — resist the urge. Get to the point and let them know the important information in a clear and succinct way.

  7. Offer to stay in touch. Well, if you really hated the company, maybe don’t use this tip. But if you got along with one of your interviewers or someone you met during the interview process, offer to stay in touch. Weirdly enough, a well written rejection email can help build your network.

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How to turn down a job offer example emails

Below are different scenarios such as how to reject a job offer politely email because of salary and how to decline a job offer to stay with current employer with example emails to help you write yours. Remember to tailor your emails to your specific needs.

  1. Declining a job offer because the job’s a bad fit example email

    If you liked the company, but the position wouldn’t give you the opportunity to apply your strengths and grow your skill set, you could mention that you were impressed with the company but didn’t feel as though the position is the best fit for you.

    Mention the major skill sets that you’d like to put to use, the level of responsibility that you’d like to take on, or other aspects of your dream job that wouldn’t be included in the position you were offered.

    Dear Mr. Captain Planet,

    Thank you for offering me the position of Office Assistant with Carolina Solar Services. I appreciate you taking the time to consider me for the role and for answering my questions about the company and the position.

    After much consideration, I will not be accepting the position as it does not fit the path I am taking to achieve my career goals.

    I am currently seeking a position that would allow me to directly employ my knowledge of solar energy in the field so that I can reach my career goal of being a solar technician. If a position of this nature becomes available in the future, I would appreciate being considered for it.

    Again, thank you for your consideration, and I wish you all the best.

    Best regards,

    Captain America

    Mentioning that you liked the company but are looking for a role that follows your career path a little more closely may open doors for other jobs within the company in the future.

  2. Declining a job offer because you don’t like the company example email

    Whether the boss seemed like a jerk, the company had an unappealing culture or you didn’t agree with their values, if you don’t feel that the company is a good fit for you, that’s a valid reason for turning down a job offer.

    Unless the interviewer asked you a bunch of overly personal or illegal interview questions, it’s better to not show any dissatisfaction or offer any criticism of the company.

    You never know whose path you might cross in the future. You should always express your thanks for the opportunity and give your reasoning for declining in a professional manner.

    Dear Mr. Shrek Ogre,

    Thank you again for taking the time to interview me last week, it was great to meet the team and learn about the company. I enjoyed learning about the Swamp Cleaner position, and I appreciate your generous offer.

    While this position seems like a great opportunity, I have decided that now is not the best time to leave my current position.

    Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for the offer and my regrets that it did not work out. Thank you for your time and I wish you the best in finding another candidate to fill the position.

    Best regards,

    Hank Hill

  3. Rejecting a job offer email because of salary example

    Salary requirements are usually addressed at some point in the hiring process, but if your negotiation attempts fail to avail you, you could address this in your response to the job offer.

    Make sure to convey your gratitude and reiterate your excitement for the position, but state that you need to decline because the salary does not meet your needs.

    Dear Mr. Cheap Bastard,

    I would like to thank you again for taking the time to meet with me last week. It was great to meet the team and learn more about the Money Counter position, and I appreciate the offer to join your team.

    Although I am very grateful for this opportunity and would be very excited to join your company, I have to decline your offer, as the salary does not meet my needs. According to my research, the typical salary range for someone in this position is between $35,000 and $40,000.

    If you feel that you would be willing to accommodate my salary requirements, I would greatly appreciate it and would love the opportunity to work with your company. Again, thank you for your time and support.

    Best regards,

    A Poor Person

  4. Declining a job offer after accepting another job example email

    If you’re in the lucky position of having to wade through multiple job offers, then you’re also in the unlucky position of having to turn at least one down.

    Even though this is a tough spot to be in, it’s a good problem to have. As with the other scenarios for turning down a job offer, remember to show your appreciation and thank the employers for their time and for the opportunity.

    Dear Mr. Fox Mulder,

    Thank you so much for the offer for the role of Junior Alien Hunter. I really appreciate you taking the time to consider me and answering my questions about the company and the position.

    While this role is a great opportunity, I have decided to pursue another position that will offer me more opportunities to achieve my ultimate career goals.

    It has been a pleasure getting to know you, and I hope that we cross paths in the future.

    Best regards,

    Dana Scully

  5. Declining a job offer to stay with current employer example email

    Whether your current employer decided to give you a promotion or you just realized that your boss ain’t so bad after meeting a few other people during your job search, it’s perfectly okay to stay with your current employer instead of accepting a job offer.

    Being satisfied with your current job is the ultimate leverage in a job search. Here’s an example email for when you decide to decline a job offer to stay with your current employer:

    Dear Mr. Mario,

    Thank you so much for the offer for the role of Associate Plumber. I really appreciate you taking the time to consider me and for answering my questions about your company’s proud history and what my role would be.

    While this position sounds enticing, I’ve decided to stay with my current company.

    It was great meeting you, and I wish you the best with your business.



  6. Job offer rejection letter due to personal reasons example email

    There may come a time when personal issues come up and you need to decline a job offer. This could be because of a family emergency or you need to move and can no long commute to the job.

    You still want to be polite and gracious for the offer to help you keep the door open for future opportunities.

