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30 Striking Cryptocurrency Statistics [2023]: Market Value, Bitcoin Usage, and Trends

By Sky Ariella
Feb. 28, 2023
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Cite This Webpage Zippia. "30 Striking Cryptocurrency Statistics [2023]: Market Value, Bitcoin Usage, and Trends" Zippia.com. Feb. 28, 2023, https://www.zippia.com/advice/cryptocurrency-statistics/

Research Summary. Cryptocurrency is one of the most recently-introduced and fastest-growing industries around the globe. Though the first cryptocurrency was only created a mere 13 years ago, the reach and value of digital currencies have soared. Here are the crypto facts and stats you need to know:

  • There are over 20,000 cryptocurrencies on in circulation.

  • The top three cryptocurrencies in the world by market cap are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether (USDT).

  • There are approximately 200,000 Bitcoin transactions daily as of November 2022.

  • There are about 45 million American crypto users and 420 million global crypto users as of 2023.

  • 16% of Americans state that they have used, invested in, or traded a cryptocurrency.

  • The global blockchain market value is $10.02 billion as of 2022.

  • The global blockchain market value is expected to reach $67.4 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 68.4%.

For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Bitcoin | Cryptocurrencies | Country | Trends and Projections
there are more than 20,000 cryptocurrencies, 200,000 daily bitcoin transactions, and 400 million global cryptocurrency users

General Cryptocurrency Statistics

  • 97% of users are confident in cryptocurrencies, according to one study.

    The same study found that over half of these individuals did not consider crypto investing a hobby, but alternatively, as a means of income.

    Additionally, the study found that the top three reasons users invest in crypto are to create a long-term investment strategy (55%), a distrust of the current financial system (38%), and short-term trading (31%).

  • As of August 2022, there are 84.02 million crypto wallets worldwide.

    This number had grown substantially since 2015 when there were only 3.16 million crypto wallets globally.

  • On May 19, 2021, the 24-hour trade volume for the entire crypto market peaked at over 500 U.S. billion dollars.

    This represented a dramatic increase from two weeks earlier when the daily trading volume was around four billion U.S. dollars. However, later in the same month, this massive spike declined after China banned cryptocurrency services.

  • The top five crypto exchanges based on traffic, liquidity, and trading volumes are Binance, Coinbase Exchange, FTX, Kraken, and KuCoin.

    Due to the nature of crypto and its lacking regulations in most countries, cryptocurrency exchanges aren’t required to register with a unified authority.

    Its limited regulations make it practically impossible to know the exact number of crypto exchanges in total. However, there are estimated to be around 504 exchanges today. Around half of these exchanges are tracked, and the other half are still in their start-up phase.

  • Twice as many men as women invest in cryptocurrency.

    16% of men are involved with cryptocurrency compared to 7% of women.

Bitcoin Statistics

  • Bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an anonymous developer under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

  • The #1 ranked cryptocurrency on the market is Bitcoin (BTC).

  • Bitcoin’s market cap is over $457 billion as of February 2023.

  • Bitcoin’s price has increased by over 46,449,400% since 2010.

  • In 2010, the peak price of Bitcoin was $0.09, and today, the cost of Bitcoin is worth over $23,000.

  • Many market analysts predict that Bitcoin’s price will reach $100,000.

  • 65% of all crypto users own Bitcoin.

Statistics on Different Cryptocurrencies

  • Other than Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrencies are Ethereum, Tether USD, BNB, and USD Coin as of February 2023.

    These other cryptocurrencies have a significantly lower market cap than Bitcoin, with Ethereum having a market cap of $202 billion compared to Bitcoin’s $457.16 billion market cap. Here is the breakdown of the top five cryptocurrencies by market cap as of February 2023:

    Five Largest Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap

    Cryptocurrency 2023 Market Cap
    Bitcoin $457.16 billion
    Ethereum $202.46 billion
    Tether $70.97 billion
    BNB $47.77 billion
    USD Coin $42.46 billion
  • There were 264,899 Bitcoin transactions on January 6th, 2022.

    In comparison, the next most significant cryptocurrency, Ethereum, had 1.212 million transactions on the same day. There are vastly more transactions of Ethereum per day than the larger crypto Bitcoin because people tend to hold onto their Bitcoin due to its history of skyrocketing in value as a long-term investment.

  • The price of Bitcoin is over $21,000 more than the price of Ethereum as of 2023.

    Compared to the over $23,000 price of Bitcoin, Ethereum costs closer to $1,600 as of 2023. However, Ethereum has still experienced massive growth in the past couple of years.

    In March of 2020, the price of Ethereum was only $133.76, which means its price increased by more than elevenfold over the past three years.

