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Responding to a job rejection email isn’t easy — it’s disappointing to be turned down for a job you were hoping to get. But after getting a job rejection email, it’s important to send a thank you email or letter in return.
Responding to a job rejection email professionally is courteous and will ultimately serve your interests, even though you may want to ignore and curl up into a ball for a while or get right back into job-hunting.
Key Takeaways:
After receiving a job rejection letter, send a thank-you letter for the hiring manager’s time and consideration.
Ask for feedback in your letter if you are unsure why you didn’t get the job.
Sending a thank you letter helps grow your network circle and helps the hiring manager keep you in mind for future positions.
How to respond to a job rejection email
A gracious job rejection email response can be more relaxed than your other job application documents, but it still requires attention to a particular structure:
Say thank you. Saying thank you after being rejected for a role you worked hard to get requires your ego to take a back seat. While it’s not going to be your favorite activity, open your message by stating your appreciation that they took the time to consider you for the job. Getting through the application process in itself takes resources that a company wouldn’t supply for an unpromising applicant.
Showing them your gratitude for the chance, despite not receiving a job offer, demonstrates strong character and professionalism. Try to express your thanks as genuinely as possible. Even though you’re disappointed, there’s room to express this next bit in your reply.
Statement of disappointment. That disappointment you feel at not landing the job actually has a vital purpose in your response. It demonstrates how much you cared about receiving the position and your eagerness for the job.
It’s okay to give a touch of disappointment, but make sure this part of your email doesn’t go on forever and isn’t too victimizing. It should be a brief explanation of two sentences at most that objectively states that you wish you got the job.
Express interest in the company, despite the circumstance. Maybe you’ve become completely disillusioned with the possibility of working with this company, and that’s okay. However, if you’d still be open to future opportunities, expressing interest in the company despite the circumstances will let the hiring manager know to keep you in mind.
Sometimes, securing a job with a company you’re passionate about just takes a little longer than expected.
Request feedback. Many unsuccessful job applicants are left stunned and unsure of why they didn’t get the job. The truth is that it’s a long shot for you to find out precisely why you weren’t chosen for the role. Employers will be vague in their reasoning for why you weren’t hired or won’t explain at all.
When you reach out with a response to a job rejection, it can be an excellent chance to get some clarity. Before deciding to include this section of your reply, do some self-evaluation of your skills, experience, and other reasons, you have not gotten the job.
Be friendly and put forth the request with respect even if you’re still at a complete loss for why you were rejected or just want to improve for the future.
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Rejection follow-up email examples
Rejection Response Email Teacher Example
Subject Line: Avery Cohen – High School Mathematics Teacher Position
Dear Mr. Tollson,
Thank you for informing me of your decision in such a timely manner. I appreciate the opportunity to interview with you for the mathematics teaching position at Bermont High School. I enjoyed learning more about Bermont school and its educational system.
While I admit that I was disappointed to receive your email stating that I’d been rejected from the teaching position, I hope that you’ll keep my resume on file in case a fitting position comes up.
I would appreciate any feedback you have on my resume and interview performance, if possible.
Thank you again.
Best Regards,
Avery Cohen
(472)-247-5581 -
Rejection Response Email Receptionist Example
Subject Line: Jamie Hansen – Job Rejection
Dear. Mr. Moore,
I just received your email notifying me that I have been turned down for the open position of office receptionist. I’d like to thank you for letting me know and considering me for the receptionist position with Winston Dental Company.
I’m saddened to find out that I wasn’t chosen for this role. However, I understand that you had a competitive applicant pool. With that being said, I hope you’ll keep me in mind for any opportunities that open up.
If you have time, I’d love to get some feedback on my application and interview.
Thanks again. I wish you and Winston Dental Company the best.
Jamie Hansen
(473)-183-6322 -
Rejection Response Email Internship Example
Subject Line: Application Rejection For Graphic Design Internship- Eliott Rogers
Dear Mrs. Wilson,
I appreciate the prompt notice that I have been rejected for the graphic design internship position with Amazing Designs Corporation. I am grateful to have received the opportunity to be considered for an internship with this amazing company. It was a pleasure to meet and speak with you in the interview.
While I am disappointed to be rejected as an intern for the Spring of 2021, I think highly of Amazing Design Corporation and hope to be kept in mind for the future. I am open to discussing any possibilities that arise.
Additionally, I was hoping you could give me some constructive criticism and feedback about my performance throughout the application process. I’m in my final year of college and still haven’t had much professional experience. Any input you can give would be helpful to my next application experience.
Thank you so much.