    Dear Mr. Mark,

    I hope this email finds you well. I want to express my sincere gratitude for extending the job offer of Marketing Manager at XYZ Company. I appreciate the time and effort invested in getting to know me during the interview process.

    After careful consideration and reflection, I have come to the difficult decision to decline the job offer. I am unable to accept at this time because of personal reasons. This decision was not made lightly, as I have a great deal of respect for your company and your mission.

    I appreciate the support and understanding I have received from your team throughout the hiring process. I want to thank you again for considering me for the role. I wish you and your team continue with your success and growth.

    Best regards,
    Everly Thompson

How to politely decline a job offer FAQ

  1. What is the best reason to reject a job offer?

    The best reason to reject a job offer is that you don’t feel excited about the role or that it doesn’t align with your career goals. While hiring managers might be a bit salty that you didn’t come to that realization earlier in the process, they’ll appreciate that you’re not wasting any more of their time by signing up for a job you’re not truly interested in.

    Other good reasons to reject a job offer include salary, whether you received a different job offer, or your current job promoted you. There are plenty of other good and valid reasons to reject a job offer, but these are the ones that hiring managers will consider understandable and professional.

    For example, if you didn’t like the vibe of the work environment or the hiring manager seemed like a creep, those are great reasons not to take a job. But they shouldn’t be the official ones you give when declining the job offer (if you care at all about maintaining a good relationship with the company).

  2. Is it unprofessional to decline a job offer?

    No, it is not unprofessional to decline a job offer. Companies interview multiple candidates and typically have a shortlist of people who they like for the position. If you decline the job offer, it’s unlikely that you’re creating a big issue for the hiring committee; they’ll just move to the next person on the list and extend them a job offer instead.

    Ignoring a job offer, however, is very unprofessional. So is taking a longer time to respond than the job offer allowed.

    Professionally declining a job offer means responding quickly, extending gratitude for the offer, and giving a safe, truthful, and brief reason for your decision.

  3. Is it okay to turn down a job offer after acceptance?

    Yes, it is okay to turn down a job offer after acceptance. Most of the US (barring Montana) operates under some version of at-will employment. This means that employers can fire employees at any time for any (non-discriminatory) reason and employees can quit their jobs at any time for any reason.

    Turning down a job offer after accepting it is sort of like quitting a job you haven’t begun. It will almost certainly be an awkward experience and should be avoided at all costs, but backing out of a job offer you don’t want is better than wasting the company’s time training you, only to quit a month later anyway.

  4. How do you politely turn down a job offer?

    To politely turn down a job offer, call or email the hiring manager. Let them know that you appreciate the time and effort they took in the hiring process and how grateful you are for being selected.

    Then, let them know, in clear words, that you will not be accepting the job offer. You can give a very brief explanation (staying at your current job, taking a different offer, salary too low, etc.), but no more than one or two sentences.

    Being polite when turning down a job offer means being grateful, forthright, and prompt.

  5. How do you say I’m not interested politely?

    Some ways to politely say I’m not interested include:

    • “I appreciate the offer, but I can’t commit”

    • “I’m honored by the offer, but I can’t”

    • “It doesn’t sound like the right fit for me”

    • “Unfortunately, it’s not what I’m looking for”

Final thoughts

Turning down a job offer is never easy. In fact, it might almost seem like we’re breaking up with a potential employer. But sometimes we have to reject a job offer in favor of better opportunities, higher pay, or even our own personal happiness.

When rejecting a job offer, make sure to always show your appreciation, thank the employer for the opportunity, and give them a brief reason for your decision.

You don’t want to burn any bridges and risk losing future opportunities just because you wanted to rub it in someone’s face that you don’t need their stinkin’ job.

Now that you know how to turn down a job offer, it’s time to send out a round of politely-worded letters that essentially boil down to, “Thanks, but really…no thanks.”


  1. BetterUp – How to (politely) decline a job offer

Expert opinion

How To Decline A Job Offer

Sarah Brocks
Career Coach Managing Director of Eaglerock Career Services

Getting a job offer is an accomplishment. You made a positive impression. They chose you. Take a moment to feel proud of yourself and reflect on what you did right. What lessons can you apply next time? Any job offer can be a step closer to getting THE job offer–the one that checks all your boxes.

In addition to notifying your main contact, usually the recruiter or HR rep, I advise my clients to email anyone else they met with during the interview process. Thank them for taking the time to meet with you, let them know about your decision not to accept the offer, and offer to stay in touch. You never know when your paths will cross again. I also recommend following up with LinkedIn connection requests (with a short note).

How To Decline A Job Offer

Alison Lobus
Chief Career Officer/Owner
Compass Career Counseling

When declining a job offer it is important to maintain professionalism and appreciation. Most industries have professional networks where you may encounter people from that organization in the future. When declining a job offer I advise my clients to express gratitude for the offer itself, as well as the interview/recruiting experience. It is also a good idea to connect with your contact at that organization via LinkedIn and check in periodically. You never know when your paths may cross again, or when there may be future opportunities to collaborate.

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Maddie Lloyd

Maddie Lloyd was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog focused on researching tips for interview, resume, and cover letter preparation. She's currently a graduate student at North Carolina State University's department of English concentrating in Film and Media Studies.

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