Cryptocurrency Users Statistics by Country

  • There are an estimated 420 million crypto users around the world as of 2023.

    The usage of cryptocurrency has grown by an incredible amount over the past couple of years. Between 2018 and 2020, the number of cryptocurrency users grew by 190% globally. The industry’s growth rate has continued to expand in the past year alone.

  • The #1 country for cryptocurrency ownership in terms of population percentage is the United Arab Emirates, where 27.67% of the population owns crypto as of 2023.

    In terms of percentage, the number country for cryptocurrency ownership is Vietnam, where 26% of the population uses crypto. This is followed by the United States, where 13.22% of the population owns crypto, the Philippines, where 13% of people in the country use crypto, and India, where 11.5% of the population owns crypto.

    Percentage of Population That Owns Crypto 2023

  • The country with the most crypto owners total is India, with 157.6 billion crypto owners as of 2023.

    The country with the second-most crypto owners is the United States, with 44.3 million crypto owners. Other top countries in crypto ownership include Vietnam with 25.9 million owners, China with 19.9 million owners, and Brazil with 17.8 million owners.

    Number of Crypto Owners By Country 2023

  • The country with the most crypto ATMs is the United States, with 17,436 operational crypto ATMs as of 2021.

    The United States has the most crypto ATMs in the world by an enormous margin.

    In comparison, the runner-up countries with the most crypto ATMs are:

    • Canada with 1,464 ATMs

    • The United Kingdom with 200 ATMs

    • Austria with 157 ATMs

    • Spain with 138 ATMs

    The number of cryptocurrency ATMs in the United States continues to grow exponentially faster than in the rest of the world.

  • The global cryptocurrency market is projected to grow with a CAGR of 56.4% between 2019 and 2025.

  • By 2026, the global Blockchain technology market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 68.4%.

  • The number of crypto wallets worldwide has grown at a rate of 1,271.97% since 2016.

  • In January of 2016, there were 5.78 million crypto wallets worldwide, and as of August 2022, there are 84.02 million crypto wallets.

  • Cryptocurrency is expected to increase its rates of adoption; however, more regulations surrounding crypto in the coming years are also predicted.

Crypto Facts FAQ

  1. What is cryptocurrency?

    A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency created through cryptographic tactics using binary data. Cryptocurrency allows people to buy, sell or trade them safely, and it is circulated without a monetary authority like the government or a financial institution.

    Though cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for goods and services, they’re typically used as a long or short-term investment strategy in today’s market. There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies to choose from, with the most popular by a landslide being Bitcoin, which currently costs over $19,000.

  2. Are Blockchain and cryptocurrency the same thing?

    No, Blockchain and cryptocurrency are not the same things. Blockchain is the technology that facilitates the cryptocurrency market. It was created to support the functionality of the world’s largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.

  3. What is the purpose of cryptocurrency?

    The primary purpose of cryptocurrency is to overcome the prevalent issues with traditional currencies by giving control back over to the currency holders as opposed to a monetary authority.

    Cryptocurrency decentralizes money by not requiring centralized arbitrators, like banks, that oversee transactions. In this type of system, the possibility of a financial crisis, like a recession, arising due to one failure point becomes hypothetically eradicated.

    Additionally, cryptocurrency has become one of the most profitable, albeit volatile, investments of the modern era in recent years. It’s given an average person the chance to make millions with an adequately timed investment potentially.

  4. What are cryptocurrency wallets, and why are they important?

    A cryptocurrency wallet stores the private keys that allow you access to your cryptocurrencies in a secure and accessible place. This permits owners to send and receive their crypto. A crypto wallet can be a physical item like a USB lookalike or a mobile app.

    These wallets aren’t storing your crypto but rather your keys. Crypto holdings exist on the blockchain and are only accessible via a private key proving your ownership of the currency. If the private key has vanished, the money has too. That’s why a reliable cryptocurrency wallet is so crucial.

  5. Is cryptocurrency a wise investment?

    The answer to whether cryptocurrency is a wise investment will change depending on who you ask.

    For the person that stumbled upon crypto back in 2010 and bought 1,000 shares at nine cents each, the $90 investment that went on to be worth millions a decade later is probably the best investment they’ll make in this lifetime.

    Alternatively, for the person who saw how well Bitcoin was doing in 2017 and put their life savings into crypto, only for it to drop drastically in the 2018 crash, causing them to lose everything, it might’ve been an unadvisable choice.

    That’s the trouble with cryptocurrency investment. It can be unimaginably profitable, but this comes with a healthy dose of instability. There are no guarantees, and it’s nearly impossible to characterize it as a solely good or bad investment.

    However, with the market’s growth predictions, it is definitely smart to educate yourself more about cryptocurrencies and Blockchain in general.