Best Wishes,
Eliott Rogers
What to include in a response to a job rejection
Respectfulness. The last thing that you want to do when sending a response to a job rejection is come across as entitled, pissed off, or unprofessional. The resounding tone of your reply should be respectfulness.
Proper email format. Use proper business email format with any type of professional communications you have. Sending a response to a job rejection is a little less tense than the rest of the interview process because nothing hinges on how it’s received, but it still requires proper formatting.
Appreciation. It seems contradictory to be bestowing such high praise and gratitude towards a company that rejected you. However, they’ve extended just as much effort in assessing as you have in trying to get the job. Demonstrate your appreciation for their consideration and time when crafting your response.
Your contact information. You haven’t been offered the position you were vying for, but it’s always possible that the employer you applied with reached out in the future for a different opportunity. Include your contact information in your response to a job rejection. If a hiring manager needs to fill a different role, it will be easy for them to get a hold of you.
Why you should respond to a job rejection email
When it comes to responding to a job rejection email, you might roll your eyes at the idea of extending any extra effort toward a position you’ve already been rejected for. You’re already in a pit of despair; why should you have to make it any worse by reaching out to say, “Thanks for not choosing me”?
Here are a few reasons why responding to a job rejection letter is the best course of action:
It displays professionalism. Reaching out to a hiring manager to state your appreciation for the opportunity demonstrates your professionalism, even if your fate with this job is sealed. It’s important to maintain this cordial and respectful demeanor, whether or not you get what you want.
It keeps you in mind for future positions. You didn’t land this job, and that means you won’t be working for the company you applied with right now. However, it doesn’t mean you’ll never work for them. When alternative roles open up in the future, the recruiter remembers you as a prospective applicant that went out of their way to thank them for their time.
It grows networking circle. Having a diverse network of professionals in your field that you’ve interacted with is crucial to career growth. Going through the process of application and interview introduces you to individuals in your industry, but reaching out even after being rejected solidifies them as potential contacts.
Growing your network gives you more opportunities where you didn’t expect them.
It keeps you in the running in case the applicant they hired doesn’t work out. Perhaps the most convincing reason for responding to a job rejection email is the possibility that the candidate they’ve chosen doesn’t work out, and you are next on the list to hire.
There are many reasons that a newly hired employee doesn’t work out, whether they didn’t live up to expectations skill-wise or accepted a better position elsewhere.
When this happens, the employer follows up with another promising applicant to fill the role. Their choice will be someone who is stuck in their mind by responding to the rejection email.
Responding to a job rejection email FAQ
Should I respond to a rejection email?
Yes, you should respond to a rejection email with a thank you note or email. Showing your gratitude and appreciation for the chance to apply or interview, even if you got a rejection for the job, shows your strong character and professionalism. You can also request feedback in your note or letter to help you get some clarity, and so you don’t repeat any mistakes in your next interview or application.
How do you handle rejection with dignity?
To handle a job rejection with dignity, it’s important to remember not to take it personally because it is not always about you. Most rejections aren’t based solely on your performance, there are many things that go into it. Most of the time a rejection is because there was another candidate that was a little more experienced and qualified for the position.
The rejection shouldn’t be taken as feedback on your performance. Ask the recruiter or hiring manager for feedback. You may find that you did everything right but ultimately someone else was a better fit for the position.
What should I do after my job rejection?
After you get a rejection from a job, you should ask for detailed feedback so you know what you did right and what you did wrong. Having feedback will give you a chance to review and reflect and allow you to improve for the next time.
Is it still possible to get hired after being rejected from a job?
Yes, it is possible to ger hired after being rejected from a job. If a company rejected you simply because someone else was more qualified for the position, try applying for another position at the company. This is also good to do if the company liked you and they thought you would make a good fit.
The Washington Post – How to Respond to a Job Rejection Email
Hiration – Know Why and How to Respond to Rejection Emails in 2022 With Examples
Expert opinion
How To Respond To A Job Rejection Email

Vimari Roman
Career Strategist Coach
Be Productive Coaching
Rejection doesn’t feel good, and even though receiving a rejection email can feel painful, as a job seeker and professional, you always want to respond and keep your doors opened. If you haven’t sent a personalized thank you note, you may want to handwrite a thank you instead of the formal email. In this digital age, hiring managers rarely get handwritten notes, which is an excellent way to be remembered. The note is similar to what you would write in an email, except it’s imperative that you keep it short and simple: Dear Jane, Thank you for considering me for the sales manager position. Although not chosen, I am grateful for the opportunity and hope you keep me in mind for the future. I welcome any feedback you may have on my interview process and performance. Sincerely, John” Remember to include your full name, email and phone number.
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