Cryptocurrency is a relatively new concept, but it spread like wildfire over the past decade to become one of the most popular, profitable, and volatile investments of the 21st century. The very first cryptocurrency called Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an anonymous developer under the title of Satoshi Nakamoto.

It was established initially as a way for people to exchange funds for goods over the internet that wouldn’t be controlled like traditional currency is – the world’s premier digital cash. Back then, nobody knew the fruitful investment that owning Bitcoin and eventually other cryptocurrencies would be.

Bitcoin experienced its first significant price spike in 2010 when it hit a value of $0.09. This is a mind-boggling figure when considering that the price of Bitcoin in 2022 is currently over $19,000. While this is a drop from 2021, there has still been a price increase of 46,449,400% in the past 11 years. Market analysts predict that Bitcoin’s price will eventually reach a staggering $100,000.

While Bitcoin remains the #1 cryptocurrency in the world, with 65% of all crypto users owning at least some, it has some competition today. There are 20,000 cryptocurrencies on the modern market. Many have also experienced exponential growth over the past few years, such as Ethereum.

The international adoption of cryptocurrencies has also grown over its lifespan. The number of cryptocurrency users grew by 190% between 2018 and 2020 — today, there are about 45 million crypto users in the United States alone and 420 million cryptocurrency users globally.

The number of crypto wallets worldwide has grown at a rate of 1,271.97% since 2016. Ukraine is the #1 country for cryptocurrency in terms of population percentage, with 12.73% of the population owning crypto. Alternatively, India has the most crypto ownership in terms of total users, with 100,740,320 people holding some form of crypto.

The fast-paced expansion of cryptocurrency is likely only the tip of the iceberg. The global cryptocurrency market is projected to grow with a CAGR of 56.4% between 2019 and 2025.

Though cryptocurrency is likely to keep increasing in value and prevalence, it is also predicted that this growth would come with new regulations and more government involvement. Ironically, the exact opposite outcome of cryptocurrency’s initial objective.


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  2. Investopedia. “10 Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  3. Statistica. “Number of daily transactions on the blockchain of Bitcoin from January 2017 to September 13, 2021”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  4. Statistica. “Men and women who own a cryptocurrency in the United States in 2019”.

  5. TripleA. “Cryptocurrency across the world”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  6. Pew Research Center. “16% of Americans say they have ever invested in, traded or used cryptocurrency”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  7. Binance Research. “2021 – Global Crypto User Index”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  8. FinancesOnline. “Number of Blockchain Wallet Users 2021/2022: Breakdowns, Timelines, and Predictions”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  9. Forbes. “Which Countries Have The Most Crypto ATMs? [Infographic]”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  10. Statistica. “Overall cryptocurrency 24h trade volume from July 1, 2019 to November 3, 2021”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  11. Coin Market Cap. “Top Cryptocurrency Spot Exchanges”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  12. Cryptimi. “How Many Cryptocurrency Exchanges are There?”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  13. CNBC. “Cryptocurrency investing has a big gender problem”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  14. Money Control. “Cryptocurrency Prices Today: Bitcoin marginally up, global market cap increases”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  15. Coin Market Cap. “Bitcoin Overview” Accessed on January 7, 2022

  16. Fortune. “Even amid crypto’s early-2022 jitters, some analysts still think Bitcoin at $100,000 is in reach”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  17. Ycharts. “Bitcoin Transactions Per Day”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  18. ADVFN. “Top CryptoCurrencies (By Market Cap)”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  19. Ycharts. “Ethereum Transactions Per Day”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  20. Statistica. “Ethereum (ETH) price per day from August 2015 to January 7, 2022”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  21. Cision. “Global cryptocurrency market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 56.4% over the forecast period from 2019-2025”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  22. Statistica. “Number of Blockchain wallet users worldwide from November 2011 to November 22, 2021”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  23. Binance. “Binance Research Releases First-Ever Global Report on Crypto User Motivations, Behaviors, and Preferences”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  24. The Motley Fool. “6 Crypto Trend Predictions for 2022”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  25. PWC. “Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain… So what does it all mean?”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  26. Coinbase. “What is a crypto wallet?”. Accessed on January 7, 2022

  27. CoinMarketCap. “All Cryptocurrencies”. Accessed on February 28, 2023.

  28. Statista. “Number of Bitcoin (BTC) transactions per day on the blockchain from January 2009 to November 6, 2022”. Accessed on February 28, 2023.

  29. TripleA. “Cryptocurrency Ownership Data”. Accessed on February 28, 2023.

  30. Grand View Research. “Crypto Wallet Market Size, Share, and Trends Report, 2022-2030”. Accessed on February 28, 2023.

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Sky Ariella

Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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